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Offline old toot  
#51 Posted : 03 December 2014 08:49:54(UTC)
old toot

New Zealand   
Joined: 09/07/2009(UTC)
Posts: 498
Location: christchurch, canterbury
hi all
as above the new items comes out about late jan which also means your no 1 insider mag is held back
so that the new items catalogue can be included with the insider Mag
The Main 2014/5 big fat catalogue is being made about now and normally comes out november
and that includes all the track stuff, bridges, signals etc

I hear there is talk of an 01 in a green colour like we have seen in the p8 and p10 this year
and a lot more freight and simply expect a thicker catalogue !!! bearing in mind the new factory
in Gyor has a 40% increase in production capacity so prepare for the fun.

happy buying
bryan old toot
were we pickit, packit and postit
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Offline vilithejou  
#52 Posted : 03 December 2014 09:49:26(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona
Sometimes for Christmas Marklin give a hint of two or three new items
Let's hope Márklin do it again.
Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
Offline steventrain  
#53 Posted : 04 December 2014 21:07:34(UTC)

United Kingdom   
Joined: 21/10/2004(UTC)
Posts: 31,675
Location: United Kingdom
Insider 2015 Delivery date.

39030 - Q2/2015
42259 - Q2/2015

Large Marklinist 3- Rails Layout with CS2/MS2/Boosters/C-track/favorites Electric class E03/BR103, E18/E118, E94, Crocodiles/Steam BR01, BR03, BR05, BR23, BR44, BR50, Big Boy.
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Offline kimballthurlow  
#54 Posted : 06 December 2014 08:02:07(UTC)

Joined: 18/03/2007(UTC)
Posts: 6,733
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Originally Posted by: old toot Go to Quoted Post
hi all
I hear there is talk of an 01 in a green colour like we have seen in the p8 and p10 this year
and a lot more freight and simply expect a thicker catalogue !!! bearing in mind the new factory
in Gyor has a 40% increase in production capacity so prepare for the fun.

happy buying
bryan old toot

I think I can read between the lines, and say that Marklin with their Catia CAD/CAM system will be capable of producing models at a rate not previously seen.
We might well say "....you ain't seen nuthin' yet...."

HO Scale - Märklin (ep II-III and VI, C Track, digital) - 2 rail HO (Queensland Australia, UK, USA) - 3 rail OO (English Hornby Dublo) - old clockwork O gauge - Live Steam 90mm (3.1/2 inch) gauge.
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Offline NS1200  
#55 Posted : 07 December 2014 15:35:25(UTC)

Joined: 10/08/2009(UTC)
Posts: 3,443
Originally Posted by: old toot Go to Quoted Post
hi all
as above the new items comes out about late jan which also means your no 1 insider mag is held back
so that the new items catalogue can be included with the insider Mag
The Main 2014/5 big fat catalogue is being made about now and normally comes out november
and that includes all the track stuff, bridges, signals etc

I hear there is talk of an 01 in a green colour like we have seen in the p8 and p10 this year
and a lot more freight and simply expect a thicker catalogue !!! bearing in mind the new factory
in Gyor has a 40% increase in production capacity so prepare for the fun.

happy buying
bryan old toot

Picked up the 2014/2015 catalogue from a very nice trainshop in the centre of Aachen,Germany,yesterday.
The catalogue was available in various languages,including Dutch,so obviously i opted for the latter.
As could be expected,the catalogue does not contain any surprises,i am sorry to say.
Everything in there was already published earlier.
Usually,the new items for the year ahead are being published AFTER the Neurenberg toyfair somewhere in February.
I took a steamtrip with SSN 01 1075 from Rotterdam to Aachen and back,a full day with plenty of action.
The old lady,born in 1940,behaved very well,pulling 7 steelcoaches at 100 km/h.

Have more than you show,speak less than you know (Shakespeare).
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Offline kiwiAlan  
#56 Posted : 07 December 2014 19:02:36(UTC)

United Kingdom   
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Location: ENGLAND, Didcot
Originally Posted by: NS1200 Go to Quoted Post

Usually,the new items for the year ahead are being published AFTER the Neurenberg toyfair somewhere in February.


The PDF versions for most of the major manufacturers have always been available before the Nurnburg Toy fair for around the last 10 years or more. See my links further up this topic for shop websites where I look for them.

I think that there has been an agreement between the manufacturers and the shops to enforce the manufacturers embargoes on publishing these as there seemed to be a race between web sites a few years ago to be the first to publish the NI brochures before the Toy Fair. Now you find that a given brochure will almost always be simultaneously published by many of them, some end up being a day behind, presumably because they are busy.

Agreed you can't generally get hold of paper copies until after the Toy Fair, but you don't really need them these days with the widespread use of computers and tablets.

Offline pab  
#57 Posted : 07 December 2014 20:50:14(UTC)

Joined: 03/11/2007(UTC)
Posts: 2,762
Somewhere at the end of January there used to be a new items presentation for the customers of the store shops and the shop in shops. If I remember correctly. Glare. The shops will have a new items DVD for that.
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Offline NS1200  
#58 Posted : 07 December 2014 21:29:08(UTC)

Joined: 10/08/2009(UTC)
Posts: 3,443
The socalled new items (=2015 items) are not in the 2014/2015 big fat catalogue,and that was more or less the question the way i read it.
This happens every year,people,including me,are eagerly awaiting the new items for the year ahead,knowing that the real news will appear around the Neurenberg toyfair.
Surely there will be some leakage of information,it is all part of the game.
Marklin magic,so to speak.
Please also keep an eye on Marklin TV,sometimes Marklin wants to tease us with pre-production studies during interviews with senior staff members,it happened with the 3-part articulated Swedish electric loco which i first saw as a photograph put on the cupboard in the Marklin headoffice.
Have more than you show,speak less than you know (Shakespeare).
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Offline vilithejou  
#59 Posted : 23 December 2014 22:53:35(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona

One new item for 2015 was announced, It's a TRAXX on NS version
It's a Start Up item

Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
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Offline NS1200  
#60 Posted : 24 December 2014 11:06:36(UTC)

Joined: 10/08/2009(UTC)
Posts: 3,443
Originally Posted by: vilithejou Go to Quoted Post

One new item for 2015 was announced, It's a TRAXX on NS version
It's a Start Up item


Very interesting for all Marklin fans in Holland,and beyond.
Loco with metal hood for less than Euro 200.-,including full sound options,even a conductors wissle!
if you click on the picture you will see a full list of sound options.

Redder in nood means: saviour in distress,this has to do with the Fyra disaster,Italian trains not found fit for high speed service in Holland.
Traxx locomotives are taking care of the service at a service speed of 160 km/h.

Also available in 2 rail DC as Trix 22164.

Perhaps Marklin will also issue a full set of updated coaches with new door signs,perhaps even an endcoach with steeringcabin.........

Edited by user 25 December 2014 11:44:21(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Have more than you show,speak less than you know (Shakespeare).
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Offline steventrain  
#61 Posted : 26 December 2014 14:55:10(UTC)

United Kingdom   
Joined: 21/10/2004(UTC)
Posts: 31,675
Location: United Kingdom
36622 Electrice loco Class NS 186 009 mfx sound - See detail and image >Marklin.nI site< You need google translate.

Thanks to vilithejou for post the news.
Large Marklinist 3- Rails Layout with CS2/MS2/Boosters/C-track/favorites Electric class E03/BR103, E18/E118, E94, Crocodiles/Steam BR01, BR03, BR05, BR23, BR44, BR50, Big Boy.
Offline Wildrose-Wally  
#62 Posted : 26 December 2014 17:08:19(UTC)

Joined: 22/12/2013(UTC)
Posts: 563
Location: Sunny Southern Alberta
I am going to get that one. I also want to get the Marklin 26596, The 1714 locomotive Veenendaal with a DD-AR stam. I was born in Veenendaal, so I have to get it. :)

Page 24 and 25:
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Offline NS1200  
#63 Posted : 26 December 2014 20:17:57(UTC)

Joined: 10/08/2009(UTC)
Posts: 3,443
Originally Posted by: Wildrose-Wally Go to Quoted Post
I am going to get that one. I also want to get the Marklin 26596, The 1714 locomotive Veenendaal with a DD-AR stam. I was born in Veenendaal, so I have to get it. :)

Page 24 and 25:

Good on you,Walter,go for it!
You may wish to reserve some funds for a possible coach set to go with the 36622 when it comes?
In fact the loco series 1600/1700/1800 is a dying breed,a lot have been put aside already for scrapping.

Cheers from rainy and snowy Rhoon (south of Rotterdam).


Have more than you show,speak less than you know (Shakespeare).
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Offline vilithejou  
#64 Posted : 03 January 2015 08:41:46(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona
Some new items confirmend form Marklin Spain

39550 G5/5 with full sound mfx+ Ep IIa
39551 G5/5 mfx Ep IIa
39552 BR 57.5 with full sound mfx+ Ep IIIa
39553 BR 57.5 mfx Ep IIIa
36332 Ee 3/3 2 locos Ep III green and brown with full sound mfx+ Ep III
37996 Big Boy variante wit full sound mfx+ Ep III
45659 Set vagons Box car for 37996 Ep III (5 units)
45660 Set vagons Box car for 37996 Ep III (5 units)
45706 Set vagons caboose UP, NYC, PRR for 37996Ep III (3 units)
46085 Set vagons Ep IIA for 39550 + 39551 (3 units)
46803 Set vagons coal typ OOt for 39550 + 39551 Ep IIa

Yesterday I did a mistake... the list will be here
Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
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Offline steventrain  
#65 Posted : 03 January 2015 10:02:38(UTC)

United Kingdom   
Joined: 21/10/2004(UTC)
Posts: 31,675
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Originally Posted by: vilithejou Go to Quoted Post
Some new items confirmend form Marklin Spain

39550 G5/5 with full sound mfx+ Ep IIa
39551 G5/5 mfx+ Ep IIa
39552 BR 57.5 with full sound mfx+ Ep IIIa
39552 39553 BR 57.5 mfx+ Ep IIIa
36332 Ee 3/3 2 locos Ep III green and brown with full sound mfx+ Ep III
37996 Big Boy variante wit full sound mfx+ Ep III
45659 Set vagons Box car for 37996 Ep III (5 units)
45660 Set vagons Box car for 37996 Ep III (5 units)
45706 Set vagons caboose UP, NYC, PRR for 37996Ep III (3 units)
46085 Set vagons Ep IIA for 39550 + 39551 (3 units)
46803 Set vagons coal typ OOt for 39550 + 39551 Ep IIa

Yesterday I did a mistake... the list will be here

It should be read 39553.

The 39551, 39553 and 36332 will be mfx only (not the mfx+)
Large Marklinist 3- Rails Layout with CS2/MS2/Boosters/C-track/favorites Electric class E03/BR103, E18/E118, E94, Crocodiles/Steam BR01, BR03, BR05, BR23, BR44, BR50, Big Boy.
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Offline RayF  
#66 Posted : 03 January 2015 10:23:41(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 15,864
Location: Gibraltar, Europe
How exiting! Another new steamer!

Looking forward to this. I might buy one of these.
Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
Offline pab  
#67 Posted : 03 January 2015 10:42:45(UTC)

Joined: 03/11/2007(UTC)
Posts: 2,762
I'm interested in the 39552, the BR57.5 with sound.
Offline esgovipa  
#68 Posted : 03 January 2015 12:53:00(UTC)

Joined: 04/06/2007(UTC)
Posts: 180
More information about the real lok G5/5:

Best regards
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Offline steventrain  
#69 Posted : 03 January 2015 13:32:42(UTC)

United Kingdom   
Joined: 21/10/2004(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: esgovipa Go to Quoted Post
More information about the real lok G5/5:


Also more information in English http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bavarian_G_5/5
Large Marklinist 3- Rails Layout with CS2/MS2/Boosters/C-track/favorites Electric class E03/BR103, E18/E118, E94, Crocodiles/Steam BR01, BR03, BR05, BR23, BR44, BR50, Big Boy.
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Offline vilithejou  
#70 Posted : 03 January 2015 22:53:55(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona
The Ee 3/3

is like that:

Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
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Offline RayF  
#71 Posted : 04 January 2015 00:08:23(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 15,864
Location: Gibraltar, Europe
Isn't the Ee3/3 more likely to be the same type as the 36330 and 36331?

This is my 36331

Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
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Offline danmarklinman  
#72 Posted : 04 January 2015 00:11:09(UTC)

United Kingdom   
Joined: 18/10/2012(UTC)
Posts: 1,399
It could be the SNCF/SBB version!
danmarklinman attached the following image(s):
Marklin and Piko era 4 SNCB , Marklin wagons
Wiking model car Fan
Faller fan including car system
Instagram: marklin1978
Wiking fan
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Offline Frits Osterthun  
#73 Posted : 04 January 2015 00:17:12(UTC)
Frits Osterthun

Joined: 25/11/2014(UTC)
Posts: 19
Location: Rotterdam
Concerning the Bavarian G 5/5 to be released, here's an idea of how it looks in era 2 as an H0-model.
This is the one I shot at the Landshut Micro Metakit firm. It shows the first Bauform from 1911

Frits Osterthun © 2009

Edited at: by user 17 February 2015 23:29:29(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Offline vilithejou  
#74 Posted : 04 January 2015 07:45:37(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona
Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Isn't the Ee3/3 more likely to be the same type as the 36330 and 36331?

This is my 36331

no no... its a new locomotive like the photo I put here never make by marklin... one green an other brown...
Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
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Offline RayF  
#75 Posted : 04 January 2015 12:05:45(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 15,864
Location: Gibraltar, Europe
Originally Posted by: vilithejou Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Isn't the Ee3/3 more likely to be the same type as the 36330 and 36331?

This is my 36331

no no... its a new locomotive like the photo I put here never make by marklin... one green an other brown...

OK, Thanks, Joan! It will be nice to see a different model.

I just assumed that the 36332, being next in the series 36330 & 36331 would use the same tooling. I guess you have inside information?
Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
Offline vilithejou  
#76 Posted : 04 January 2015 13:08:22(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona
Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: vilithejou Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Isn't the Ee3/3 more likely to be the same type as the 36330 and 36331?

This is my 36331

no no... its a new locomotive like the photo I put here never make by marklin... one green an other brown...

OK, Thanks, Joan! It will be nice to see a different model.

I just assumed that the 36332, being next in the series 36330 & 36331 would use the same tooling. I guess you have inside information?

No... The distribution Marklin Spain send a PDF with information and photos
Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
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Offline kiwiAlan  
#77 Posted : 04 January 2015 15:25:48(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: vilithejou Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Isn't the Ee3/3 more likely to be the same type as the 36330 and 36331?

This is my 36331

no no... its a new locomotive like the photo I put here never make by marklin... one green an other brown...

OK, Thanks, Joan! It will be nice to see a different model.

I just assumed that the 36332, being next in the series 36330 & 36331 would use the same tooling. I guess you have inside information?

However comparing the 36331 photo to the Ee3/3 prototype photo, it looks very much like they could use the same mechanical assembly with a different body.

It wouldn't surprise me if this was the case, as it is evident in some other products that the development team do some very long term planning on how to get money back on some of the development costs.

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Offline RayF  
#78 Posted : 04 January 2015 21:26:53(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 15,864
Location: Gibraltar, Europe
I'm just wondering why they are producing this as a two-pack? They usually only do this when they are trying to get rid of old models.

I will wait for these to be split by dealers and get the green one.
Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
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Offline vilithejou  
#79 Posted : 04 January 2015 21:33:17(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona
Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
I'm just wondering why they are producing this as a two-pack? They usually only do this when they are trying to get rid of old models.

I will wait for these to be split by dealers and get the green one.

The same wit krokodile 37565 :-) one brown one green
Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
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Offline kiwiAlan  
#80 Posted : 04 January 2015 21:46:09(UTC)

United Kingdom   
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Location: ENGLAND, Didcot
Originally Posted by: vilithejou Go to Quoted Post
Some new items confirmend form Marklin Spain
46085 Set vagons Ep IIA for 39550 + 39551 (3 units)
46803 Set vagons coal typ OOt for 39550 + 39551 Ep IIa

Any pictures of these wagon sets?

Any other infor on number of wagons in each set, or consist of first set?
Offline Bigdaddynz  
#81 Posted : 04 January 2015 21:52:26(UTC)

New Zealand   
Joined: 17/09/2006(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Frits Osterthun Go to Quoted Post
Concerning the Bavarian G 5/5 to be released, here's an idea of how it looks in era 2 as an H0-model.
This is the one I shot at the Landshut Micro Metakit firm.

Thanks for posting Fritz. Google doesn't show any pictures for this loco type when searching.
Offline vilithejou  
#82 Posted : 04 January 2015 22:55:43(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona
Some photos

















Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
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Offline kiwiAlan  
#83 Posted : 04 January 2015 23:08:02(UTC)

United Kingdom   
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Originally Posted by: vilithejou Go to Quoted Post
Some photos





Well know, there is a couple of wagon sets that will be on my buying list ... Blushing

I have the 46801 and 46802 sets as well as some miscellaneous other versions of these coal wagons. Trouble is I need to find some loads for some of them, only one set comes loaded.

And thanks very much for posting the photos.

Offline kimballthurlow  
#84 Posted : 05 January 2015 08:07:19(UTC)

Joined: 18/03/2007(UTC)
Posts: 6,733
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Originally Posted by: kiwiAlan Go to Quoted Post

.......comparing the 36331 photo to the Ee3/3 prototype photo, it looks very much like they could use the same mechanical assembly with a different body.

It wouldn't surprise me if this was the case, as it is evident in some other products that the development team do some very long term planning on how to get money back on some of the development costs.

Yes, the G5/5 steam locomotive may be using the same frame and motion assembly as the recently released 3716x series of 0-10-0 tank engines.
With the driving rod big end on the 3rd axle from the front.
Driving wheel sizes are within 8cm.

HO Scale - Märklin (ep II-III and VI, C Track, digital) - 2 rail HO (Queensland Australia, UK, USA) - 3 rail OO (English Hornby Dublo) - old clockwork O gauge - Live Steam 90mm (3.1/2 inch) gauge.
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Offline foumaro  
#85 Posted : 05 January 2015 10:09:54(UTC)

Joined: 08/12/2004(UTC)
Posts: 4,429
Location: Attiki Athens Greece
The USA box cars are not something special.It will be an easy year for my wallet i think.I have a few pendencies with model of previous years,for example i have to find a BR44 so i will search for them.BigGrin
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Offline 60904  
#86 Posted : 05 January 2015 10:42:46(UTC)

Joined: 27/11/2007(UTC)
Posts: 322
Originally Posted by: kimballthurlow Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: kiwiAlan Go to Quoted Post

.......comparing the 36331 photo to the Ee3/3 prototype photo, it looks very much like they could use the same mechanical assembly with a different body.

It wouldn't surprise me if this was the case, as it is evident in some other products that the development team do some very long term planning on how to get money back on some of the development costs.

Yes, the G5/5 steam locomotive may be using the same frame and motion assembly as the recently released 3716x series of 0-10-0 tank engines.
With the driving rod big end on the 3rd axle from the front.
Driving wheel sizes are within 8cm.


The wheel arrangement is different. It will not be the same, but quite similar.
Best regards
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Offline mbarreto  
#87 Posted : 05 January 2015 12:18:43(UTC)

Joined: 18/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,320

Happy new year to you all.
I don't understand why some locos are mfx and others are mfx+. I think when we see the price difference between for example 39552 and 39553 we (or at least me) will understand better. I would like the 36332 had mfx+, but off course we are supposed to buy without mfx+, so later we have a motivation and an excuse to buy the same thing with different road nimbers and with mfx+. Having said this I really would like they had mfx+ and I still have hope, but a very small hope....

I will go for the 36332 and 46803 unless the price is crazy. I mean if the price is crazy in 4D, because crazy it is for sure :)
I am also a lot focused on the 39030. Relative to the 3955X I don't really know yet what to do. Let's see what other products will be announced.
Best regards,
Mostly Märklin H0.

Offline vilithejou  
#88 Posted : 05 January 2015 12:23:37(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona
Originally Posted by: mbarreto Go to Quoted Post

Happy new year to you all.
I don't understand why some locos are mfx and others are mfx+. I think when we see the price difference between for example 39552 and 39553 we (or at least me) will understand better. I would like the 36332 had mfx+, but off course we are supposed to buy without mfx+, so later we have a motivation and an excuse to buy the same thing with different road nimbers and with mfx+. Having said this I really would like they had mfx+ and I still have hope, but a very small hope....

I will go for the 36332 and 46803 unless the price is crazy. I mean if the price is crazy in 4D, because crazy it is for sure :)
I am also a lot focused on the 39030. Relative to the 3955X I don't really know yet what to do. Let's see what other products will be announced.

36332 it's not mfx+ only mfx but full sound
Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
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Offline steventrain  
#89 Posted : 05 January 2015 16:08:01(UTC)

United Kingdom   
Joined: 21/10/2004(UTC)
Posts: 31,675
Location: United Kingdom
I have post photos on first post - Big Thank to vilithejou for the photos.ThumpUp
Large Marklinist 3- Rails Layout with CS2/MS2/Boosters/C-track/favorites Electric class E03/BR103, E18/E118, E94, Crocodiles/Steam BR01, BR03, BR05, BR23, BR44, BR50, Big Boy.
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Offline vilithejou  
#90 Posted : 05 January 2015 16:25:25(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona

I received today a e-mail from Marklin Store where they invited their customers to view the presentation of NH 2015 the next 17th the January...

what do think that we here next week
Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
Offline vilithejou  
#91 Posted : 05 January 2015 17:54:10(UTC)

Joined: 17/01/2004(UTC)
Posts: 848
Location: Vic, Barcelona
Some prices of the news and some new items, startpackung.... without photos

Joan Vilarrúbia
Fan of Märklín, Kroko lover
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Offline mbarreto  
#92 Posted : 05 January 2015 18:16:36(UTC)

Joined: 18/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,320
Originally Posted by: vilithejou Go to Quoted Post
Some prices of the news and some new items, startpackung.... without photos


These prices are good to keep the enthusiasm controlled.
For example for the Ee3/3 set I think the prices were more acceptable if the locos had telex, mfx+ and interior cabin light. The last one maybe they have...
Best regards,
Mostly Märklin H0.

Offline RayF  
#93 Posted : 05 January 2015 18:26:46(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 15,864
Location: Gibraltar, Europe
The newer steam locos tend to be quite expensive. I think I might go for the Br57 without sound to keep the cost down.
Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
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Offline mbarreto  
#94 Posted : 05 January 2015 18:28:00(UTC)

Joined: 18/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,320

The Ee3/3 seems like a non-existent non-articulated Croc cuted to 4/10th :)))))

Anyway I like them and probably will buy.
Best regards,
Mostly Märklin H0.

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Offline RayF  
#95 Posted : 05 January 2015 18:31:02(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 15,864
Location: Gibraltar, Europe
Some of the starter sets look interesting. I'm looking forward to the photos.
Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
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Offline mbarreto  
#96 Posted : 05 January 2015 18:31:57(UTC)

Joined: 18/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,320
Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
The newer steam locos tend to be quite expensive. I think I might go for the Br57 without sound to keep the cost down.

I used to buy more steamers than electric and diesels alltogether. Last year I reverted to the opposite exactly because of what you say.
Steamers price is starting to go over what I consider acceptable limits, specially when we are close to a deflation situation in Europe.
Best regards,
Mostly Märklin H0.

Offline steventrain  
#97 Posted : 05 January 2015 18:33:43(UTC)

United Kingdom   
Joined: 21/10/2004(UTC)
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I think marklin told all dealers to 10% limit discount on new items.ThumbDown

I like the G5/5 and BR57.5 if 20% or more discount.
Large Marklinist 3- Rails Layout with CS2/MS2/Boosters/C-track/favorites Electric class E03/BR103, E18/E118, E94, Crocodiles/Steam BR01, BR03, BR05, BR23, BR44, BR50, Big Boy.
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Offline mbarreto  
#98 Posted : 05 January 2015 18:51:15(UTC)

Joined: 18/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,320
Originally Posted by: steventrain Go to Quoted Post
I think marklin told all dealers to 10% limit discount on new items.ThumbDown

I like the G5/5 and BR57.5 if 20% or more discount.

The G5/5 doesn't even show Telex in the photo. It is also a loco that doesn't have lots of pipes so it is assembled faster.
Things that could justify such a high price (in my perspective) are:
1- telex and smoke Seuthe both together are ok for more 30 euros in the price.
2- brushless motor (still dreaming with the SDS)
3- Cabin inside with great detail and painted in prototype colours
4- Light inside the cabin
5- Really multi digital systems including mfx+ and DCC with Railcom+

Off course true to scale is mandatory as much as it is possible, although we know that exact scale usually brings problems to the model operation. Here the correct balance must be achieved and I don't complain abut current M models in this respect.

Best regards,
Mostly Märklin H0.

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Offline BR218_1952  
#99 Posted : 05 January 2015 19:24:39(UTC)

Joined: 02/01/2015(UTC)
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Location: Bayern, Munich
Originally Posted by: steventrain Go to Quoted Post
I think marklin told all dealers to 10% limit discount on new items.ThumbDown

I like the G5/5 and BR57.5 if 20% or more discount.

Yes, this true. I was told from my dealer, that Marklin will not allow discount higher than 10% at the internet, however some dealer offers special prices on new items, just before the Spielwarenmesse in Nuremberg. I was told from one dealer, that he got a very good price for all orders he placed during the Spielwarenmesse last year.

Last year some dealers offered up to 20% discount, for all orders of new items placed before the Spielwarenmesse.

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Offline Bigdaddynz  
#100 Posted : 05 January 2015 21:43:42(UTC)

New Zealand   
Joined: 17/09/2006(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
The newer steam locos tend to be quite expensive. I think I might go for the Br57 without sound to keep the cost down.

I think I might go for the desktop bitmap picture of the Br57 to keep the cost all the way down!
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