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Offline Brakeman  
#201 Posted : 28 February 2015 07:30:28(UTC)

United States   
Joined: 14/04/2006(UTC)
Posts: 301
Location: Southern California
Thanks Yaasan,
just noticed that in the latest version of DS, the space bar in the PC keyboard is mapped as shut-off.


Edited by user 28 February 2015 17:11:15(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline dat-alex  
#202 Posted : 20 March 2015 17:34:08(UTC)

Joined: 19/01/2015(UTC)
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Location: Thessaloniki, GREECE
Hi! guys any news from Yaasan ....?

I am trying to contact him by email with NO LUCK!
Offline Yaasan  
#203 Posted : 18 November 2015 23:36:02(UTC)

Joined: 01/06/2013(UTC)
Posts: 99
Location: Tokyo
Hi all,

It's long time no see. I'm developing new hardware and software now!.

- Desktop Station http://desktopstation.net/play.html

I often update Desktop Station software. The latest version supports variable window size for high resolution display.
Of course, small bugs are fixed.

- Mint tin controller http://desktopstation.net/wiki/doku.php/mint_can_controller
Very small and cheap command station. this board can place to ALTOIDS tin (Candy tin).


The above url page describes to support DCC only. But internal software supports Marklin Motorola 2(MM2).
Small change is required if MM2 support.

- DSmainR5(now developing) http://desktopstation.net/wiki/doku.php/ds_smile_decoder_dsdecr3
High power booster is installed.


- Smile decoder R3 (It's not Marklin compatible decoder. It's customizable DCC decoder based on Arduino.)


This decoder supports many many features. Because the software is customizable. For example, if you connect sound amp, the decoder becomes sound decoder. The following is a Japanese train at Keikyu line which installed SIEMENS's propulsion system same as Austria's Tauras. It's not use any speaker. The melody sounds from motor. Same as the real train.

Best regards,
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Offline Wolfgang1010  
#204 Posted : 02 December 2016 17:26:49(UTC)

Joined: 15/04/2014(UTC)
Posts: 4
Location: BADEN-WURTTEMBERG, Esslingen
Hello Yaasan,
at the moment I have a problem with the mfx and programming events.
I have a s88 contact that in the events programmend and it works fine, but the speed for a mfx loc is not recognized I set in the event speed mfx adress 7 to 0 and declination 1. All other programming before work, but the loc do not declinate the speed. What can I do?

Best regards from the sound uploader
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Offline Yaasan  
#205 Posted : 03 December 2016 00:02:00(UTC)

Joined: 01/06/2013(UTC)
Posts: 99
Location: Tokyo
Hi wolfgang,

Is the mfx loco working fine when you control manually?
Also check the protocol. Do you typo DCC or MM2?

Originally Posted by: Wolfgang1010 Go to Quoted Post
Hello Yaasan,
at the moment I have a problem with the mfx and programming events.
I have a s88 contact that in the events programmend and it works fine, but the speed for a mfx loc is not recognized I set in the event speed mfx adress 7 to 0 and declination 1. All other programming before work, but the loc do not declinate the speed. What can I do?

Best regards from the sound uploader

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Offline Wolfgang1010  
#206 Posted : 04 December 2016 10:56:18(UTC)

Joined: 15/04/2014(UTC)
Posts: 4
Location: BADEN-WURTTEMBERG, Esslingen
Hallo Yaasan,
if I control it manually it works without any problems. The problem is only if I want control it over the events script. the protocol is set to mm2 and I try in the setup the mfy checkbpxes with on and off with the same result, it dosent work with the event scipt
Best regards
Offline Wolfgang1010  
#207 Posted : 05 December 2016 11:49:38(UTC)

Joined: 15/04/2014(UTC)
Posts: 4
Location: BADEN-WURTTEMBERG, Esslingen
Hello Yaasan,
Today I have got another MFX loc from my freind for testing. But now, the new locs I have set it to MFX protocol and MM2 protocol with the second MM2 adress, these locs can not control with desktopstation. With the MS2 no problem all controls (ibclude funktio 1-12)works. On the desktop station it will happend nothing on control speed and functions. The adress is 16 first and 17 second adress. On debuging window, desktop station send for speed following :
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(16400,255,0)
[RECV]==> df24 04 6 00 00 40 10 00 ff
[RECV]<== 8f5e R 04 6 00 00 40 10 00 ff
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(16401,255,0)
[RECV]==> df24 04 6 00 00 40 11 00 ff
[RECV]<== 8f5e R 04 6 00 00 40 11 00 ff
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] getS88(10)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(16400,528,0)
[RECV]==> df24 04 6 00 00 40 10 02 10
[RECV]<== 8f5e R 04 6 00 00 40 10 02 10
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(16401,528,0)
[RECV]==> df24 04 6 00 00 40 11 02 10
[RECV]<== 8f5e R 04 6 00 00 40 11 02 10
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(16400,17,0)
[RECV]==> df24 04 6 00 00 40 10 00 11
[RECV]<== 8f5e R 04 6 00 00 40 10 00 11
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(16401,17,0)
[RECV]==> df24 04 6 00 00 40 11 00 11
[RECV]<== 8f5e R 04 6 00 00 40 11 00 11
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] getS88(10)
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(16400,0,0)
[RECV]==> df24 04 6 00 00 40 10 00 00
[RECV]<== 8f5e R 04 6 00 00 40 10 00 00
[RECV]200 Ok
[SEND] setLocoSpeed(16401,0,0)
[RECV]==> df24 04 6 00 00 40 11 00 00
[RECV]<== 8f5e R 04 6 00 00 40 11 00 00
[RECV]200 Ok

This is a dump from desktopstation box com

Maybe this will help you

Best regards
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Offline Wolfgang1010  
#208 Posted : 05 December 2016 15:32:34(UTC)

Joined: 15/04/2014(UTC)
Posts: 4
Location: BADEN-WURTTEMBERG, Esslingen
Hello Yaasan,
I have found the error, it was 2 identical loc adress in the databank. Now I have delete one, and all locs have function, also in the event scripts.
Maybe that will help other usere, if they have the same problem. Look at MM2,DCC and MFX for the same loc adresses.

Best regards
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Offline Dr. Manhattan  
#209 Posted : 14 June 2018 01:42:43(UTC)
Dr. Manhattan

United States   
Joined: 29/03/2014(UTC)
Posts: 8
I just last week purchased from Yaasan last week the new DSmain 5.1, had it shipped here in New York, Shipped Thursday was at my door Monday. I'm excited that his original posts from 4 years ago came a long way, and that this cool tiny box is going to put my old 6036's and k83's to shame. Time to dust off all the electronics components I built back those years ago and get my turnouts powered by an Arduino Mega. So much to do!!! Turnouts clean, track laid, wiring, and firing up the trains!!
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Offline Yaasan  
#210 Posted : 25 June 2018 06:08:03(UTC)

Joined: 01/06/2013(UTC)
Posts: 99
Location: Tokyo
Originally Posted by: Dr. Manhattan Go to Quoted Post
I just last week purchased from Yaasan last week the new DSmain 5.1, had it shipped here in New York, Shipped Thursday was at my door Monday. I'm excited that his original posts from 4 years ago came a long way, and that this cool tiny box is going to put my old 6036's and k83's to shame. Time to dust off all the electronics components I built back those years ago and get my turnouts powered by an Arduino Mega. So much to do!!! Turnouts clean, track laid, wiring, and firing up the trains!!

Thank you for parchasing!
Currently. I’m developing new original hardwares for marklin digital and DCC. However, mfx is not supported.


DSmain R5.1 is my flagship command station. DSshield is very cheap and small command station supported marklin and DCC also. DSshield is instead of Railuino. If someone has Arduino, DSshield is very. suitable solution.


Almost every arduino model railway solution (e.g. DCC++, railstars cmdrarduino) supports only DCC. But DSshield supports DCC and also MM2.
thanks 3 users liked this useful post by Yaasan
Offline Tatzelbrumm  
#211 Posted : 20 September 2018 20:24:23(UTC)

Joined: 19/02/2015(UTC)
Posts: 4
Location: Reutlingen, Germany
Originally Posted by: Yaasan Go to Quoted Post
I took a video which is playing with shuttle control.


If you're still following this ...
what cable are you using to connect from the CAN shield to the Märklin control box, and where could I get such a cable?

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Offline Yaasan  
#212 Posted : 20 September 2018 23:09:42(UTC)

Joined: 01/06/2013(UTC)
Posts: 99
Location: Tokyo

MZI NET SHOP sells this kit. Please contact.


Best regards,

Originally Posted by: Tatzelbrumm Go to Quoted Post

If you're still following this ...
what cable are you using to connect from the CAN shield to the Märklin control box, and where could I get such a cable?


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Offline Schmiddie  
#213 Posted : 01 January 2020 12:13:08(UTC)

Joined: 01/01/2020(UTC)
Posts: 2
Hello Community,

i have a problem with Railuino and Maybe you can help. I can't find a solution in all the Posts. First of all english is not my native language. I hope you understand me. I was searching in many Forums but still got no solution.

I tried to run my maerklin model Train with Railunio. I have installed Railuino v0.9 and i get this error:

!!init error
!!emergency stop

I have an Arduino uno and this can bus Shield: http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/CAN-BUS_Shield_V2.0/.

The can bus can communicate i tried several Sketches from Can Bus Shield and thee communication is fine. So it Looks llike the communication between can bus and Control box (60113 from maerklin) is corrupted. But i dont know why.

I connected the d Sub 9 from the can bus with a d Sub 9 cable and connect this with a Adapter https://www.amazon.de/De...id=1577876497&sr=8-8

I connected the Adapter with Control box in different ways, but no success. Control box -> Pin 8: Can Low, Pin 4: Can High, Pin 2: Ground, Pin 1: Vcc
I tried also only to connect Can H and Can L, and Can H Can L and Ground.

The d Sub 9 Adapter (OBDII Standard pinout): Pin 5: Can L, Pin 3: Can H, Pin 2: GND, Pin 9; Vcc. (Also tried only Can H and L, and also with Ground without Vcc).

But i alwas get the error shown above.

The only part in the Code where this error Comes from is:

if (!can_init(5, mLoopback)) {

Serial.println(F("!?! Init error"));

Serial.println(F("!?! Emergency stop"));

for (;;);


But i don't know what it means but because the can bus is ok it must be the Connection to Control box.

Is the Can Bus Shield i used not correct? Do i Need an other one? The Version of the Control box (60113) is 1.39, should be compatible.

I hope you can understand me and can help :)

Edit: The Arduino is connected via USB to a Laptop. And the can bus is just stacked on Arduino.

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Offline Schmiddie  
#214 Posted : 01 January 2020 23:34:03(UTC)

Joined: 01/01/2020(UTC)
Posts: 2
ok solved the Problem myself.

Can Bus Shield V2.0 from Seedstudio has CS Pin 9 by Default. Railuino expect Pin 10.

So i Changed in the Defaults.h file in code line 11:

#define MCP2515_CS B,2 -> changed to: #define MCP2515_CS B,1

Maybe this will help others to with this Can Bus Shield.

thanks 6 users liked this useful post by Schmiddie
Offline Luketreni  
#215 Posted : 14 October 2022 15:19:07(UTC)

Joined: 14/10/2022(UTC)
Posts: 1
Location: torino
Originally Posted by: Yaasan Go to Quoted Post
Hello all. I'm sure Railuino is very nice project. Let's discuss about Railuino.


By the way, I'm developing a software command station using Railuino. Of course, this command station is free software.
If you had interest with this try, please tell me your opinions.Blushing

Desktop Station:


THe site is forbidden - error 403

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Offline bobyAndCo  
#216 Posted : 24 July 2024 08:22:38(UTC)

Joined: 20/02/2024(UTC)
Posts: 7
Location: Bretagne

I'm trying to find out if there are people on this forum who use the Railuino library or who would be interested in doing so.

Personally, I've been working with this library for 1 year. It's quite interesting, but it's aged a lot and isn't adapted to new microcontrollers like the ESP32.

So I set about rewriting it for that and it works well now, especially in wifi.

Railuino is missing functions such as MFX discovery. So I set about writing the code for that and introducing it into the original library.

However, I thought it would be a good idea to ask users and potential users about the solutions found so far or the needs that could also be met by this rewrite.

So don't hesitate to give us your feedback on this thread.

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Offline aswap5  
#217 Posted : 12 October 2024 19:58:02(UTC)

Joined: 14/10/2013(UTC)
Posts: 34
Hi Christophe,
I had started on railuino a long time ago but never really progressed. I’d be interested in pursuing this again. I’m no coder, but I could help in beta testing.
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Offline bobyAndCo  
#218 Posted : 13 October 2024 10:04:26(UTC)

Joined: 20/02/2024(UTC)
Posts: 7
Location: Bretagne
Hello Ashok,

I'm always happy to meet people interested in DIY and eager to explore projects related to model railroading.

You mentioned that you're not a coder but would like to revisit Railuino. That’s great because there are several projects that might match your level of knowledge and what you want to achieve.

Railuino is an interesting project, but it is neither simple enough to be implemented by less experienced users nor “low-level” enough for highly specialized applications in train control systems.

For example, if you're looking to control MFX locomotives with a Märklin Gleisbox 60116 and a network management software, I’ve developed a very simple project to implement. It’s a TCP (Ethernet or WiFi) gateway that connects a computer to a Gleisbox that communicates via CAN. This is a good starting point if you want to experiment without diving into coding:


This project is a simple gateway between a TCP communication (Ethernet or WiFi) from a computer and a Gleisbox communicating via CAN.

In this project, feedback isn’t covered, but if that’s what you’re interested in, I can provide information on the S88 feedback system. This project is accessible even for beginners, and I’d be happy to guide you through its setup.

On the other hand, if you want to take things further, I’m also working on a much more complex MFX control station, in collaboration with a Swiss enthusiast. This project allows for the management of large networks with up to 43 amps of power. However, it requires solid programming skills:


Railuino requires a graphical interface, either self-built or like Desktop Station, but in my opinion, it is more effectively replaced by software like Rocrail, JMRI (free), or iTrain, Train Controller (paid).

Finally, if you really want to focus on Railuino, I’ve started rewriting parts of the project and have updated several examples for platforms like the ESP32. You can check them out here: https://github.com/BOBILLEChristophe/Railuino

Feel free to let me know exactly what you’d like to achieve. Based on that, I can guide you to the project that best fits your needs and skills.

Best regards,
Offline aswap5  
#219 Posted : 16 October 2024 07:31:04(UTC)

Joined: 14/10/2013(UTC)
Posts: 34
Thank you Christophe and apologies for the delayed response. I'll go through all the links and dm you.
Thanks again
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Offline marklinist5999  
#220 Posted : 16 October 2024 12:56:57(UTC)

United States   
Joined: 10/02/2021(UTC)
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Location: Michigan, Troy
Very smart to engineer that controller 😀 Yasan must be a descendant of an electronics engineer from the 1970s when the golden age of electronics from Japan were the best. I still own a few from Matsushita, Aikai, Sony, Pioneer, and Marantz. Usually always repairable. I wonder if it is possible that you can be design one that can run both mfx, and dcc with railcom for those who own both types of decoders?
Offline bobyAndCo  
#221 Posted : 16 October 2024 13:46:34(UTC)

Joined: 20/02/2024(UTC)
Posts: 7
Location: Bretagne
Yasan has done a great job, but it's no longer realistic to try and develop a piloting program with the very good software available today, some of which is free, such as Rocrail or JMRI. Maintenance, updates and a large user community are important benefits.

These are times of APIs that enable different, high-performance worlds to communicate, and that's what I've done with this Rocrail / MS2 gateway.

Railuino, which I repeat is a very fine achievement, no longer really fits in today between very simple things (gateway) and the need for very low-level programming in C or C++, as is the case for a power station.

For a DIY DCC control unit with Railcom, you'll find here a very good, comprehensive product that supports numerous environments and smartphone applications. I've added CAN commands to the Marklin protocol, so you can even control it with an MS2!


But it's not MFX compatible.

I've also developed a whole ecosystem for Railcom detection on ESP32 which is very cost-effective.


Don't hesitate if you have other interests or questions on any of these subjects


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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