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Offline rschaffr  
#51 Posted : 11 September 2006 23:55:12(UTC)

United States   
Joined: 03/01/2003(UTC)
Posts: 5,180
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Brian: I have two MS's. My 3.5 year old grandson loves them (he has one at home and we have one at our house for the carpetbahn I set up when he is over). Has no problems understanding and controlling them. He actually did pretty well with my IB the weekend before last when I was troubleshooting a section of track. He would speed up, slow down and reverse on command. I (and he) felt very good that he got involved.

As to a new IB, I have heard nothing except wishful thinking. I am waiting for the entire field to develop before I decide what way to go for the future. What I have now does all I need for the moment.

As to the VT08, it is wonderful. I have mine running on my IB/computer layout and it is fantastic. I tried it on my carpetbahn with the MS and it is a winner. Marklin built a great model this year.

One queston for you; did you think to ask Walter about deliveries on the CS or did you just assume that he was selling them as fast as he could get them? When I talked to Fred Gates at the National Train Show in Philadelphia, I got the impression (although he did not state this directly) that deliveries would be slow for a while while Marklin basically "reverse engineered" the device to go into production themselves. Apparently they got very little or no design data from ESU after the breakup.
Digital, Epoch IV-V(K-track/CS3/6021Connect/60216051), Epoch III(C-track/6021/6036/6051)
Offline digilox1  
#52 Posted : 15 September 2006 08:11:30(UTC)

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Alfred Hangl, an Austrian member of the Stummi-Forum posted this:

[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:

ich komme gerade vom Expertenvortrag in Wien, die "Central Station", Referent Klaus Kern, Bereichsleiter Fertigung & Entwicklung und Werkzeugbau Gebr. Märklin & Cie GmbH.

Grundaussage: an der Weiterentwicklung der Software der CS wird emsig gearbeitet und keine komplette Neuentwicklung. Frühestes Update erwartet er realistisch für Mitte 2007, eher nach dem Sommer. Es sollen aber dann alle endgültigen Features wie S88, Fahrstraßen usw. bereits enthalten sein. Die CS soll damit einfache Computersteuerungsfunktionen übernehmen können. Es wird also keine tröpfchenweise Updatekette mit zig Bugfixes geben.
Auch der mfx-Booster wird erst zu diesem Zeitpunkt erscheinen.
Der alte Booster ist aber ohne mfx-Funktionserweiterung voll funktionsfähig und kann bereits jetzt mit der CS verwendet werden.

Und jetzt kommt's:
Die PC-Schnittstelle wird zu diesem Zeitpunkt für die Entwickler von Steuerungssoftware geöffnet werden. Märklin kann es sich nicht leisten, dass langjährige Kunden ihre bereis getätigten hohen Investitionen in Steuersoftware nicht weiter nutzen können. Der genaue Ablauf ist noch nicht festgestellt und wird im nächsten Jahr mit den Softwareherstellern ausverhandelt werden. Z.B. mein Lieblingsprogramm Freiwald's Traincontroller ist da sicher dabei.
Der etwas unglückliche Ausspruch über "PC in den Moba-Keller schleppen" war ihm bereits bekannt.

Der S88 Bus wird über Adapter am CAN-Bus betrieben und kann somit damit dezentral angelegt werden. Da der CAN-Bus eine von Märklin bereits getestete 100m Mindestreichweite hat, sollten damit Entfernungen auf einer Anlage keine Rolle mehr spielen.
Zu einem späteren Zeitpunt ist auch eine Belegtmeldung mit Lokerkennung wie z.B. bei SX geplant, vorrangig sollen aber jetzt bis zum Sommer 2007 alle bestehenden Sachen anschlussfähig werden. Alle alten Zentralen, egal wie alt, sollen mit Adapter am CAN-Bus zumindest als Fahrregler oder Memory usw. weiterverwendbar sein (Investitionsschutz).

Zwischen dem früheren Entwickler von systems und Märklin hat es nicht richtig funktioniert. Daher hat Märklin daraus die Konsequenzen gezogen.
Die 3 Buchstaben sind ihm aber nicht über die Lippen gekommen.
Auf die Frage, ob der relative Stillstand bei systems mit dem Verkauf und den finanzellen Schwiedigkeiten im Zusammenhang steht, gab es nur eine ausweichende Antwort, war aber irgendwie schon durchzuhören.

Das ist also ein völlig neuer Wind aus Göppingen und mfx lebt doch.
Was diesen Meinungswandel ausgelöst hat, blieb mir zwar verborgen. Auf alles gibt es nicht immer eine Antwort.

Slowly, slowly...
In German: "Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen."

Offline renevoorburg  
#53 Posted : 15 September 2006 13:00:03(UTC)

Joined: 16/10/2005(UTC)
Posts: 382
Location: Planet Earth (mostly)
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Belegtmeldung mit Lokerkennung

Sounds great! So i will probably buy a CS next summer....

Offline Lars Westerlind  
#54 Posted : 15 September 2006 15:44:44(UTC)
Lars Westerlind

Joined: 19/10/2001(UTC)
Posts: 2,379
Location: Lindome, Sweden
Endlich mahl!

At last some info. The good thing is that it's from a person who really knows things. The bad thing is that it can't be regarded as an official statement; the new owners or market event may still change things.

In short:
- summer 2007 will show a major update; no minor updates before that
- computer interface will be open for software developers at that time, not closed for Märklin only
- mfx Booster will also wait until then
- s88 replacement will be availabe for connect to the CAN-bus
- I2C/6021 adapter will be developed. Speed control and memory will at least be available that way.
- They admit that cooperation with the previous developer was bad, and Märklin had taken appropriate actions.
- Some train recognition in future, not fully understood by me.

Offline kgsjoqvist  
#55 Posted : 15 September 2006 16:04:09(UTC)

Joined: 04/06/2002(UTC)
Posts: 754
Location: Täby
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by digilox1
<br />Alfred Hangl, an Austrian member of the Stummi-Forum posted this:

[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:

ich komme gerade vom Expertenvortrag in Wien, die "Central Station", Referent Klaus Kern, Bereichsleiter Fertigung & Entwicklung und Werkzeugbau Gebr. Märklin & Cie GmbH.

Grundaussage: an der Weiterentwicklung der Software der CS wird emsig gearbeitet und keine komplette Neuentwicklung. Frühestes Update erwartet er realistisch für Mitte 2007, eher nach dem Sommer. Es sollen aber dann alle endgültigen Features wie S88, Fahrstraßen usw. bereits enthalten sein. Die CS soll damit einfache Computersteuerungsfunktionen übernehmen können. Es wird also keine tröpfchenweise Updatekette mit zig Bugfixes geben.
Auch der mfx-Booster wird erst zu diesem Zeitpunkt erscheinen.
Der alte Booster ist aber ohne mfx-Funktionserweiterung voll funktionsfähig und kann bereits jetzt mit der CS verwendet werden.
This tells us the CS will have its' software updated in the summer 2007 to include S88 feedback, routes and so on. The mfx booster will be ready at the same time.
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:
Und jetzt kommt's:
Die PC-Schnittstelle wird zu diesem Zeitpunkt für die Entwickler von Steuerungssoftware geöffnet werden. Märklin kann es sich nicht leisten, dass langjährige Kunden ihre bereis getätigten hohen Investitionen in Steuersoftware nicht weiter nutzen können. Der genaue Ablauf ist noch nicht festgestellt und wird im nächsten Jahr mit den Softwareherstellern ausverhandelt werden. Z.B. mein Lieblingsprogramm Freiwald's Traincontroller ist da sicher dabei.
Der etwas unglückliche Ausspruch über "PC in den Moba-Keller schleppen" war ihm bereits bekannt.
And the PC interface will be available for software developers (at last...)
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:
Der S88 Bus wird über Adapter am CAN-Bus betrieben und kann somit damit dezentral angelegt werden. Da der CAN-Bus eine von Märklin bereits getestete 100m Mindestreichweite hat, sollten damit Entfernungen auf einer Anlage keine Rolle mehr spielen.
Zu einem späteren Zeitpunt ist auch eine Belegtmeldung mit Lokerkennung wie z.B. bei SX geplant, vorrangig sollen aber jetzt bis zum Sommer 2007 alle bestehenden Sachen anschlussfähig werden. Alle alten Zentralen, egal wie alt, sollen mit Adapter am CAN-Bus zumindest als Fahrregler oder Memory usw. weiterverwendbar sein (Investitionsschutz).
The S88:s will be connected through CAN-bus, which has max 100 meters range. So it really doesn't matter where you put them on your layout. A feedback system with loco identification is planned for a later date. But all the necessary parts to connect old Central Units and accessories through the CAN-bus will be introduced next summer.
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:
Zwischen dem früheren Entwickler von systems und Märklin hat es nicht richtig funktioniert. Daher hat Märklin daraus die Konsequenzen gezogen.
Die 3 Buchstaben sind ihm aber nicht über die Lippen gekommen.
Auf die Frage, ob der relative Stillstand bei systems mit dem Verkauf und den finanzellen Schwiedigkeiten im Zusammenhang steht, gab es nur eine ausweichende Antwort, war aber irgendwie schon durchzuhören.

Das ist also ein völlig neuer Wind aus Göppingen und mfx lebt doch.
Was diesen Meinungswandel ausgelöst hat, blieb mir zwar verborgen. Auf alles gibt es nicht immer eine Antwort.

Slowly, slowly...
In German: "Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen."


Trying to squeeze out the essentials. I this is all happening in next summer, I will certainly have a look at the CS for my layout.
K-G / H0 and Z model train user
Offline Lars Westerlind  
#56 Posted : 15 September 2006 16:04:51(UTC)
Lars Westerlind

Joined: 19/10/2001(UTC)
Posts: 2,379
Location: Lindome, Sweden
Personal reflections:
- No changes in what I regard as design failures, but, fulfilment of initial intentions.
- Substantial further investments in /systems. Still, after next summer, /systems will have a functionality close to 6021, with a much better user interface. Still no wirelss throttles, no switch board interface (from the top of my head).
- The investments will show that /systems (pride :-() is important for Märklin, but, also if not yet realized, that Märklin can't possibly afford to develop a full size digital system.
- /systems still is a very closed system, which is a dead end, just like the 6021 has shown to be. Even if that interface will be delivered, who will use the 6021 to control their mfx-locos? /systems certainly is competive for less demanding users, but only way to make it competive for advanced users will now be if the protocol of the CAN-bus will be published and encouraged for use.

I was somwhere hoping that this years trend of focusing on trains should be continued by Märklin, but it seems I was wrong. Märklin continue on wasting money in their proudness. :-(
Offline David Dewar  
#57 Posted : 15 September 2006 19:07:44(UTC)
David Dewar

Joined: 01/02/2004(UTC)
Posts: 7,355
Location: Scotland
Oh Dear. Poor old M are wasting their money and the CS is not as good as the 6021.
Are we really to believe that a company like Marklin will rely on others to make their controllers and hope for a constant supply...not as long as Kingbridge are there.
My gripe is the slow progress with systems but the vast majority are happy and will wait for up dates as they come.
My dealer in Germany stills sells plenty of CS and almost nothing else. That to me is a clear indication of what is popular and what is not.
I still appreciate that computer control is important for some and hope that Marklin will keep their promise and deliver as soon as possible in 2007.

Take care I like Marklin and will defend the worlds greatest model rail manufacturer.
Offline Rowan  
#58 Posted : 16 September 2006 21:32:22(UTC)

Joined: 09/04/2006(UTC)
Posts: 1,278
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
A Märklin train recognition system sounds good!
Offline perz  
#59 Posted : 16 September 2006 23:29:23(UTC)

Joined: 12/01/2002(UTC)
Posts: 2,578
Location: Sweden
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote: A Märklin train recognition system sounds good!

It may sound good, but will it really be good?

- It will probably rely on mfx =&gt; won't work with your old locos (including e.g. the old C-sines!).

- It will probably need some rather complicated recognition unit per track segment to have recognition =&gt; high total cost.

- It will probably only support "track occupied" status, no precision positioning.

- It will probably be rather slow, due to the low bit rate in the mfx backwards protocol.

In all, an mfx-based track feedback positioning system from Märklin is nothing I look forward to. I fear it. Because it may set a standard that stops development of something that really could work. I mean a system which is reliable, scalable, fast enough, backwards compatible (with regards to old locos), and reasonably cost effective per detection point.

Offline Goofy  
#60 Posted : 17 September 2006 15:14:10(UTC)

Joined: 12/08/2006(UTC)
Posts: 9,034
It`s worth to waiting by to buying CS,that it will be changed to V.2!
I wonder if Marklin will presented information at December or later,like Nurnbergmesse 2007...?

Goofy confused
DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline David Dewar  
#61 Posted : 17 September 2006 22:12:02(UTC)
David Dewar

Joined: 01/02/2004(UTC)
Posts: 7,355
Location: Scotland
Sounds good and who knows it may be good. Probably.

Goofy :Good idea to wait and see if you are not in a hurry. Only when all the new bits and pieces are available will you know if it is for you or not.

Take care I like Marklin and will defend the worlds greatest model rail manufacturer.
Offline Maxi  
#62 Posted : 17 September 2006 22:43:55(UTC)

Joined: 28/04/2003(UTC)
Posts: 757
Location: Wawa, Ontario
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by David Dewar
<br /> Only when all the new bits and pieces are available will you know if it is for you or not.


That is about the best way to say it, I agree 110%.

Offline digilox1  
#63 Posted : 18 September 2006 00:37:27(UTC)

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To: Ron Schaffer

At different occasions we disagreed on the patent status of mfx.

The patent has the number EP1555054.

It carries the status mark A1. This means the patent has been applied for.

A "B" or "C" status mark would mean, the patent has been granted.


Patent application # EP 1555054 has a an "A1" status mark, meaning that the patent has not (yet) been granted.

Offline jeehring  
#64 Posted : 18 September 2006 03:07:30(UTC)

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Oh yes, it sounds good for me too !
Now Marklin is going to closely control developpment. I trust Marklin as a " project manager" or " creator"!

I'm just a little worried about the new owners, I'm not still sure they have really understood what is Marklin and train models manufacturing.( some recent events surprised me a lot- not only me...)
Collection items market & miniature trains market are not shoes market...You can't do what you want.

Sorry about it,I definitely don't agree with Perz about a recognition system included into Marklin System!( I just avoid any discussion about it because my english is too poor to let me talk with accuracy )

I'm conviced that CS and Systems are a very good way to reach a pleasant, fully integrated, easy, funny, realistic & efficient recognition system with various levels of automation !
Offline Bob R  
#65 Posted : 25 September 2006 08:03:44(UTC)
Bob R

Joined: 18/09/2005(UTC)
Posts: 502
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My suggestion to Marklin is that they find some 11 year old kids with nose rings and tatoo's and pay them to update and upgrade the CS and get everything working. (like it should) I can only imagine if they provide a slip for their school "excuse" for not being there is that the whole thing will be up and running in 72 hrs and every conceivable piece of Marklin stuff will be operable with the CS as it should be! All they have to do is provide the pizza and choclate milk! Well it is only a suggestion :)

Bob R
Offline nevw  
#66 Posted : 25 September 2006 08:21:12(UTC)

Joined: 27/08/2005(UTC)
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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Bob R
<br />My suggestion to Marklin is that they find some 11 year old kids with nose rings and tatoo's and pay them to update and upgrade the CS and get everything working. (like it should) I can only imagine if they provide a slip for their school "excuse" for not being there is that the whole thing will be up and running in 72 hrs and every conceivable piece of Marklin stuff will be operable with the CS as it should be! All they have to do is provide the pizza and choclate milk! Well it is only a suggestion :)

Bob R

13 Year Olds, may be a bit too Old. Try 10 Year olds
NOt wearing the Pink Pinny, which is hard to see and now I have a white Pinny which also is hard to see against MY pure white Skin Still have 2 new shiny tin Hips that is badly in Need of Repair matching rusting tin shoulders
and a hose pipe on the aorta
Junior member of the Banana Club, a reformist and an old Goat with a Bad memory, loafing around
Offline john black  
#67 Posted : 25 September 2006 10:21:24(UTC)
john black

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Bob R
<br />My suggestion to Marklin is that they find some 11 year old kids with nose rings and tatoo's and pay them to update and upgrade the CS and get everything working like it should

Could work ... biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
I hope no one visits a poor Southener's layout in Brooklyn. Intruders beware of Gators.
AT&SF, D&RGW, T&P, SP, WP, UP, BN, NYC, ARR, epI-III - analog & digital Marklin Classics only.
CU#6021 FX-MOTOROLA DIGITAL SYSTEM. Fast as lightning and no trouble. What else ...
Outlaw Member of BIG JUHAN's OUTSIDER CLUB. With the most members, worldwide

Offline David Dewar  
#68 Posted : 25 September 2006 13:16:58(UTC)
David Dewar

Joined: 01/02/2004(UTC)
Posts: 7,355
Location: Scotland
Slave labour biggrinbiggrin
Take care I like Marklin and will defend the worlds greatest model rail manufacturer.
Offline hxmiesa  
#69 Posted : 25 September 2006 14:06:18(UTC)

Joined: 15/12/2005(UTC)
Posts: 3,522
Location: Spain
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Bob R
<br />My suggestion to Marklin is that they find some 11 year old kids with nose rings and tatoo's and pay them to update and upgrade the CS and get everything working. (like it should) I can only imagine if they provide a slip for their school "excuse" for not being there is that the whole thing will be up and running in 72 hrs and every conceivable piece of Marklin stuff will be operable with the CS as it should be! All they have to do is provide the pizza and choclate milk! Well it is only a suggestion :)

Eh! I find this HIGHLY OFFENSIVE!!!

Being a programming engineer, working with PLC´s and robotics and scadas for the last 15 years, in several countries (I´ve even been to Bangladesh! ydrk!) I find the above statement not only impractical, but a personal insult toward my professional carreer!

:-) :-) :-)

A programming project always takes ALL of the alotted amount of time, and THEN some before finishing.
REAL professional projects are deliberatly burried in bureaucracy by at least TWO independant engineering consultants companys -each with it´s own documentation standard and inability to speak nor understand the other foreign companys language- in such a way that cost triples, because of the time spend (wasted) (mis)-understanding the other parties.
At the end, when the UMPTIENTH deadline has been crossed without significant progress on any side, the programmer and the machine supplier does what they always have done -which is basically making the machine work for the client- doing as they have always done, for the last century.

Then the hord of highly educated advisory diploma engineers goes on to a new and prosperous project, -only in the mean time they hire about 25% more staff, in order to try to meet those deadlines the next time!

The scrupolous contracting of pimpel-faced youngsters is simply impossible because of the highly educated advisory diploma engineers demand for everything being certified and documented, adheering to every known (and unknown) standard, especially their own new and better one!
Without standards and pre-approvednes NOTHING can never work, EVER!
And if it could, what would all these highly educated advisory diploma engineers do, if it suddenly came out that you only need 3 persons to make a system work??? They´d be out of a job!!!

&lt;/rant off&gt;
Best regards
Henrik Hoexbroe ("The Dane In Spain")
Offline DasBert33  
#70 Posted : 25 September 2006 18:21:21(UTC)

Joined: 21/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 1,245
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by hxmiesa
Eh! I find this HIGHLY OFFENSIVE!!!

Being a programming engineer, working with PLC´s and robotics and scadas for the last 15 years, in several countries (I´ve even been to Bangladesh! ydrk!) I find the above statement not only impractical, but a personal insult toward my professional carreer!

:-) :-) :-)

A programming project always takes ALL of the alotted amount of time, and THEN some before finishing.
REAL professional projects are deliberatly burried in bureaucracy by at least TWO independant engineering consultants companys -each with it´s own documentation standard and inability to speak nor understand the other foreign companys language- in such a way that cost triples, because of the time spend (wasted) (mis)-understanding the other parties.
At the end, when the UMPTIENTH deadline has been crossed without significant progress on any side, the programmer and the machine supplier does what they always have done -which is basically making the machine work for the client- doing as they have always done, for the last century.

Then the hord of highly educated advisory diploma engineers goes on to a new and prosperous project, -only in the mean time they hire about 25% more staff, in order to try to meet those deadlines the next time!

The scrupolous contracting of pimpel-faced youngsters is simply impossible because of the highly educated advisory diploma engineers demand for everything being certified and documented, adheering to every known (and unknown) standard, especially their own new and better one!
Without standards and pre-approvednes NOTHING can never work, EVER!
And if it could, what would all these highly educated advisory diploma engineers do, if it suddenly came out that you only need 3 persons to make a system work??? They´d be out of a job!!!

&lt;/rant off&gt;

LOL, but so true...

As an electronics engineer I can concur, on the hardware/electronics side of things it is exactly the same.

Offline haxpet  
#71 Posted : 25 September 2006 18:48:36(UTC)

Joined: 17/11/2005(UTC)
Posts: 198
Location: Finland, Åland
I realy can't understand the filosofi of Märklin in this matter.

They want to do everything by them self. And I think that's the problem.

Just make all the interfaces work on the CS so that you easely could connect all your turnouts, contacttracks and signals and other accessories.
Then make a simple connection to your PC and have a simple program to connect to the CS.

And boom, all intrested people could make their own programs for each and everything, people could share programs and everybody would be happy.

What Märklin want's today is to much controll and that is impossible. Give the controll to the users and they will sell this stuff by the million (or much more).

The only thing they will have to come up with is the control protcol between the CS and the accessories and the parameter that need to be controlled. Then if people can change them or do what they want, so what, that is what people want.

Märklin could just say that they take no responsebility for programs that people have made by them self. And supply a basic setup of programs.

What people want today is to customize stuff.

It could be cool to, for an example, download your own sounds in to a loco. But there should always be reset button to get it back to factory settings.

This is just some ideas. I'm just afraid that Märklin is painting it self in to a corner with all this "I can do it best my self" crap. There is a lot of people out there that could do this work for them, for free, all the enthusiasts out there would love to do this.

And basicly all layouts need their own program anyway.
Märklin, 3R, Digital (system), C-Track, favourit loco: Baureihe 103 137-6
My homepage: http://home.aland.net/mi...da/MR/modelrailroad.html
I will buy Märklin 4644 BP tankerwagons that have the original box and are in good condition. (No broken details)
Offline Bob R  
#72 Posted : 25 September 2006 21:19:46(UTC)
Bob R

Joined: 18/09/2005(UTC)
Posts: 502
Location: , Texas
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by hxmiesa
<br />

<br />Eh! I find this HIGHLY OFFENSIVE!!!

Being a programming engineer, working with PLC´s and robotics and scadas for the last 15 years, in several countries (I´ve even been to Bangladesh! ydrk!) I find the above statement not only impractical, but a personal insult toward my professional carreer!

:-) :-) :-)

A programming project always takes ALL of the alotted amount of time, and THEN some before finishing.
REAL professional projects are deliberatly burried in bureaucracy by at least TWO independant engineering consultants companys -each with it´s own documentation standard and inability to speak nor understand the other foreign companys language- in such a way that cost triples, because of the time spend (wasted) (mis)-understanding the other parties.
At the end, when the UMPTIENTH deadline has been crossed without significant progress on any side, the programmer and the machine supplier does what they always have done -which is basically making the machine work for the client- doing as they have always done, for the last century.

Then the hord of highly educated advisory diploma engineers goes on to a new and prosperous project, -only in the mean time they hire about 25% more staff, in order to try to meet those deadlines the next time!

The scrupolous contracting of pimpel-faced youngsters is simply impossible because of the highly educated advisory diploma engineers demand for everything being certified and documented, adheering to every known (and unknown) standard, especially their own new and better one!
Without standards and pre-approvednes NOTHING can never work, EVER!
And if it could, what would all these highly educated advisory diploma engineers do, if it suddenly came out that you only need 3 persons to make a system work??? They´d be out of a job!!!

&lt;/rant off&gt;

Hi Henrik,

I am glad you found a laugh in this! SmileSmileI understand what you are saying. Is exactly what Marklin is doing I suppose?SmileSmile

However we cannot under estimate the bored kids that are very computer literate these days. For example my friends son, when he was only 12 he and his friend were surfing the web and found a place that had virus's you could download and send to peolple. Now these were just done as a joke. To make a long story short. Ryan and his buddy tweeked the virus and sent it out. He even sent one to his dear old Dad. Well it got by Norton and re-formatted his hard drive. So just for a little fun he and his buddy sent it out to some others and before you know it, who is knocking at his Fathers door at 6 AM in the morning? The FBI! Well since they were only 12 they got off but neverless were grounded for about a year. However his Dad was pissed!

Then at 14 while not doing quite so well in school in some subjects, Ryan and his buddies hacked the schools computer, got into the grading area and changed all of their grades as well as a few females that they liked. Well they thought they had got away with it and probably would have if they had only done it once, but they started to change grades for other students for a little $$. Neverless they got caught and as punishment they had to repeat the 9th grade!

Well both are out of University now, one works for the State of Texas down in Austin in the States Computer Dept. The other one lives in Oregon and works in the States Computer Dept that operates the States Prison Systems. Glad to see that both of the little vagrants have put there self taught computer skills to good use!

As well it reminds of while back while Microsoft hired people that had been hacking into Microsoft and put them to work in their own Computer Depts!

So we should not under estimate the bored kids of today. Several have even hacked US Military coputers with limited success. So maybe when Thanksgiving rolls around over here I will get my friends son to see what he can do with my CS. I would like a Rail Zeppelin Icon for my Rail Zeppelin instead of a generic Loc.


Offline Rowan  
#73 Posted : 25 September 2006 21:38:05(UTC)

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I like your post Henrik.Smile
Offline nevw  
#74 Posted : 26 September 2006 02:45:06(UTC)

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I agree, 12 Year Olds can be very inventive. 20 Years Years ago a work friend's son was making more money per year than he was. He and a friend created a Computer game.
Sold it and enjoyed a lot of Lolly.
NOt wearing the Pink Pinny, which is hard to see and now I have a white Pinny which also is hard to see against MY pure white Skin Still have 2 new shiny tin Hips that is badly in Need of Repair matching rusting tin shoulders
and a hose pipe on the aorta
Junior member of the Banana Club, a reformist and an old Goat with a Bad memory, loafing around
Offline bmcrae  
#75 Posted : 26 September 2006 03:16:58(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by rschaffr
<br />One queston for you; did you think to ask Walter about deliveries on the CS or did you just assume that he was selling them as fast as he could get them? When I talked to Fred Gates at the National Train Show in Philadelphia, I got the impression (although he did not state this directly) that deliveries would be slow for a while while Marklin basically "reverse engineered" the device to go into production themselves. Apparently they got very little or no design data from ESU after the breakup.

Hi Ron.

I didn't ask. Like almost everything else this year, I just assumed the deliveries have been sloooowwww!
Offline Goofy  
#76 Posted : 30 September 2006 18:43:15(UTC)

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I have seen Esu:s CS today at a hobbyshop and was very dissapointed about it! [xx(]

Marklins CS is much better by using it and to control it too...! biggrin

So i decides to wait by to buy CS next year 2007 after Nurnbergmesse 2007.It will be worth...! wink

I hope so... biggrin

Goofy Cool
DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline Vardex  
#77 Posted : 01 October 2006 00:15:53(UTC)

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Let's see how honeywell does it. It seems they now have gotten the order to write decent software for the CS.

Offline Bigdaddynz  
#78 Posted : 01 October 2006 02:02:43(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Vardex
<br />Let's see how honeywell does it. It seems they now have gotten the order to write decent software for the CS.


Have I missed something here.......????
Offline alonso231gery  
#79 Posted : 01 October 2006 02:14:49(UTC)

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Could we expext more speed steps for the fx locos?
An outsider.
I'm looking for the owner of that horse. He's tall, blonde, he smokes a cigar, and he's a pig!
Offline HueyCE  
#80 Posted : 01 October 2006 02:16:39(UTC)

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Bart- Could you fill us on on the Honeywell deal? I didn't know they had been contracted to do anything with the CS. They are a rather large company that has experience with automated controls, so maybe this isn't a bad thing. I use some of thier products at work, and it does function well.
Building German Era I-II layout(Mk IIIc).UserPostedImage

Offline Bigdaddynz  
#81 Posted : 01 October 2006 13:33:01(UTC)

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I have a friend who works for Honeywell here in NZ. He has extensive experience with their control systems, hence my ????? at Vardex's remark.
Offline Goofy  
#82 Posted : 01 October 2006 16:29:43(UTC)

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What is an "honeywell"...?

Goofy confused
DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline Gert-Jan  
#83 Posted : 01 October 2006 18:40:16(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Goofy
<br />What is an "honeywell"...?

Expect the 'new' CS to like this: biggrin


Edited by moderator 11 January 2011 15:34:32(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Mosty era III DB.
Offline nevw  
#84 Posted : 02 October 2006 02:17:33(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Goofy
<br />What is an "honeywell"...?

Goofy confused

Honeywell is a large US Firm that specialises in Control Equipment and associated Software.
NOt wearing the Pink Pinny, which is hard to see and now I have a white Pinny which also is hard to see against MY pure white Skin Still have 2 new shiny tin Hips that is badly in Need of Repair matching rusting tin shoulders
and a hose pipe on the aorta
Junior member of the Banana Club, a reformist and an old Goat with a Bad memory, loafing around
Offline Maxi  
#85 Posted : 02 October 2006 02:37:33(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by nevw
<br />
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Goofy
<br />What is an "honeywell"...?

Goofy confused

Honeywell is a large US Firm that specialises in Control Equipment and associated Software.

Sometimes their level of service and contract maintenance is less than desirable, this I can say from experience.

Offline jeehring  
#86 Posted : 02 October 2006 04:23:56(UTC)

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If true , it's a good news !
Honeywell is a famous company and has strong reputation in digital systems and automated controls, as said Huey. ( robotic ?)
Offline Vardex  
#87 Posted : 03 October 2006 00:20:47(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by HueyCE
<br />Bart- Could you fill us on on the Honeywell deal? I didn't know they had been contracted to do anything with the CS. They are a rather large company that has experience with automated controls, so maybe this isn't a bad thing. I use some of thier products at work, and it does function well.

Just something I heared. I don't know any of the details,nor for sure if it's true!

Offline martinfung  
#88 Posted : 03 October 2006 04:39:02(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by jeehring
<br />If true , it's a good news !
Honeywell is a famous company and has strong reputation in digital systems and automated controls, as said Huey. ( robotic ?)
And this company also used to design and build mainframes.
Still beginner, no layout, random buying
O-gauge, 3R Scale US Steamers (avatar is not of my collection, but the models are nice)
Märklin HO anything :-)
Offline Goofy  
#89 Posted : 07 October 2006 16:51:43(UTC)

Joined: 12/08/2006(UTC)
Posts: 9,034
I`m understanding now what "honeywell" is what!

Thanks...! biggrin

Now about Marklins CS:
It`s pitty to shame that Marklin don`t allowed by producing MM/DCC in the same box...! [:(]

I like this much more better,because it`s allowed customer to have more fun by playing and driving locomotivs in the 2 rail or and 3 rail!!! biggrin

You can also using 3 rail in the DCC,but you must using DCC decoder in the Marklins locomotivs...! [:o)]

However,Marklin must wake up!!! [:(!]

I welcome Marklin/Trix CS instead,if this will become...??? confused

[}:)] Goofy [}:)]
DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline clapcott  
#90 Posted : 08 October 2006 10:58:40(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Goofy
Now about Marklins CS:
It`s pitty to shame that Marklin don`t allowed by producing MM/DCC in the same box...! [:(]

The statement is fine if you want to stick in the past. However if you consider the "bi-directional" capabilities of both MFX and the later DCC variants I would think it harder to test 101% interoperability. It may not even be technically possible (has anyone checked this out to see if they can actually coexist ?)

If Märklin were to bring out a MFX and DCC(non bidirectional version) all the critics would be saying "that is old news - keep up with the time".

The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from wink .

Offline Bigdaddynz  
#91 Posted : 08 October 2006 11:29:24(UTC)

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Peter, I'd be happy if Marklin just got the CS up to the same functionality as the current Marklin Digital / Ecos Ecostation....
Offline Kifobefa  
#92 Posted : 08 October 2006 11:36:25(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:
Now about Marklins CS:
It`s pitty to shame that Marklin don`t allowed by producing MM/DCC in the same box...! [:(]

I like this much more better,because it`s allowed customer to have more fun by playing and driving locomotivs in the 2 rail or and 3 rail!!! biggrin

You can also using 3 rail in the DCC,but you must using DCC decoder in the Marklins locomotivs...! [:o)]

However,Marklin must wake up!!! [:(!]

I welcome Marklin/Trix CS instead,if this will become...??? confused

[}:)] Goofy [}:)]

Your dream is already on the market, the ECoS from ESU. Or did you miss that one.

Offline Goofy  
#93 Posted : 08 October 2006 12:04:12(UTC)

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But i prefer instead Marklins/Trix CS...[:p]

Goofy [}:)]
DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline Fredrik  
#94 Posted : 08 October 2006 13:26:28(UTC)

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Since Friday I also have an ECoS (and a CS), and I must say (with exception for lack of the Mfx-part) IMHO: It outstands the CS. The controllers are far better, one of my daughters said (used to the CS): "Cool".

I yet have to examine the thing to write a more serious comparision.
*ECoS 2 + ECoSDetector + SwitchPilot + ECoSTerminal; *Z21 + Loconet + Digikeijs + MGP; **CS3+ + CdB (** coming soon...)
WWW: MJ-fjärren
Offline DasBert33  
#95 Posted : 08 October 2006 13:34:40(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by fredsaf
<br />Since Friday I also have an ECoS (and a CS), and I must say (with exception for lack of the Mfx-part) IMHO: It outstands the CS. The controllers are far better, one of my daughters said (used to the CS): "Cool".

I yet have to examine the thing to write a more serious comparision.

I look forward to your findings. Also if there is any news on "the quest to enable mfx", please post biggrin.


Offline Goofy  
#96 Posted : 08 October 2006 15:53:31(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by DasBert33
<br />
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by fredsaf
<br />Since Friday I also have an ECoS (and a CS), and I must say (with exception for lack of the Mfx-part) IMHO: It outstands the CS. The controllers are far better, one of my daughters said (used to the CS): "Cool".

I yet have to examine the thing to write a more serious comparision.

I look forward to your findings. Also if there is any news on "the quest to enable mfx", please post biggrin.


Not only mfx,but also DCC too...!

Goofy Cool
DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline Goofy  
#97 Posted : 09 October 2006 21:29:08(UTC)

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Posts: 9,034
Is it truth that there is standing now 1.6.44 in the CS...?

Then in case,i shall bying CS so fast i can do... biggrin

But,please answer to me first so i know for sure...Smile

Goofy confused
DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline intruder  
#98 Posted : 09 October 2006 22:13:53(UTC)

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My CS says "Hardware type 1.1", "Software type 1.6.45".

Does anybody have an idea what that means?
Best regards Svein, Norway
grumpy old sod
Offline Fredrik  
#99 Posted : 09 October 2006 22:29:48(UTC)

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Posts: 642

yes I have SW-Version 1.6.44 in my CS - but that's one of the 1:st batch... Newer should have a higher SW-Version #.
*ECoS 2 + ECoSDetector + SwitchPilot + ECoSTerminal; *Z21 + Loconet + Digikeijs + MGP; **CS3+ + CdB (** coming soon...)
WWW: MJ-fjärren
Offline Goofy  
#100 Posted : 10 October 2006 20:22:22(UTC)

Joined: 12/08/2006(UTC)
Posts: 9,034
Strange... [:0]

What i now myself,it was 1.3.45 last time i did saw...!

Is it possible that Marklin has already did upgrade CS??? confused

Goofy confused
DCC = Digital Command Control
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