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Poll Question : Would you sign an open letter to Märklin about decoder/motor problems with your name?
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Offline TimR  
#51 Posted : 13 January 2014 06:14:52(UTC)

Joined: 16/08/2007(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: NZMarklinist Go to Quoted Post

"I don't think we can kindly ask Marklin to re-introduce them in the letter..."

Well why not ask, if you don't ask you don't get ! has been my experience Huh

Seeing we pay more for a Marklin Lok than they charge for the same Trix one anyway, why shouldn't we have SDS, and with proper driver electronics, probably on the decoder with eventually an SDS driver replacement decoder available as an option along with the others. That would make us beholden to Marklin for them but I'm not sure we actually want to go quite that far, but......! Scared Wink

I think they've burned way too many bridges to ever go back to SDS.

The main issue is this - from 2006 to 2010 - nearly ALL of their new tooling models have been designed from scratch to only fit SDS motor housing.
The result is excellent - most of them are well-balanced, very capable design.

When they pulled the plug, post-2010 new tooling models were designed for bell-shaped or el-cheapo motor...
.... but then they ran into a third problem from the issue above ---
How the f*** are they going to fit the (now more various) *larger* and *cheaper* motor(s) into those models that were originally designed to fit the smaller (& more superior) SDS motor?

We can have a look at BR218 as one particular example -- they solved the problem by changing the frame .
Not a particularly good value in investment for an ongoing model... but all in the name of replacing the original SDS with another one that is.... gradually cheaper.

Arguably it would have been cheaper for them just to fit a Maxxon DC motor that can fit the exact same size as SDS' original housing.
Yes, the motor would have been more expensive, but someone in Marklin's Design team probably didn't think that changing the frame of the model is too expensive...

Hello, eBay.... and can I have a look at the Brawa BR216...?
Now collecting C-Sine models.
Offline H0  
#52 Posted : 13 January 2014 09:05:47(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Hoffmann Go to Quoted Post
The letter you wanted to write to Marklin was about 3 Pol Motors and Decoder performance. NOW it seems everything Marklin makes is bad.

Locomotives /passenger cars / couplers / track / lighting / decoders . It seems to me that Marklin can not make anything right these days.

If you want absolute Perfection you better start building your own Locomotives/Cars /Track etc.
It's not bad, but we make suggestions how it can be made a little bit better.

We're collecting items - items will be filtered and sorted. We'll have to discuss if the letter will have 4, 8, or 12 items in it - or maybe just two.

Better couplers that are compatible with the old ones? You can buy them from Roco.

Locos with metal body, fine details and good motors? You can buy them from ESU.

Passenger coaches in full length with better details and lower prices? You can buy them from Piko.

Märklin is not the "innovation pace maker" they once claimed to be. The new m83/m84 decoder seem to be innovative and make them the leader in that area. In other areas they are not leading.

Those who only buy Märklin and are perfectly happy with Märklin will not understand what our wishes are about.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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Offline H0  
#53 Posted : 13 January 2014 09:15:02(UTC)

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Hi, John!
Originally Posted by: river6109 Go to Quoted Post
I believe the brush plate (5 pole motor with drum armature) should definitely be improved
It seems they are trying to get away from that type of motor. BRs 152, 182, and 189 have been modified for new motors instead of using the existing trucks for 5-pole DCM.
I agree the motor should be improved if they continue to use it. Not sure about their strategy.

I would suggest to save this topic for a potential second letter.
And maybe some other topics, too. Couplers, passenger coaches, C track and other points could also be left out of the first latter.

I don't know why they got away from SDS (brushless motor) - lots of speculations, but no known facts. I think no other MRR maker tried them and I think we should leave this topic out of the first letter, too.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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Offline river6109  
#54 Posted : 13 January 2014 09:27:17(UTC)

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Location: On 1965 Märklin Boulevard just around from Roco Square
Originally Posted by: mattj70 Go to Quoted Post

I am pretty happy with all my Marklin engines, I have 26 engines right now, and have bought a few others as gifts. For the most part they all are good runners, I have had two decoders go bad. Marklin has replaced them; corrected the engines. I have one older engine the Swiss engine 83463 which is older, bought used it runs poorly. However I don't know if it sat for a long time? or needs some upgrading?

All the brand new engines I have bought have always ran perfectly.

All the best,


Your SBB Re 460 engine (83463) is a good runner and there is no reason why it should not perform, I would suggest to dismantle the motor and have a look at the cause. secondly, mind you I've converted mine with a 5 pole motor and an ESU sound decoder and I'm very happy with it.

I think we should try to differentiate between bad design, bad motor, not suitable decoder and a loco which hasn't been looked after properly.


5 years in Destruction mode
50 years in Repairing mode
Offline river6109  
#55 Posted : 13 January 2014 10:33:10(UTC)

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Location: On 1965 Märklin Boulevard just around from Roco Square
a good company will involve customers to get an effective feedback instead of the boss telling the employees what and how to do it and it is used by many supermarket giants who invite you to be part of a bonus card, every time you shop they know exactly what time you've shopped, what item you've purchased and with all this information they than can form a strategy to suit customers and have a data base on hand. one can also notice when they change suppliers the results are sometimes devastating for the company either by teething problems or quality control what used to be an inhouse quality control is now an external decision.

by not signing any kind of customer awareness don't hold your breath that things will stay as they are and the manufacturer got away with it, once again.

5 years in Destruction mode
50 years in Repairing mode
Offline GlennM  
#56 Posted : 13 January 2014 13:06:28(UTC)

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I want to say bravo to this letter. I have no personal interest in panning Marklin (on the whole I am happy with the overall product), and accept that all manufacturing processes have limitations but I think there is no harm in offering positive feedback to the company, and I believe that all companies should welcome positive and constructive feedback on their products.

My suggestion for the letter would be to mention something about the new digital telex couplings, which I am experiencing difficulties with at present, but to be honest I am not sure if this issue is widespread or if I just have some defective couplings.

The letter looks good, and I am wondering if we might follow this letter with a suggestions letter of what Marklin might consider to build in the future, there have been many suggestions on this site in the past and it cannot hurt to inform Marklin that there is a body of buyers who want to see xxxxx products in future.

Best Regards


Don't look back, your not heading that way.
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Offline RayF  
#57 Posted : 13 January 2014 13:39:11(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
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Do we seriously think there isn't someone at Marklin reading all this already?
Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
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Offline GlennM  
#58 Posted : 13 January 2014 13:59:45(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Do we seriously think there isn't someone at Marklin reading all this already?

Very interesting thought. I would have thought that with the coverage this site gets on search engines, and the number of videos posted on her linked to YouTube, I am sure Marklin know of us, even if they do not regularly read the threads.

If they do, it is a huge shame they do not participate and answer some of our questions.......................maybe this could be a request in the letter that Marklin use this Forum as a portal to their International Buyers and use it to answer questions and build a positive rapport.


Don't look back, your not heading that way.
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Offline biedmatt  
#59 Posted : 13 January 2014 14:24:09(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Do we seriously think there isn't someone at Marklin reading all this already?

I'm not so sure. I'm sure they know of the existence of this site (They apparently spoke to Juhan about the use of Marklin's trade protected name in the URL), but does someone actually read the posts? I only look at those posts who's title interests me and those alone take a lot of my time. This is marketing's responsibility. Does someone spend their whole day looking at this on Marklin's nickel? If they do read these threads, do they report their findings to a superior? Do they act on this knowledge? I think some, perhaps many, would say they do not act on this knowledge.
Era 3
DB lokos, coaches and freight cars from across Europe
But I do have the obligatory (six) SBB Krocs
ECoS 50200, all FX and MFX decoders replaced with ESU V4s, operated in DCC-RailCom+ with ABC brake control.
With the exception of the passenger wagens with Marklin current conducting couplers, all close couplers have been replaced with Roco 40397.
Offline H0  
#60 Posted : 13 January 2014 15:15:11(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Do we seriously think there isn't someone at Marklin reading all this already?
It doesn't help if there is someone reading it. The right person has to read it.

Years ago one of their domain names didn't work. I wrote to their service, they replied they would forward it - and nothing happened.
I wrote again months later - and again nothing happened.
Months later I wrote to 21torr - and the next day it was working again. No-one at Märklin had been able to forward the mail to 21torr (their web service provider).

The stuff written here will only affect the decisions made at Märklin if the decision makers read it.
They read the order books every day - but maybe they also pay attention to a letter from a group of customers.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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Offline petestra  
#61 Posted : 13 January 2014 15:27:18(UTC)

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Perhaps if the young Mr. Sieber had his email published on the main site? A CEO has

to be involved. I don't mean he should micromanage but he needs to know what

is going on with his company and his customers wants and needs. Peter Huh
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Offline Goofy  
#62 Posted : 13 January 2014 18:06:01(UTC)

Joined: 12/08/2006(UTC)
Posts: 9,106
Originally Posted by: Hoffmann Go to Quoted Post


I am dismayed.

The letter you wanted to write to Marklin was about 3 Pol Motors and Decoder performance. NOW it seems everything Marklin makes is bad.

Locomotives /passenger cars / couplers / track / lighting / decoders . It seems to me that Marklin can not make anything right these days.

If you want absolute Perfection you better start building your own Locomotives/Cars /Track etc.

I might as well quit this Hobby if nothing but bad items are produced.

Should this Letter come to me as a MFG. I would look at it and say we can to all this if you are willing to spend a $ 1000.00 on a Locomotive and $ 100.00 on a car and $ 10.00 for a piece of Track.

I am sure all who want perfection would come down to earth very fast.

Regards Martin

Marklin are massproduce same models to the customer,so mostley of customer complain against Marklin for bad quality sometimes.
In fact...even Marklin did had problems with other motor except 3 pole too.
C-sinus and SDS did also gave customer problems.
Do you know why Marklin did stop produced those motor?
It was too expensive and gave also some problems with special decoder from ESU.
Except in 2 rail DCC which was nightmare!
Well...it´s amount of customer which tells the truth and Marklin did just promised to get better back again.
Time will tells...
DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline Webmaster  
#63 Posted : 13 January 2014 19:23:16(UTC)

Joined: 25/07/2001(UTC)
Posts: 11,165
@Anders - There was some problems with certain batches with early SDS + ESU-made decoders , but it was the decoder unit that was bad - not the SDS motor itself...

@H0 - My C-tracks are all 2003 or older, and do not have the "ASA" marking.
All are rather brittle and break off parts when assembled. Too bad to have to throw them away one by one...

I thought the "letter" was to be about the new 3-pole motors, but as Martin also noted - it's now about "everything" from little details to apparently bad initial construction engineering.

Since this is not an official letter from the forum, and data has been collected also from other forums - I think "Märklin related Internet forums" would be better than "m-users.net forum" in the letter. But the initial preamble states that only a few members have these concerns, so it might be ok anyway.
Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
Offline Paul59  
#64 Posted : 13 January 2014 19:54:34(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Webmaster Go to Quoted Post
I thought the "letter" was to be about the new 3-pole motors, but as Martin also noted - it's now about "everything" from little details to apparently bad initial construction engineering.

I thought this too.
Although I am not generally a buyer of new Marklin (only a few items) I have been reading this thread with interest.

I think that if a letter is sent with many suggestions, wishes or questions it will simply be ignored as too cumbersome to deal with. A letter addressing a single subject (ie Motor quality and description in documentation) will be much more likely to elicit a response.

I can't help feeling that a letter that reads like a list will simply be treated as people getting things off their chests and filed under 'no action required'.

Just my view I hasten to add.


Marklin HO using M track. Now reverted to analogue as I find it has more character - and I understand it!
Offline H0  
#65 Posted : 13 January 2014 20:02:37(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Webmaster Go to Quoted Post
@Anders - There was some problems with certain batches with early SDS + ESU-made decoders , but it was the decoder unit that was bad - not the SDS motor itself...
Before Märklin came up with the new name SDS the motor was known as "compact C Sine". There was a problem, but not with the motor and not with the ESU decoders, the problem was the driver PCB that is needed to drive a brushless DC motor with a standard decoder.
SDS is the name for roughly the same motor with improved driver PCB.
That's the big problem I know about. There may have been an ESU-related problem with early SDS - but no problem I'm aware of.

@Anders: do we have any official information from Märklin why they gave up SDS? What you write sounds like the usual speculation ...

Originally Posted by: Webmaster Go to Quoted Post
I thought the "letter" was to be about the new 3-pole motors, but as Martin also noted - it's now about "everything" from little details to apparently bad initial construction engineering.
The letter is meant to tell Märklin what they can improve. Initially it was focused on the motor/decoder problem.
At the next stage we'll discuss which items will be included in the first letter (with so many items we could send another letter a few months later). So maybe there will be only two or four (or whatever) items in the letter going to M*.

Originally Posted by: Webmaster Go to Quoted Post
Since this is not an official letter from the forum, and data has been collected also from other forums - I think "Märklin related Internet forums" would be better than "m-users.net forum" in the letter. But the initial preamble states that only a few members have these concerns, so it might be ok anyway.
No other fora involved here.

"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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Offline GlennM  
#66 Posted : 13 January 2014 20:17:06(UTC)

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IMHO if you write a negative letter to Marklin it will more than likely be ignored.

If I was writing the letter, I would present it as a list of key issues/concerns that have been raised by the Forum, and seek to engage Marklin in dialogue to resolve the issues going forward.

Positive criticism with an objective view, will be better received than a simple tirade that says your product is rubbish.


Don't look back, your not heading that way.
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Offline Janne75  
#67 Posted : 13 January 2014 20:26:51(UTC)

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I'm sure we can write the letter in positive way and tell Märklin what could be improved and our wishes for them. This is all possible.

Märklin H0 digital layout. I have analog and digital H0 Collection. Rolling stock mostly from era I, II, III and IV. Märklin 1 gauge beginner.
Offline kbvrod  
#68 Posted : 13 January 2014 21:01:43(UTC)

United States   
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Hi all,
Here's a thought,....vote with your wallet. If you get a 'bad' model,send it back and let the dealer know your dissatisfaction with it.Let him/her deal with M. Trust me if too many of these models come back they will notice.
Yes,I know shipping items half way across the world is prohibitive,.........but how much did you pay for that item?Blink

Offline Webmaster  
#69 Posted : 13 January 2014 21:48:30(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Paul59 Go to Quoted Post
I can't help feeling that a letter that reads like a list will simply be treated as people getting things off their chests and filed under 'no action required'.

Paul, that is how I felt when first reading a lot of additional items compared to what the initial post of this topic was about...

Just like the famous "Letter to the Boss" you tuck away after you have written it and get on with your work as usual...

However, there are many valid issues mentioned - but it has become kind of out of focus regarding the initial intent - it's more like a general complaint letter about everything now...
Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
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Offline Bigdaddynz  
#70 Posted : 13 January 2014 21:59:54(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Webmaster Go to Quoted Post
......it's more like a general complaint letter about everything now...

Originally Posted by: H0 Go to Quoted Post
So maybe there will be only two or four (or whatever) items in the letter going to M*.

Agreed! Better to pick three or four issues that are really important, and write to Marklin about those. The current letter seems to read like it's picking holes for the sake of it. If individual folks have an issue that bugs only them, then let them write their own letter (the issue of C track breaking comes to mind - I haven't experienced that and I know of no one else who has, so I think that is a one off).
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Offline Webmaster  
#71 Posted : 13 January 2014 22:01:40(UTC)

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Posts: 11,165
Originally Posted by: H0 Go to Quoted Post
There was a problem, but not with the motor and not with the ESU decoders, the problem was the driver PCB that is needed to drive a brushless DC motor with a standard decoder.

By "decoder unit" I mean the electronics, including the motor driver.

My old Henschel-Wegmann train still runs very well, even if it was an example of the lousy electronics & motor combination that affected this model specifically...

Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
Offline Webmaster  
#72 Posted : 13 January 2014 22:07:46(UTC)

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Posts: 11,165
Originally Posted by: Bigdaddynz Go to Quoted Post
(the issue of C track breaking comes to mind - I haven't experienced that and I know of no one else who has, so I think that is a one off).

I just held this 1997 piece in my hand and just squeezed it a bit...

But it was due for the trash can anyway since one of the guides broke off while setting up the test oval this weekend... Wink

If newer C-track is better, I might get some.... So this is not an issue to address in the mail...

Edited by user 14 January 2014 22:21:10(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
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Offline H0  
#73 Posted : 13 January 2014 22:20:31(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Paul59 Go to Quoted Post
I think that if a letter is sent with many suggestions, wishes or questions it will simply be ignored as too cumbersome to deal with. A letter addressing a single subject (ie Motor quality and description in documentation) will be much more likely to elicit a response.
I think I wrote it before: the members of the HAG forum compiled a list of flaws of the new Märklin crocodile. One user sent it to Märklin and received a reply signed by Stefan Löbich with a comment on every reported flaw.

So I think there is nothing wrong about sending a list with a few items.

I still suggest the following phases:
I: Collect wishes and suggestions for the letter.
II: Filter and sort wishes and suggestions (i.e. discuss what will be included and what should be dropped).
III: Proof-reading by native English speaker.
IV: Send letter to Märklin via snail mail (who will get it? how many copies should be sent?)

So let's go for phase II.
Personally I think that up to 8 items should be OK.

The items (see port #42 for complete list):
**A. Wish: No more yellow LEDs for models of prototype locomotives that have white lights.
B. Wish: Models of older prototype locomotives with rather dim light bulbs should use more appropriate LEDs (e.g. golden sunset, not warm white).
***C. Recommendation: Premium models shall have motors with bell-shaped armatures or five-pole motors with skewed armatures.
***D. Recommendation: All Märklin 37xxx and 39xxx models should have running behaviour that does honour to the brand Märklin.
*E. Wish: Märklin should reconsider their decoder policy and include DCC also in Märklin H0 models.
F. Wish: Märklin should explain their plans for long DB coaches in the foreseeable future.
**G. Recommendation: Märklin to review product descriptions in new items brochures, catalogues, and product database
H. Recommendation: Märklin should try and improve the turnout mechanism 74491.
*I. Recommendation: Light functions should use decoder outputs (if available) instead of SUSI boards.
J. Recommendation: Instruction manuals should explain use of decoder function outputs and SUSI functions (at least for analogue models).
K. Recommendation: Märklin should try to develop an improved close coupler that, if possible, is still compatible with the current ones.

For a list with 6 items I would suggest these in this order (all loco related, three motor related):
G, E, D, C, A, I

For a list with 4 items I would suggest these in this order (all loco related, three motor related):
G, D, C, A

For a list with 2 items I would suggest these in this order (both motor related):
C, D

The questions: which of the 11 items above should be in the letter and in which order?
Will any of the suggested lists do for you?

Will 22 hours be sufficient for sorting and filtering?
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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Offline Webmaster  
#74 Posted : 13 January 2014 22:35:26(UTC)

Joined: 25/07/2001(UTC)
Posts: 11,165
I think 5-7 days is more realistic since as many as possible of the members would like to have a chance to air their opinion.

I would suggest a poll with the "items" so we can see which are the most important top 2-4 ones according to members.

Unfortunately Mr Löbich is not with Märklin any more, he was a really good guy in my book...
Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
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Offline mbarreto  
#75 Posted : 13 January 2014 22:53:50(UTC)

Joined: 18/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,269

About the C track issue, I agree in not sending it. My track sections are mostly prior to year 2000.

Best regards,
Mostly Märklin H0.

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Offline AshleyH  
#76 Posted : 13 January 2014 23:01:39(UTC)

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I think the biggest problem with a Marklin right now is the move to cheap motors. If we stick to that topic and see what response we get, we can always send another letter later.

While I understand the other issues, the one thing preventing me from buying much current Marklin is the worry of the quality of the motors.

Like Juhan, much of my early C Track is crumbling, but that us another issue for another day!

Stick to the one big problem please.

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Offline Webmaster  
#77 Posted : 13 January 2014 23:11:20(UTC)

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Posts: 11,165
Ashley, I fully agree with seeing the bigger picture of it all...

One (or max 3) specific items with proper documentation background as proof will be listened to... A general complaint list will not be treated as well...

Better to wait a month or 2 and then send "new" issues of concern...
Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
Offline Jay  
#78 Posted : 13 January 2014 23:50:35(UTC)

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Please may I second Ashley on his comment,sure we do have other issues.But if we are going to complain
about anything and everything,it will become a case of "not seeing the wood for the trees".
Lets concentrate on the one thing,the motors.No matter how good the couplings work,
no matter how ddetailed the locomotive is,no matter how protypical the lights are,they
all come to nought if your little model runs poorly or not at all due to an antiquated motor
design and inadiquate decoder as a combination!
My two cents worth.:-).

Kind regards
Sorry Juan ,just saw your post now.I've gone and duplicated.
Offline Bigdaddynz  
#79 Posted : 13 January 2014 23:53:22(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Webmaster Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Bigdaddynz Go to Quoted Post
(the issue of C track breaking comes to mind - I haven't experienced that and I know of no one else who has, so I think that is a one off).

I just held this 1997 piece in my hand and just squeezed it a bit...

But it was due for the trash can anyway since one of the guides broke off while setting up the test oval this weekend... Wink

If newer C-track is better, I might get some....

I guess I should have clarified my comment. I was referring to more recent post year 2000 C track. I have some older pieces which have gone brittle and break, but nothing since Marklin fixed the problem first time around.
Offline Bigdaddynz  
#80 Posted : 14 January 2014 00:00:56(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Jay Go to Quoted Post
Lets concentrate on the one thing,the motors.

Agreed and on that note, as per Tom's list, points G, D and C should be the focus of the letter.
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Offline H0  
#81 Posted : 14 January 2014 00:30:04(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Jay Go to Quoted Post
Lets concentrate on the one thing,the motors.No matter how good the couplings work,
no matter how ddetailed the locomotive is,no matter how protypical the lights are,they
all come to nought if your little model runs poorly or not at all due to an antiquated motor
design and inadiquate decoder as a combination!
Well, the motors are brand new, not antiquated (the antiquated motors are noisier, but perform good).

This is not a simple case of "three-pole bad, five-pole good" (reminds me of a novel by Eric Arthur Blair where it was "two legs bad, four legs good" but turned out to be more complicated over time).

Some people complain because certain combinations of motors and decoders behave bad.

Other people complain because they don't want cheapish looking motors in high-price locomotives.

We cannot limit the letter to motors only, the problem is the "propulsion" consisting of motor and decoder - and not all models suffer from this problem.
We need a compromise that both groups can support.

We want them to take the letter serious, so the letter has to be substantial. We need more than "three-pole bad, five-pole good".
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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Offline franciscohg  
#82 Posted : 14 January 2014 01:02:17(UTC)

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Well, Hi everybody, if it is true that i collect mainly older Marklin locos, i also buy some new ones, and so far i have nothing to complain about them. That can be for 2 reasons i think:
1.- I have not bought the models with issues, certainly none of the listed on the thread.
2.- i am not that demanding with my locos running characteristics.
Having said that i have no problems in signing a letter with constructive critics that may improve the quality of our beloved brand, if some modellers said that some models runs bad with a base for it, i am fully willing to support them, i know that perhaps european enthusiast have the right to be more exigent with the models since they have acces to the "real" thing.
But i have to add something about Tom's last post. I dont think that a cheapish looking motor is a problem, if it is a good one and performs good. I suppose you mean cheapish looking as bad quality ones.

And even if the letter is going to be more about propulsion systems, wich i think is right, my opinion about other subjects mentioned in the thread are:

1.- Close couplers needs a revision, they look nice but they are far for perform perfectly, that, i think is a fact.
2.- I just dont like leds on the locos, i think that light bulbs gives a much better looking of the lights and are more easy to adjust than leds, really, everytime i try to adjust led bright from decoder CV the result are hardly noticeable. Even more, i just love the looks of older marklin locos with two light bulbs in the front with the brightness set to a minimum.

UserPostedImage German trains era I-II and selected III, era depends on the mood, mostly Maerklin but i can be heretic if needed XD, heresy is no longer an issue.. LOL
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Offline H0  
#83 Posted : 14 January 2014 08:18:20(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: franciscohg Go to Quoted Post
2.- I just dont like leds on the locos, i think that light bulbs gives a much better looking of the lights and are more easy to adjust than leds, really, everytime i try to adjust led bright from decoder CV the result are hardly noticeable.
I think LEDs are the way to go in the future - but LEDs with a "golden sunset" hue (where appropriate) and dimmable LEDs are on the wishlist (SUSI prevents dimming of LEDs). Improved couplers also are.
That Brawa loco of yours is an exception. I find that the brightness of most locos with LEDs can be adjusted using decoder settings (if decoder outputs are used - and are used without buffering capacitors).

These items probably won't make it into the first letter - we currently discuss how many items will be in it.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
Offline Danlake  
#84 Posted : 14 January 2014 09:01:32(UTC)

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I think a poll is a good way to continue the filtering processThumpUp

The C-track plastic issue as I understand have been solved with newer tracks. So the issue would then be for consumers with old stock, if it can be replaced free of charge? I think it’s better to move such item to any future letters.

To those concerned forum readers who is not a big fan of this ideaOhMyGod
This is not a naïve attempt to try and change the Marklin world but merely an attempt to get some constructive feedback to management in Marklin. For me Marklin is a business and as such is subject to consumer feedback (remember the family owned business was sold to investment group in 2006). I don’t think we should be afraid of getting a dialogue with Marklin, as mentioned in this post and others some users actually managed to get some feedback response and an insight to what they think about different matters.

Marklin might be perfectly happy with the present decoder/motor strategy, but at least maybe they will review the product description?

It might not work at all – but I don’t see any harm in this experimentWink

Brgds - Lasse
Digital 11m2 layout / C (M&K) tracks / Era IV / CS3 60226 / Train Controller Gold 9 with 4D sound. Mainly Danish and German Locomotives.
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Offline TimR  
#85 Posted : 14 January 2014 13:37:15(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: H0 Go to Quoted Post

We cannot limit the letter to motors only, the problem is the "propulsion" consisting of motor and decoder - and not all models suffer from this problem.
We need a compromise that both groups can support.

We want them to take the letter serious, so the letter has to be substantial. We need more than "three-pole bad, five-pole good".

My main issue is with motor...

Generally, I don't have an issue with how the letter will be written.

I think the current problem is not merely a simple issue of motor selection....
and/or Decoder - Motor combination.

The way I see it, this problem is actually deep rooted, with its origins back 20-years ago....
Looking at their product development paths,
it is clear that in the late-80s and early -90s, Marklin was looking for a successor to their famed DCM motor.

The first fruit of this effort was their first BR18.1 model (3311/3511)
It can be considered to be the first true modern Marklin model that fit all the (then) required criterias - smooth motor that fit into the boiler (aligned with Marklin design philosophy), and for the first time ever, an empty cab.
I love my 3511 - it can still be considered to be a highly competitive design, even compared to the new ones like BR39 or BR05.

Now, the first problem is that after this model is that Marklin can't make up their mind whether this is the right path to go.

The only logical solution at this stage is that the company should have decide on 1 or 2 standardized motor and start phasing out DCM as they go - re-educating their market at the same time.

Let's look at what their traditional competitors do:

  1. Roco chose to standardized its product based on its rather large can motor.
    The main drawback of their solution is that they can't put the motor in the boiler of their steamer models = result: Tender driven steam-loks
    Going this way is against Marklin's original design philosophy - motor in the boiler; and most Marklin loyalists wouldn't take it lightly.
    .... so understandably, Marklin never went down this path.

  2. HAG chose to immortalize their DCM motor... fit ball-bearings, refine their motor design, and problem solved.
    With E-loks or Diesel loks, HAG's solution would work well.
    But unlike Marklin, HAG didn't produce steamers - which is probably the backbone of Marklin's profit.
    With the advent of BR18.1; Marklin seemed to go towards a smaller motor solution....
    .... so understandably, Marklin never went down HAG's solution either.
    Though they experimented with ball-bearings on 37605, never to come back ever again...

  3. The last player, Brawa, chose the expensive path... They wanted to make their models a cut above everyone else....
    So they went Maxxon DC motor all the way. It's a more expensive motor to fit in, but it's small enough to be fitted inside a steamer's boiler.

Brawa's ideas seemed to go down quite well with Marklin for a time...

Marklin produced models like BR38, BR55, the Insider's BR45, BR59, BR89.70, etc...
But whereas Brawa was set in Maxxon, Marklin chose different manufacturers (Faulhaber and Maxxon among the few); and their motors are of different sizes too....

I think at this stage, Marklin thought that their own Sinus motor design is the innovative way to go...

Thus they began a Sinus motor adventure that lasted from 2001 to 2010...

Looking at ALL of the original models with large Sinus motor, I think it was clear that at first, Marklin was planning replace DCM motor with only little modifications required...
Re460s, ICE-1, BR01.10, BR103, BR42.90, BR151, BR152, BR182 (Taurus) -- are examples where a large Sinus motor was installed (in models) that were originally designed with only DCM motor in mind.
... and all can still be arguably considered competitive in appearance, even today.

But the main priority in mind had always been to build smaller, second generation Sinus to be fitted into their new generation of steamers,
pioneered by the aforementioned BR18.1.
Eventually, they probably planned that ALL existing models with bell-shaped motors will also be replaced with the smaller Sinus.

They ran into a number of hiccups during the transition from large Sinus to Compact Sinus (later SDS).... as during this time, they are also transtioning from their well-received Marklin-Motorola protocol to the newly developed MFx....

With smaller, more compact Sinus motor, Marklin product development started to roll out a new family of steamers that no longer use bell-shaped motors; starting with BR61, then BR01, BR05, BR23, BR39, and BR64...
At the same time, E-loks and diesels began receiving the same type of motors too.

At this stage, for a while, it looks like that Marklin was on the right way to standardize;
there were only TWO types of Compact Sinus motor --
The first type has 1 shaft --> to power Steamers and 2-axle powered E-loks;
while the second type have shafts on both ends of the motor --> to power the new generation of 4-axle powered E-loks and diesels...

It works well, despite various hiccups, and problem with Sinus reception by DC customers......
.........until bankruptcy in 2008 really shattered everything.......

They can't really cancel out Sinus, as it basically undo their 20-year relentless pursuit for the perfect motor,
but its cancellation in the end is just one casualty of the restructuring...

Which bring us to the current problem....
They are really just culmination of not fitting the right motor to models that actually deserve more.

By cancelling out Sinus motor, Marklin now has to face new problems of fitting various different motors in those models that originally only require either one of two similar Compact Sinus motor.

Look at the product diagrams of the latest BR18.3, BR64, BR218, and E10 --
and you shouldn't be surprised to find that each model'll have different motor types.

Which bring it to their next problem;
I don't think Marklin can guarantee the availability of spare motors in the years to come.

There are too many different motors nowadays, and the fact is their reliability is of unknown quantity.
This comes down to a lot of different factors as well;

  • Customers might have different usage requirement compared to testing in the lab (if any done by Marklin);

  • Then how reliable is the supplier of ALL of these NEW generation motors?

  • Given the above, can Marklin guarantee that the quality of a replacement motor that a user might need 10 years from now?

In trying to cancel out Sinus to reign in the cost,
Marklin is now clearly moving away from standardization -- that ALL of their rivals had achieved 20 years ago....

.... and they keep sending confusing signals by continuing to keep DCM model lineup.... probably as their last reserve??
I'm not sure....
The new BR152 / BR182 / BR189 (39840/39850/39860) combos seemed to indicate that Marklin's still moving away from DCM.

... but then against all odds, old tooling BR151 and BR111 are back this year...
Neither models received a new frame, or motor.....

Apologies for this long rant...... which probably sums up everything that I wrote of late in various threads to full.

Edited by user 15 January 2014 04:40:49(UTC)  | Reason: Corrections, and rephrasing some sentences..

Now collecting C-Sine models.
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Offline NZMarklinist  
#86 Posted : 14 January 2014 14:14:50(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Webmaster Go to Quoted Post

Unfortunately Mr Löbich is not with Märklin any more, he was a really good guy in my book...

Just for the record, I found out during the Marklin days last year, that in fact My Lobich was not such a good guy after all, not that he didn't do his best or a totally bad job during his tenure with Maerklin.
Apparently, He wasn't really an MRR guy after all, and it was he alone that was responsible for the decline in Marklin TV episodes during 2012, in my view a very retrograde step marketing wise. I have ordered modells I wasn't going to, after seeing them on M.tv. Mr Lobich just wanted to cut costs, halve them for Marklin TV actually ThumbDown

Sorry to stray off topic Mr Webmaster but.....
It is my humble opinion that Marklin TV should be available freely to the public, perhaps by way of a youtube link to save load on the M server. I think it is great Marketing, and for those of us down under that care, look at all the social network/youtube stuff Air NZ does "The Flying Social Network" and Air NZ use it as way of cheap Global marketing ThumpUp
And btw one of the very few International Airlines turning a profit Wink

Back to topic RollEyes
Auckland NZ

" Every Marklin layout needs a V200, a Railbus and a Banana car", not to mention a few Black and red Steamers, oh and the odd Elok !

CS1 Reloaded, Touch Cab, C Track Modules, K track layout all under construction. Currently Insider
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Offline H0  
#87 Posted : 14 January 2014 14:37:03(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: TimR Go to Quoted Post
Apologies for this long rant...... which probably sums up everything that I wrote of late in various threads to full.
This sums up Märklin's odyssey with respect to motors. And the new motors introduced 2011 and later increase the number of different motor types used.
They don't have a master plan - no miracle with frequently changing CEOs in the past.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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#88 Posted : 14 January 2014 22:05:02(UTC)

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Let's cancel the letter.

It disturbs all the happy Märklin users on this forum.

You can use the draft as a start if you want to send your own letter to Märklin (snail mail or e-mail).
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
Offline Janne75  
#89 Posted : 14 January 2014 22:22:27(UTC)

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Hi Tom,

In my opinion the letter should be sent. Maybe it could be still modified to even more positive and friendly form?

There are so good points for Märklin to do and it can't be harming anyone. It's just to get even better products in the future from Märklin. It would be good to have 2-4 different things in that first letter.

I don't think that I'm the only one who really wants a letter to be sent to Märklin??? RollEyes

I can understand your frustration Tom, when you have done very much work with this letter and your motor/locomotive running tests and then you may feel that this letter to Märklin have a negative effect on "forum users happiness". It may do some members more unhappy, but they should not take it personally. This kind of letter is for me a guide for Märklin how to improve their products. It is not a bad thing to anyone on this greatest MRR forum! Smile

Märklin H0 digital layout. I have analog and digital H0 Collection. Rolling stock mostly from era I, II, III and IV. Märklin 1 gauge beginner.
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#90 Posted : 14 January 2014 22:28:09(UTC)

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I don't know, but maybe individual letters will have more impact (through the number of letters sent addressing the same problem ?)...

Or will Märklin be more "listening" if it comes from a group of people, ie does it have more "weight" regarding corporate considerations ?

How is the "general German corporate mentality" regarding this?

I see both options as possibilities, but which one will be the most effective?

Or should we do both, to cover all bases?
Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
Offline biedmatt  
#91 Posted : 14 January 2014 22:28:51(UTC)

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It is pretty lame we can't hold a discussion about some things we wish Marklin would improve.
Era 3
DB lokos, coaches and freight cars from across Europe
But I do have the obligatory (six) SBB Krocs
ECoS 50200, all FX and MFX decoders replaced with ESU V4s, operated in DCC-RailCom+ with ABC brake control.
With the exception of the passenger wagens with Marklin current conducting couplers, all close couplers have been replaced with Roco 40397.
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Offline Bigdaddynz  
#92 Posted : 14 January 2014 22:46:13(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: biedmatt Go to Quoted Post
It is pretty lame we can't hold a discussion about some things we wish Marklin would improve.

Well, we already have 2 pages of forum space in this thread discussing about things we wish Marklin would improve.........
Offline Bigdaddynz  
#93 Posted : 14 January 2014 22:48:13(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Webmaster Go to Quoted Post
Or should we do both, to cover all bases?

Send one letter from collective forum members, and leave it up to individual members as to whether they send their own letters.
Offline Webmaster  
#94 Posted : 14 January 2014 23:25:32(UTC)

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Well, I sent one to them regarding the sounds of the 37043 myself tonight...

Not related to this topic at all, just an individual letter regarding a problem I have with a certain model....
Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
Offline mbarreto  
#95 Posted : 14 January 2014 23:29:20(UTC)

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I wrote in this thread because I like Märklin more than any other brand and want it to be even better. For me Märklin is the best overall in model railroading, but off course there is space for improvement, and I think without (much, if any) cost increase.

Currently I am not buying from any other manufacturer (although I have 10 Brawa and 1 Roco locos, 20 Brawa wagons plus Roco couplers in Brawa rolling stock), but after understand the results of Tom's tests, Märklin must know we know (probably they already do) their decoder's load regulation needs improvement. Interesting thing is the sentence they have in 2014 new items about "constant speed". I think those words mean they already know the issue and that is the first step to solve it.

Best regards,
Mostly Märklin H0.

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Offline Goofy  
#96 Posted : 14 January 2014 23:37:28(UTC)

Joined: 12/08/2006(UTC)
Posts: 9,106
One thing about Brawa...They are honestly anyway by telling to customer what theirs locomotivs are equipped with motor.
I cannot saying same about Marklin,who fool customer with cheap motor and not telling too.
So how big difference is it about honestly and trusting between those Company?
Even other brands tells what there is motor.
Sorry...but Marklin sometimes sucks too by fool. ThumbDown
DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline Webmaster  
#97 Posted : 14 January 2014 23:40:22(UTC)

Joined: 25/07/2001(UTC)
Posts: 11,165
This topic is not about other manufacturers....
Juhan - "Webmaster", at your service...
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. [Old Chinese Proverb]
Offline biedmatt  
#98 Posted : 14 January 2014 23:41:59(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Bigdaddynz Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: biedmatt Go to Quoted Post
It is pretty lame we can't hold a discussion about some things we wish Marklin would improve.

Well, we already have 2 pages of forum space in this thread discussing about things we wish Marklin would improve.........

I guess I needed to add: Is this cow so sacred that we can't hold a discussion on faults that need attention without people getting all wound up, upset and quitting?
Era 3
DB lokos, coaches and freight cars from across Europe
But I do have the obligatory (six) SBB Krocs
ECoS 50200, all FX and MFX decoders replaced with ESU V4s, operated in DCC-RailCom+ with ABC brake control.
With the exception of the passenger wagens with Marklin current conducting couplers, all close couplers have been replaced with Roco 40397.
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Offline mjrallare  
#99 Posted : 15 January 2014 01:11:28(UTC)

Joined: 14/11/2007(UTC)
Posts: 561
Originally Posted by: H0 Go to Quoted Post
Let's cancel the letter.

It disturbs all the happy Märklin users on this forum.

You can use the draft as a start if you want to send your own letter to Märklin (snail mail or e-mail).

I'm working long hours right now and haven't been able to follow this thread in the way that I would have liked to. I'm sad to see the letter canceled. I'll for sure use some of the ideas in a letter of my own. I'll send it to both my dealer and to Märklin.

Plenty of companies have a close communication with their customers today. Especially smaller "niched" ones. Criticizing things that you're not happy with isn't by definition to whine.
Photography is a hobby of mine. Fujifilm is a good example of a smaller (comparatively) company that tries to compete with the big dragons by listening closely to feedback from their customers. They take this feedback into account in their new models, but also in firmware upgrades for existing products.

I think that for Märklin the ability to listen to their customers, within limits of course, will be a deciding factor for the company's future survival. The poll for insider-models was a good first step, and they should continue on that track. We get the models we wan't and Märklin can maximize their sales.

Finally I would like to thank Tom (HO) for the hard work he has put into this thread. Even if it was cancelled, it has produced some very interesting posts.

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Offline Bigdaddynz  
#100 Posted : 15 January 2014 01:20:44(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: biedmatt Go to Quoted Post
I guess I needed to add: Is this cow so sacred that we can't hold a discussion on faults that need attention without people getting all wound up, upset and quitting?

Each to their own, I guess!
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