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Offline nelson77  
#1 Posted : 25 September 2011 20:20:25(UTC)

Joined: 24/01/2010(UTC)
Posts: 154
Location: Westminster, Md
Serious MFX problems

Every time one of my MFX stops for as little as 20 seconds at a station or staging yard waiting for the next train to arrive after it is triggered to start, it has to register again before it moves.. This causes the train in the rear to run into it due to the re-registering time it takes before it’s out of the way.. This is causing serious problems for me because I have all trains running automatically and they are being triggered by reed switches for the stop and start process. Is there anyway to keep the MFX information in the CS2 permanently. Do I have to do something after the engines resisters itself in the CS2. Any help will be appreciated. I will call Marklin Monday to see if they any solutions. For now will just not use MFX Lok’s
Thanks in advance,
Westminster, Md
Offline Webmaster  
#2 Posted : 25 September 2011 20:43:12(UTC)

Joined: 25/07/2001(UTC)
Posts: 11,162
This is strange indeed... My old CS1 keeps the registrations, and the CS2 is supposed to be much better... ???

Do you have other mfx locos to test with the same train?

Is it only one mfx loco that does this?

Could it be a faulty decoder in the loco that always sends "Hi, I'm new here" or such?

If other mfx loks work ok, it seems like the fault is not in the CS2... Or is it?

Just asking these questions to get some brainstorming going, don't have a CS2 myself - But maybe others have had similar situations...
Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
Offline nelson77  
#3 Posted : 25 September 2011 23:17:51(UTC)

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Location: Westminster, Md
Thanks for the help.
I tried it on 8 lok's with MFX decoders. Everyone stops to register when it stops for a few seconds. Every once and a while one will work properly but I can’t narrow down to one particular engine. I just down loaded the new software from Marklin to see if that would make a difference. I upgraded both my 60215 and my 60214. It still did not help. I might try deleted all the lok’s from both cs2’s and than try registering each lok on the programming track one at a time. I never had this problem before. It now has taken me almost two years to get most of the bugs out and I thought I had until yesterday. I can’t think of anything that I might have done to cause this. It looks like I might have to put a couple more home signals on the layout to prevent anymore accidents happening because of this problem. Two days ago I had 12 trains running for 8 hours non stop without any problems. If I take off the MFX loks all works great. Now, I am not sure what to do. Hopefully some on this forum can give me a suggestion on what to try next. I hope I live long enough to complete this project.
Thanks Again,
Westminster, Md
Offline xxup  
#4 Posted : 25 September 2011 23:27:28(UTC)

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How are the trains stopping? Are you using a braking module or simply cutting the power using a signal?
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Offline nelson77  
#5 Posted : 26 September 2011 00:53:20(UTC)

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I am using 1039 Home signals triggeed by a reed through a relay. I am using one line with a braking module.
Offline supermoee  
#6 Posted : 26 September 2011 08:34:13(UTC)

Joined: 31/05/2007(UTC)
Posts: 534

I had same problem and it was very hard to find out the cause.

I'm using 25 self made braking modules and I saw that on one the trains were not stopping correctly, by stopping directly in the braking section.

Solution: it was a non correctly soldered capacitor that caused this problem. Once soldered well this capacitor, the continuous mfx registering problem after stop was solved.


Offline xxup  
#7 Posted : 26 September 2011 09:06:32(UTC)

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This topic might be worth a read -> https://www.marklin-users.net/forum/yaf_postst11707_Programming-Digital-Signals.aspx

James had the same problem as you described, but it looks like there was no resolution to the problem.. Unless he to get some information from Marklin.. Something is niggling away at the back of my mind about signals and mFx locos - perhaps it was Stephan's experience.. I have looked through the Signal Manual and the Electrical Manual and can't find anything - so it might be that I have read something in the Marklin Magazin or the Club magazine.. I will keep looking, while we wait for others to help..

Perz has done some great research into mFx and there are many posts on the forum that talk about part-registered mfx locos and mFx decoder states.. Here is one related to a signal module https://www.marklin-users.net/forum/yaf_postst8096_72441-Signal-modul-and-6090x-mfx-dekoder.aspx

I know that it is not simply a matter of not powering the mFx loco, because our layout is switched off for weeks at a time and all the locos in eCOS system work perfectly when power is restored.. Registration only seems to be needed when a loco is introduced to the layout that has not been previously registered into the eCOS.
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Offline perz  
#8 Posted : 26 September 2011 23:56:37(UTC)

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I have hesitated a bit about responding to this. I do not have a CS2 and do not have access to one, so my contribution will be somewhat speculative, and I don't like speculation. However, if the loco is really re-registering (not just being slow to respond) it is likely because of an incorrect behavior by the CS2. There are two things that can force a decoder to re-register:

1. The PING command, if there is a mismatch between the actual decoder serial number and the serial number used in the PING command. This is not the likely cause of the problem.

2. The BAKE command, if the control station serial number or the BAKE command sequence number is changed. The BAKE command is sent out with regular intervals to inform the decoders of the serial number of the control station. I don't think the CS2 changes its serial number (that would be a very severe bug if it did) but it could change its BAKE command sequence number from time to time. If such a change happens while the loco is powered off, it re-registers, but if the decoder sees both the old and new sequence number without any power drop in between, the loco stays registered. Conclusions from previous threads indicate that the CS2 probably updates the BAKE command sequence number now and then. Don't know if there is a configuration option to turn this off. If the sequence number is updated for no special reason and there is no way to turn that behavior off I would consider it a bug. The MS1 at least does not do such a sequence number update unless you delete an mfx loco from its loco list. Probably the CS1 does not do it either.
Offline jeehring  
#9 Posted : 27 September 2011 03:15:07(UTC)

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... speculation may be helpful sometimes...
as for me , I don't have CS2 yet, I'll answer only by intuition : Nelson is using 2 CS2 simultaneously... I presume all the loks have not been initially registered on the same CS2 (I mean the first time)....The 60215 was available in 2011 only, and must be recently acquired , & more recently implemented into his control system...
Nelson suggest that he might try deleted all the lok’s from both cs2’s and then try registering each lok on the programming track one at a time. This is what I would do first, I think it's a good idea....If I were at his place I would try re-registring one by one only on 1 CS2....then see how it works with 1 CS2 before connecting them & making data transferts....

Also , I wonder what level of synchronisation between the 2 CS2 did he choose....

What's bothering me is that he said that 2 days before all was working well...Confused (what did he change during those 2 days ? )

Edited by user 28 September 2011 00:35:24(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Bigdaddynz  
#10 Posted : 27 September 2011 04:06:52(UTC)

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Just a bit more speculation, since you have 2 CS2's, have you connected the track power output from both of your CS2's to your layout, and if so, have you made sure that you isolated the centre rail between the powered sections?
Offline H0  
#11 Posted : 27 September 2011 10:26:02(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
I might try deleted all the lok’s from both cs2’s and than try registering each lok on the programming track one at a time.
Just to make sure: are both CS2s connected with that special cable and running in Master/Slave mode?
If yes, then there should be only one loco list (you can configure the slave to synchronize the loco list from the master).

If no: this behaviour is normal if there are two unsynchronized mfx controllers on the layout; locos moving from one controller to the other will register again (that's why "teppichbahning" is normally done without mfx when they use more than 1 controller).

Just speculating, too (we had 2 CS2s at the last club meeting, but used only one for track power).
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
Offline nelson77  
#12 Posted : 27 September 2011 16:51:27(UTC)

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Hello All,
Thanks again for all you advice.
First of all , both CS2’s are connected with that special cord between the two CS’s. I am using a 60215 as a master and the 60214 as a slave unit. Each CS has its own transformer. The 60215 has a 60174 booster and the programming test track 78100 connected to it. I had to use a thumb drive to copy the info from the 60215 to the 60214. This is how it was connected ,when I tested all 12 engines for about 8 hours to make sure all bugs were worked out. By the way I used the same engines for the 8 hour test. I would add wagons along the way to see if I had any track issues.
Before calling Marklin yesterday I decided to remove all Lok’s from the layout and start over using just one main line and two MFX Loks and 2 standard loks.. Each main line has 3 stops in the staging area and one stop at a station. The 3 stops at the staging area are controlled by three 7039 home signals I use the voltage from a separate transformer for the solenoids and at the station I used one 76xxx signal connected to the main line. Reeds are used to trigger the 7039 home signals as each train arrives. The 76xxx signal is trigged by two 24994 circuit track. When I turned on the CS2’s, both MFX loks registered and I pressed the MFX button when it lighted on the CS2, to lock each one in.
I did notice one thing that might of caused the problem. It did re register at the staging area and the station area, but it did seem to work better in the staging area and a couple of time in the staging area it worked properly, but it did reregister at the station stop. One time it took almost 3 minutes to reregister. The two MFX loks I used were 39010 B1 and a 39590.
I talked to Jeff Simpson from Marklin after trying this. I told him I was going to default both CS units back to the factory spec. (By the way does anyone know how to do this? I could not fine anything in the manual on how to do it) after defaulting I am going to just power up the older 60214 and see if that solves the problem. Jeff also thought this was a good way to start. I bought the 60215 while in Germany and he said they are not here in the US so he was not familiar with the new unit.
I put a call into Tom Catherwood but have not heard back from him.
Thanks again for all your help. I will let you know the results of my changes later today.
Westminster, Md
Offline nelson77  
#13 Posted : 27 September 2011 18:37:26(UTC)

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Hallo Tom,
I think you have the correct approach .I live in Augsburg a few months out of the year and I speak basic German but I don’t understand “teppichbanning”. Teppich I think means rug what does the complete word mean?. How would I synchronize both CS’2s together?
Offline H0  
#14 Posted : 28 September 2011 00:19:49(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
How would I synchronize both CS’2s together?
In the configuration options of the slave CS2 you can specify what to synchronize. IIRC there are four or five check boxes, one of them for the loco list.
I saw it at the last club meeting but don't recall where it is or how it is called.

"Teppichbahning" is used to name huge floor layouts that spread across several rooms - typically with one digital controller per room.
Here's a video of a Teppichbahning event:
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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Offline jeehring  
#15 Posted : 28 September 2011 00:39:15(UTC)

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...you should choose 60215 as master and 60214 as Slave...(just a suggestion)
Whatever central you have choosen as master , FIrst delete all your loks, then register your MFX loks on the Master only...
You don't have any instruction booklet with the cable ?
Offline Bigdaddynz  
#16 Posted : 28 September 2011 00:48:45(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
First of all , both CS2’s are connected with that special cord between the two CS’s.

I didn't know that there is a 'special' cable for this purpose. I was under the impression that any ordinary networking / crossover cable can be used to connect 2 CS2's together!
Offline dodger0325  
#17 Posted : 28 September 2011 01:59:50(UTC)

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There is a special cable for connecting 2 cs2 together #60123 it has 2 different plugs one for the exit on the master and one for the entry of the slave
Offline Bigdaddynz  
#18 Posted : 28 September 2011 03:11:01(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dodger0325 Go to Quoted Post
There is a special cable for connecting 2 cs2 together #60123....

Thanks for that Roger. Looking at the Marklin Systems Architecture diagram, I see that now. Can you connect 2 CS2's via the ethernet ports on each controller? If not, that seems rather daft on Marklin's part, as the CS1 is connected to a CS2 via the ethernet ports! Why not keep things consistent?
Offline jeehring  
#19 Posted : 28 September 2011 13:16:55(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: dodger0325 Go to Quoted Post
There is a special cable for connecting 2 cs2 together #60123 it has 2 different plugs one for the exit on the master and one for the entry of the slave

yes, & I wonder what happens if some loks have been initially registered into the CS2 that will be subsequently connected as a Slave.
Nelson 77 told us that he is using 60215 as Master (recently acquired). I guess he run his layout before buying a 60215, with the 60214....

I wish Marklin publish something on Marklin Magazine about the use of 2 CS or several CS one day...may be they did it already ?
Offline nelson77  
#20 Posted : 28 September 2011 16:07:52(UTC)

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Hello All,
Did not have too much time yesterday to work on the layout. What I did do was remove the older 60214 including the special cable connecting the two CS2’s. It was easier for me to do this one instead of removing the newer 60215. I only left 60215 to power one main line and the 60174 booster attached to the 60215 to power another main line. All engines were removed from the layout. I put two mfx enigines and two regular digital engines on the main line. I did not remove and data from the 60215. The only way I know how to default the cs2 is to remove the data one engine at a time. After powering up, the two mfx engines did register as usual. After starting the trains, I held my breath after the first engine stopped at station ( Marklin 39590). When the second engine triggered the home signal to start the 39590 it started right away. The second MFX engine arriving at the station (Marklin 39010 B1) also worked as they should. Even arriving in the shadow yard all engines worked properly. They sat in the shadow yard for about 45 seconds before they are trigged again. I ran these 4 trains for about an hour without any problems. Today I will put four engines on the booster line and run all 8 engines.
After looking at my problem, it seems like the data on the second CS (60214) did not accept the data that I copied from the master unit (60215). If the newer 60215 is able to run several of my engines by itself while it is disconnected form the other one maybe I should delete all the data form the 60214 and than just connect the 60214 to a programming track and register all the engines into the 60214. I would of though that if an engine was registered into the main unit the slave would automatically recognize the engine.
Will give another update later. Any more suggestions would be appreciated. I still have some hair left on my head but falling quickly.
Thanks for all,
Westminster, Md
Offline H0  
#21 Posted : 28 September 2011 17:46:04(UTC)

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The slave can synchronize all locos from the master - you have to check the appropriate checkbox (I'm sorry, but I only saw it on the German UI of the CS2 some time ago).
As I said: we had two CS2s at the club meeting. They both synchronized and the slave lost its own loco list and copied all data from the master. So in the end we had the same loco list showing on both CS2s, an iPhone, and an iPad.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
Offline nelson77  
#22 Posted : 28 September 2011 19:23:24(UTC)

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Another Update,
Turned on power to the layout. Kept the same configuration as I left last night. Cs2 60215 and two MFX lok’s and two standard Digital loks’on one main line. The two MFX were already registered with the CS2 and they started and stopped correctly right from the get go. I ran the four engines non stop for about an hour. I thought I would than go to the next step, add 2 more MFX loks and 2 standard digital loks to the second main line that was controlled by the booster that is connected to the CS2 60215. The two new loks on the booster circuit registered with the CS2 just like they always do. After one of the MFX loks arriving at the first stop the problem came back on both main lines. All the MFX lok’s on both lines started registering again after they came to the stop area and than when the track was triggered to go. Now I am back to the original problem.
My next attempt will be deleting all the loks form my older cs2 (60214) one at a time and start registering the loks on a programming track, using this unit as a stand alone. This should let me know if the 60215 is the problem or not. If it still happens to the second cs2 I won’t know what to try next.
Again open to any suggestions.
Westminster, Md
Offline nelson77  
#23 Posted : 28 September 2011 19:25:59(UTC)

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Hallo Tom,
Do you know what box to check for synchronization process. I could not find any in the manual.
Offline H0  
#24 Posted : 28 September 2011 20:24:05(UTC)

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I found a screenshot on the web:

For the loco lists, check "contr." besides "Sync with Master CS2".

Since the problem shows up with only one CS2 involved, this won't solve the problem.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
Offline Nielsenr  
#25 Posted : 28 September 2011 20:44:48(UTC)

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I have never had this type of problem. However, as a thought, since you only have one CS2 connected and the problem came back, could it possibly be that one of the four locos (two MFX, two non MFX) that you added when the problem came back is the source of the problem?? Maybe a bad decoder?? Just a thought ... maybe take those four back off the track, see if the original four locos are working ok and then add the second four one at a time and see if the problem returns when one of them is added.

Good luck!!

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Offline nelson77  
#26 Posted : 28 September 2011 21:27:55(UTC)

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Ok, Another Update.

Put on line my old 60214 CS2. First I deleted all the lok’s from the data base, at lease they did not show the engine screen. But I found out later my test engines that were suppose to have been deleted from the CS2 started running as soon as power was supplied to the track, of course I did not have any control of the lok because it was not programmed in to the CS2. I programmed the running engine again into the CS2 but I still could not control it. There has to be someway to format or erase the complete data base from the CS2.
So I continued the test with two MFX loks and two standard digital loks on the main line. Again the MFX registered and all 4 engines ran like they are supposed to do.
As soon as I added a couple of MFX engine on the second main line, I had the same problem. Every time one of the MFX engines came to the stop they started registering again.
Now what should I try.
Offline perz  
#27 Posted : 28 September 2011 21:51:53(UTC)

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When you added the other two mfx locos, were the original two powered on during the complete registration process of the new ones, or were they (or at least one of them) stopped at signals? If at least one of them was stopped at a signal, I think that could be the problem. Could be that the CS2 updates its BAKE command when it registers a loco. Then, if any other loco is stopped at a signal, that loco will be forced to re-register when it gets power again. But then maybe another loco is stopped at a signal, and when that loco gets power again ...

Well, just a theory because I do not have access to a CS2 to really check the BAKE commands from it.
thanks 1 user liked this useful post by perz
Offline jeehring  
#28 Posted : 28 September 2011 23:04:44(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
Ok, Another Update.

Put on line my old 60214 CS2.
As soon as I added a couple of MFX engine on the second main line, I had the same problem. Every time one of the MFX engines came to the stop they started registering again.
Now what should I try.

...this second main line was connected to the booster as well ? ...same booster as before ? ...this booster is now connected to 60214 ?...
What is the reference of the booster ?
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Offline nelson77  
#29 Posted : 29 September 2011 01:32:07(UTC)

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Hello Perz,
The way my setup works is the following: Two trains wait in the shadow yard, one waits in the station. One train is on the roll. The train on the roll runs about 20ft than down a 3 foot helix into the shadow yard, tripping the next train in the shadow yard, that train goes about 25 ft up a 3ft helix and than triggers the train at the station. Than it just keeps going like that. I have 4 main lines that each works the same way.
When I first start off there is usually two trains in the shadow yard and one sitting at the station. Today I did not have to wait for either of the two MFX’s to start. They were already registered in the CS2 and all started right away. It’s only when I added two MFX engines on the second main line that started interfering with the engine registering. What bothers me is last Saturday I had 12 engines running for about 8 hours including 7 MFX loks without an problems with the loks registering more than the first time.
Still waiting to hear from Tom and I put a call into Marklin Germany.
Tomorrow I think I will do what Robert suggested and try different MFX engines.
Will let you know
Westminster, Md
Offline nelson77  
#30 Posted : 29 September 2011 01:48:43(UTC)

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Hallo Jeehring,
Yes the same booster was used on both tests. All I did was swap the two CS2’s and leave the one not being used unplugged from the electric. Do you think maybe the BOOSTER is bad?
Now that you brought this up I remember reading somewhere that you should register the lok’s with the CS2 not on the booster line. I can’t read German that well it might have been concerning the old boosters I can’t remember for sure. I could try that tomorrow.
The big problem is how do I remove all the engine data that is registered in the CS2 and default to factory specs. When I remove each one at a time, it removes the MFX’s but not the older digital engines, even though their Icon does not show on the screen, they still start the loks on the track with out having any control.
Thanks for everyone’s help.
Westminster, Md
Offline H0  
#31 Posted : 29 September 2011 09:20:07(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
Still waiting to hear from Tom
I dunno what you're waiting for, maybe you missed post #24.
I have no idea what could be the problem.

Maybe resistors of 1.5 kOhm at the signals would help (they were required for 6080/6090 decoders). Each 6083 decoder should include 2 of them (so maybe you already have them).
Signal braking modules should solve the problem, but are more expensive than the resistors.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
Offline jeehring  
#32 Posted : 29 September 2011 11:11:33(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
Hallo Jeehring,
Yes the same booster was used on both tests. All I did was swap the two CS2’s and leave the one not being used unplugged from the electric. Do you think maybe the BOOSTER is bad?
Now that you brought this up I remember reading somewhere that you should register the lok’s with the CS2 not on the booster line. I can’t read German that well it might have been concerning the old boosters I can’t remember for sure. I could try that tomorrow.
The big problem is how do I remove all the engine data that is registered in the CS2 and default to factory specs. When I remove each one at a time, it removes the MFX’s but not the older digital engines, even though their Icon does not show on the screen, they still start the loks on the track with out having any control.
Thanks for everyone’s help.
Westminster, Md

My English is very basic...
However I can say about each experience with 60215 vs 60214 that the common point is the booster 60174 . This booster is powering the main line on which you got the same problem with signal...
Despite it should be probably not easy to disconnect the electric feeder of the second main line from the booster to connect it to the central , I'd try my best to make it as a test...(so we can be sure the booster is not involved...)

What kind of track isolation have you between rail section powered by booster & rail section powered by station ?Did you replace an "old" booster 60173 by a new booster 60174 ?...
Despite I'm not using this material yet, it is mentionned everywhere that between "60174 booster section & central section " they have a common ground, only the center rail MUST be isolated, not the rails , if you use a 60215 CS2 as master.( This must be also valid when using a 60214 as master I think...)
Whereas "booster section " had to be completely isolated from "CS2 section" (no common ground) when using the former type of boosters (60173, etc...)

PS before calling Germany prepare the reference numbers of the LOKS that are involved in the issue, as well...Wink

Edited by user 29 September 2011 14:43:09(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline nelson77  
#33 Posted : 29 September 2011 15:55:24(UTC)

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Hallo Tom,
Should I run from the CS2 + feed through the resistor than direct to the track that is controlled by the HOME Signal?
Offline nelson77  
#34 Posted : 29 September 2011 16:08:35(UTC)

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Location: Westminster, Md
Hallo Jeehring,
Today I will disconnect the booster from the layout and just use one of the CS2’s. I made all my power connects in one area so it is easy to remove and replace equipment. I have a separate wire for each feed line run completely around the layout and one bare cable for a common ground. Each main line is isolated from each others (CENTER RAIL ONLY) with those little red plugs. I did have a 60173 before having it replaced by the 60214.
I was reading somewhere last night that you can RESET the CS to factory specs. I will try that also if I find out to do it.
Thanks for the suggestion,
Westminster, Md
Offline nelson77  
#35 Posted : 29 September 2011 22:36:50(UTC)

Joined: 24/01/2010(UTC)
Posts: 154
Location: Westminster, Md
Another update

I disconnected both Cs2’s and booster. Connected my older CS2 (60214) to one of the main lines after defaulting the CS2 to factory specs. I registered 4 lok’s on the programming track than put them on the main line. Ran all four for about an hour without any problems. None of the MFX’s had to reregister. I than jumped the power from the first main line to the second main line. Again registered 4 loks on the programming track and put these 4 on the second line. I turned on all 8 loks by the way 6 are MFX Loks and let them run. They all operated correctly with out re-registering. They have been running for about an hour.
My next step is to connect my second CS2 (60215) and use it as a slave instead of a master unit . I will have to copy the data from the 60214 and download it to the 60215. Hope that goes well. Will let you know if this works.
Thanks for all your help,

Westminster, Md
Offline nelson77  
#36 Posted : 29 September 2011 23:44:22(UTC)

Joined: 24/01/2010(UTC)
Posts: 154
Location: Westminster, Md
Another Update.
Connected the 60214 and 60215 together with the special cable. Using the 60214 as the master, I copied the data and downloaded the info into the 60215 slave. Checked to see if the data was loaded in the slave and it looked OK. It automatically checked the AUX button. As soon as I turned the power, all the MFX started registering again, even they were all loaded into the cs2 master and ran great before connecting the two units.
Not sure what to do next. Any ideas will be apreciated.
Offline perz  
#37 Posted : 29 September 2011 23:46:56(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
Hello Perz,
The way my setup works is the following: Two trains wait in the shadow yard, one waits in the station. One train is on the roll. The train on the roll runs about 20ft than down a 3 foot helix into the shadow yard, tripping the next train in the shadow yard, that train goes about 25 ft up a 3ft helix and than triggers the train at the station. Than it just keeps going like that. I have 4 main lines that each works the same way.
When I first start off there is usually two trains in the shadow yard and one sitting at the station. Today I did not have to wait for either of the two MFX’s to start. They were already registered in the CS2 and all started right away. It’s only when I added two MFX engines on the second main line that started interfering with the engine registering. What bothers me is last Saturday I had 12 engines running for about 8 hours including 7 MFX loks without an problems with the loks registering more than the first time.
Still waiting to hear from Tom and I put a call into Marklin Germany.
Tomorrow I think I will do what Robert suggested and try different MFX engines.
Will let you know
Westminster, Md

My question was:

When you added the other two mfx locos, were the original two powered on during the complete registration process of the new ones, or were they (or at least one of them) stopped at signals?

I interpret your answer as "at least one mfx loco was stopped (i.e. without power) while the two new were registered". Is that correct?

Offline perz  
#38 Posted : 30 September 2011 00:29:15(UTC)

Joined: 12/01/2002(UTC)
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I would suggest an experiment:

You need 3 mfx locos and one controller.

1. Make sure none of the locos are registered in the controller.
2. Put locos 1 and 2 on the track.
3. Turn on the controller.
=> The two locos should register.
4. Lift off loco 2 from the track.
5. Put loco 3 on the track.
=> loco 3 should register.
?1 Does loco 1 re-register or stay registered?
6. Put loco 2 back on the track
?2 Does loco 2 re-register or does it keep its old registration?

To simplify, all locos should stand still during the experiment.
Repeat the experiment for both controllers, and for each controller repeat it twice, one for the main track and one for the programming track. What are the results?

Forget about the boosters. It is not likely at all that this problem has anything to do with the boosters. Boosters are simple repeaters of the commands. Locos only re-register as a result of a command sequence, and that will be the same regardless of whether there is a booster in between or not.
Offline nelson77  
#39 Posted : 30 September 2011 01:14:16(UTC)

Joined: 24/01/2010(UTC)
Posts: 154
Location: Westminster, Md
Hallo Perz,
I had registered all the loks that I would be using today on the CS2 60214 master with the programming track. Than I connected the two CS2's together. After I connected the cs2s I defaulted the slave unit (60215) and downloaded the lok information form the 60214 using a thumb drive. Than I started running trains. Maybe something happened on the transfer of data. At that time when the engine came to their stopping place. when they were triggered again to start is when they started reregistering again. Do you think if I started all over again with the slave unit and registered all the loks’ there before I connect the two units together. I wonder if they would stay registered doing that way.
I will also try your experiment on your last post.
Thanks A lot for your help.
I can’ believe this happened after all were running so good.

Offline dodger0325  
#40 Posted : 30 September 2011 02:42:00(UTC)

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are you sure you plugged the 60123 cable in the correct exit in the master and the correct entry in the slave ?
I am known for stuffing this bit up BigGrin
Offline Nielsenr  
#41 Posted : 30 September 2011 05:43:18(UTC)

United States   
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I am still concerned that when only one CS drives the entire layout, everything works fine. But when a booster or second CS is connected, the problem crops up. Are you sure you removed all of the outer rail isolators when you got your 60173 upgraded to a 60174?? And why do you keep copying the loco list from one CS to the other?? Isn't the master CS suppose to "sync up" with the slave?? There appears to be something not correct with the wiring IMHO.

If you want to buy me a round trip ticket from Florida, I'll come up and help you troubleshoot ... LOL!!! Just kidding ...

Whatever you find is the problem, please let us all know, even it is something crazy or stupid ... that is how we all learn!! When Thomas Edison had 100 unsuccessful attempts at making the light bulb, he never said he failed. He said he learned 100 ways NOT to make a light bulb.

Offline nelson77  
#42 Posted : 30 September 2011 15:33:29(UTC)

Joined: 24/01/2010(UTC)
Posts: 154
Location: Westminster, Md
Hello Dodger0325,

Yes, I plugged the 60213 in the proper connection. After you do that and turn on power it tells you what cs2 is master and slave. If you reverse the cable it just does says the opposite.
Offline nelson77  
#43 Posted : 30 September 2011 15:48:16(UTC)

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Location: Westminster, Md
Hello Nielsenr,
When I first bough my second CS2 (60215) when I was in Germans that’s exactly how It was explained to me that they would sync up. The slave is just there and only acts a speed control. You can’t use it to register loks control signal ect . I will email Tom Catherall to see if they are supposed to do that. I email him a week ago about this problem and haven’t heard from him or Marklin in Germany. Today I am going to default the slave unit and connect it to the track by itself and register all the loks into there and than connect the two together. I have learned a lot since I took up this hobby, maybe I should stayed with my old collecting corvettes.
Just read a note on page 57 of the CS manual. It says "The loks list must be set up on the 2nd CS" When I restored the data form the master to slave it shows the lok info but it must not register it into the CS slave.
Offline nelson77  
#44 Posted : 01 October 2011 00:55:31(UTC)

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Location: Westminster, Md
Another update.
I talked to Tom Catherall today. He said that the two CS'2 should sync up.
I tried to sync the two CS2 together a few times. It did not work and it didn’t make a difference which CS2 I used as a slave or master.
When that did not work I decided to start over with just my 60214. I ran 4 trains on one line, they ran well after they all registered. I than added more trains on the next line. They also ran well. Than I swapped the cs2 and put the new 60215 on line. It registered all the loks but just about every time one stopped for awhile they had to reregister again. I will do more testing tomorrow and try to narrow it down but it looks like it is the 60215 that bad or they can’t sync with the older versions.
I will keep you informed.
Thanks Again for the forums help
Nelson SLinkman
Offline xxup  
#45 Posted : 01 October 2011 02:08:02(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
... I will do more testing tomorrow and try to narrow it down but it looks like it is the 60215 that bad or they can’t sync with the older versions....

Just another suggestion.. You could turn off the DCC protocol in the 60215.. When I had the Intellibox, many many years ago, there was a noticeable performance difference with the DCC protocol switched off.. Perhaps the "busy" 60215 does not have enough time to register mFx properly or sync with the other non-DCC devices..

This is a great and interesting technical thread - just like the old days..Smile
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Offline jeehring  
#46 Posted : 01 October 2011 11:30:06(UTC)

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...If there are 2 options : 1/synchronized or 2/ not synchronized

IMO It means that there is a choice between 2 ways of using 2 CS2 together.

( As a non owner of CS2 - not yet - I thought that it means option 1 = sharing the same memory, same track diagram, same keyboard etc.... Option 2 = on the second CS2 you may have a different track diagram for another part of the layout, different keyboard, different memory, etc...) MAY BE ?
Offline perz  
#47 Posted : 01 October 2011 15:24:47(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
It registered all the loks

Should we interpret it this way: It registered all loks, and the whole time while it did it, all loks were on a powered segment of the track (i.e. not stopped at signals etc.)?

Or was any of the loks stopped (with power off) or lifted off the track any time before the complete registration of all loks was finished?

Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
but just about every time one stopped for awhile they had to reregister again.

Should we interpret it this way: Just every time one lok stopped for a while due to power cut-off (i.e. not just because of its speed set to 0), when the stopped lok got power again, that lok had to re-register?

Or did loks re-register at other times than directly after getting power again after having been stopped with power off?
Offline nelson77  
#48 Posted : 01 October 2011 16:44:20(UTC)

Joined: 24/01/2010(UTC)
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Location: Westminster, Md
Hello Perz,
I had all loks on the track with power when they were register the first time. After all registed in the CS2 is when I started running them.They only re-register when they come to a stop area (Stagging yard or Station area) and when the power is turned on from the Home signal that when it registeds again. I will do more testing today but I have a feeling it is going to be a problem withe the new CS2 (60215) I noticed when I used the data base to register a standard digital lok every time it came up with a BR03. I did upgrade both units 1.6.4(3) yesterday.
Thanks again for your help.
Westminster, Md
Offline nelson77  
#49 Posted : 01 October 2011 16:54:52(UTC)

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Hello XXUP,

How do I turn the DCC off. I did not see anythingin the manual.
Offline H0  
#50 Posted : 01 October 2011 17:11:23(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: nelson77 Go to Quoted Post
How do I turn the DCC off. I did not see anythingin the manual.
AFAIK this is a new feature, so it's not in the manual. Somewhere in the setup screens you can select the active protocols (look for a drop-down list box).

You can disable mfx - that should solve the problem with reoccurring registrations (just kidding).

If you activate MM + mfx only, DCC will be deactivated.
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