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Offline mattj70  
#1 Posted : 01 May 2024 07:03:18(UTC)

United States   
Joined: 19/03/2010(UTC)
Posts: 473
Location: Hudson FL
I was bulding a new layout, made some good progress my largest one yet? My Cerntral Station 2, dropped while building and was stuck on Stop. So I sent it to Marklin for repair? No word on that it has been about a month? I bought a Central Station 3 on Ebay, like new still has protective plastic on it. Bought a power park from Euro Rail Hobbies. So I set up some C track and programmed in about 70 locomotives. The Insider BR06 I waiting for almost two years to get! Smoked, I mean literally smoked dead. Two other locos would not run? I set all 3 out for repair or new decoders? I bought 2 Delta locos off Ebay Gold Presentation BR89 and Blue Cream BR216 3674, neither would run. So I tried a few others, none work now? Couple lights light up on one end? I pulled out K track and C track nothing will work on CS3 Plus? I have my Swiss Starter Mobile Station with C track both Deltas work and my other locos as well.

I have bought a lot of K track for my new layout, however I just could get things to work right on CS3 Plus some run some don't? I can't seem to figure it out. I torn down the layout. Now a week later CS3 plus won't work with C or K track.

What to do? Send CS3 plus to Marklin Germany? Sell it? as is? Seems like such a good controller in videos on Youtube.

I am very upset about the BR06, it is under warrenty still however it will be gone for a while now.



Edited by user 01 May 2024 12:37:33(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Offline Copenhagen  
#2 Posted : 01 May 2024 09:21:50(UTC)

Joined: 23/04/2019(UTC)
Posts: 462
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Have you tried the CS3 with an mfx locomotive that you know works well with the mobile station or with the old CS2?

Is the CS3 bought from a (reputable) dealer or is it some private sale?

Just to add: I take it for granted that the power supply you bought is the correct one? The reason I asked if you have an mfx locomotive is that locos with DCC decoders will usually have to be set up manually in order to work.
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Offline mattj70  
#3 Posted : 01 May 2024 12:40:09(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Copenhagen Go to Quoted Post
Have you tried the CS3 with an mfx locomotive that you know works well with the mobile station or with the old CS2?

Is the CS3 bought from a (reputable) dealer or is it some private sale?

Just to add: I take it for granted that the power supply you bought is the correct one? The reason I asked if you have an mfx locomotive is that locos with DCC decoders will usually have to be set up manually in order to work.

Yes I attempted to run a few different locos on the CS3 plus, nothing? It did program in and run locos about 70 I have, except 3? The power pack is the one designed for it from Euro Rail Hobbies. The Ebay seller stated the CS3 plus was a gift from his boss? So I bought used trying to save money? Turns out perhaps a sucker deal?

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Offline marklinist5999  
#4 Posted : 01 May 2024 12:48:54(UTC)

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If that eBay seller will accept a return, send it back. If you used PayPal, you may be able to dispute it as advertised working, and get a refund. I never buy used without a warranty on an electronic instrument. Not worth the nominal savings or risk.
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Offline Copenhagen  
#5 Posted : 01 May 2024 13:21:18(UTC)

Joined: 23/04/2019(UTC)
Posts: 462
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
If what you say means that 70 of your engines run okay with the CS3 then one would think that it works just fine. Or do you mean that on the old gear 70 engines worked just fine but that they don't do that now?
You could go into the various system settings and see if something is turned off or on. Like for example if all other protocols than mfx are turned off or something else.
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Offline JohnjeanB  
#6 Posted : 01 May 2024 14:15:24(UTC)

Joined: 04/02/2011(UTC)
Posts: 3,456
Location: Paris, France
Hi Matt
I would be VERY reluctant to purchase a second hand CS3 and the protective folie on the screen is not a testament it is brand new.
Yes, sometimes, the CS3 (60226) in my case is slow at recognizing MFX locos and especially at editing them. With the latest update 2.5.2(6) sometime I have to start editing on my laptop.
Since the update v2.5.1(0) this Märklin idea to change the "firmware" is OK for Märklin decoders but a disaster for non-Märklin ones (I have an ESU Loksound 5 Micro that, since the "operation" of "Updating the firmware has all its physical ourputs except the motor out of order. So beware with these 2 updates when using non-Märklin decoders.
For Märklin ones, it works rather well.

Remember that ESU M4 is NOT MFX: it is only for using the protocol but when it comes to editing it is a shipwreck.

Regarding the BR06, I have one and it is a splendid loco BUT:
- never use regular smoke fluid but only the Märklin LIGHT smoke fluid 02421. Because I used a regular smoke fluid (RS24 or Märklin 02420) the fan inside the smoke module seized which caused the heater to burn. Return to Göppingen where it stayed 3 month but was returned repaired at not cost (Märklin paid both shipments).
- in many cases, the failure cause the loco to draw 2 amps which may trigger a short circuit detection.
- the loco runs very well on R1 BUT (I didn't pay attention) I had a my layout an R1 curve section terminated by a triple switch. Big ERROR, one must insert a small straight section because otherwise it derails (but now not anymore with a 24077 section between the R1 curve and the R2 counter-curve.
- I had another issue with the drawbar between the loco and the tender. It needs to be set in extended position but in my case it was going to the narrow position, thus causing derailments in reverse mode. The solution was to add a bit of temporary glue NOCH 61121 (Hin und Weg Kleber= temporary glue)

Regarding MFX registration I discovered that disconnecting the Ethernet cable (I use Rocrail on a Win 11 laptop) make this much easier.

CS3 Failure
If your CS3 is totally dead though no fault of yours (no falling on the ground) you may return it to your seller (if purchased very recently).
I have experienced Märklin repairs (CS2 in Göppingen) on a permanent failure and the result was:
- a 3 month delay (France)
- a medium repair cost (under 200€)
- a brand new mother board which transformed my early 60214 into a 60215 of the latest make.
- we don't have the problem in the EU but outside, you must pay attention to the custom declaration so that you don't pay neither way.
- avoid sending back to Göppingen non-systematic failure items. It will last 3 month and be returned to you as it was, most of the time

Regarding the non-MFX locos addresses, the easiest is to:
- pose the loco on the track ALONE
- set the loco zone into edition mode
- select add a new loco and select either MM2 or DCC and enter ANY address
- the next screen will include a key to FIND the loco address. Push it and you are done (below circled in pink)
Sans titre.png

Here is my Märklin fun in operation (A CS2 at the time but now with a CS3 since more than 3 years)

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Offline David Dewar  
#7 Posted : 01 May 2024 14:30:21(UTC)
David Dewar

Joined: 01/02/2004(UTC)
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Send the CS3 back for full refund and buy a new one from a dealer and get your two year warranty. Buying from EBay can be Ok but if things go wrong Marklin may not help without a warranty from a dealer. You are maybe just unlucky.
Take care I like Marklin and will defend the worlds greatest model rail manufacturer.
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Offline mattj70  
#8 Posted : 01 May 2024 23:00:33(UTC)

United States   
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Originally Posted by: Copenhagen Go to Quoted Post
If what you say means that 70 of your engines run okay with the CS3 then one would think that it works just fine. Or do you mean that on the old gear 70 engines worked just fine but that they don't do that now?
You could go into the various system settings and see if something is turned off or on. Like for example if all other protocols than mfx are turned off or something else.

When I first used it, I loaded 70 different locomotives new to old in the CS3 plus, only 3 didn't run, with BR06 Insider smoke show. Under warrenty sent for repair. I have attempted again today, some locos work others don't all work with mobile station 14 years old?
Offline mattj70  
#9 Posted : 01 May 2024 23:10:25(UTC)

United States   
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Posts: 473
Location: Hudson FL

I think I may just have a bad unit CS3 plus? not sure playing with it, some locos run, then stop, restart it then they work again. Some locos just don't do anything, today seems K track works, not C track? I have checked addresses of locos are correct, wires correct, voltage correct. It is ver frustrating as these locomotives ran, operated fine when I first loaded them into the system? The hardest to take is my Mobile Station from Swiss Starter 14 years old runs all the locomotives just fine? I can only load so many addresses into it however. My collection of locomotives is at 74 locos right now, so I though getting this CS3 Plus was going to be great for me. I don't have unlimited funds however, so I may buy another CS3 Plus from dealer which I should have done in first place and see how it goes. I really like the CS3 Plus in theory.
Offline JohnjeanB  
#10 Posted : 01 May 2024 23:38:10(UTC)

Joined: 04/02/2011(UTC)
Posts: 3,456
Location: Paris, France
Hi Matt
Originally Posted by: mattj70 Go to Quoted Post
I have attempted again today, some locos work others don't all work with mobile station 14 years old?

Chances are, your MS2 is most probably working (you may have to look elsewhere).

Things to check:
- MS2, sometimes a pin on the connector can be bent or brocken: make it straight or replace the cable for 10 to 15€
- MS2 capacity is now 40 locos but on older model and s/w revision this may be only 10 locos so one loco spot may have been replaced with another loco.
- MFX locos: if you have many MFX locos and they don't stay permanently on the layout (with power) then the MFX number may be "stolen" by another loco and later reassigned a new number without you knowing it.
- sometimes a bad contact may turn a loco unresponsive.

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Offline Copenhagen  
#11 Posted : 02 May 2024 13:23:04(UTC)

Joined: 23/04/2019(UTC)
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Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Johnjean, I think Matt means that all locomotives work with the MS2?
I read it like: "some locos work others don't. All work with mobile station 14 years old."
With a full stop/period inserted.

(Actually also what he says in post #9).
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Offline JohnjeanB  
#12 Posted : 02 May 2024 15:06:34(UTC)

Joined: 04/02/2011(UTC)
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Location: Paris, France
Sorry I misunderstood.
I must say that with MFX locos and the latest versions in the CS3 (2.5.1 and 2.5.2) I had a few MFX difficulties. I think DCC and MM2 locos are fine
So in short when using MFX on a CS3 with these new upadtes (2.5.1 or 2.5.2):
- you must have each of your MFX locos on the programming track, let them register, edit the MFX decoder (load all files, motor, sound, etc) check the mapping and store (validate) the result even if you didn't change anything. Then the loco will reregister and be moved to its normal place and NOT at the leftmost position.
- once you have done that, you may install you loco on the layout and proceed with the next MFX loco

Failure to do this will cause the CS3 to re-initialize your loco multiple times and - for a period - lose it (you can't access them). It is very aggravating but all works in the end WITH MÄRKLIN DECODERS but alas with other make of MFX decoders it is a shipwreck.
My CS3 damaged an ESU LokSound5 Micro by trying to upgrade the "firmware". The CS3 did something to it and now I lost all lights outputs.

The new CS3 Updates
- they bring a lot of new fantastic fonctionalities (using a smartphone for wireless control of trains)
- editing locos from your computer or from the CS3
- a fantastic new web server
- many other things

BUT, it brings some drawbacks
- sometime, the CS3 is stuck, refusing to download the MFX data directly. You wait until you try with the webserver and your computer and it works (can work only with either the direct editing or the editing thru your computer
- why propose a remote editing of MFX locos when the mapping of fonctions can only be made directly on the CS3 and NOT from your computer?
- I insist on this because with a medium size layout (28 locos online) and with an Ethernet connection with the laptop for Rocrail operation, it happens that the CS3 is confused (too much data traffic that slows down the data transfer between an MFX loco and the CS3

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Offline Copenhagen  
#13 Posted : 02 May 2024 15:32:45(UTC)

Joined: 23/04/2019(UTC)
Posts: 462
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Great explanation Johnjean (as always). I'll keep it in mind when/if I upgrade my own CS3.
Matt will need to check the version of the system on his CS3. If it's still 2.4 or lower the problems must be elsewhere... sadly.
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Offline mbarreto  
#14 Posted : 02 May 2024 18:24:52(UTC)

Joined: 18/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,326
Originally Posted by: JohnjeanB Go to Quoted Post

My CS3 damaged an ESU LokSound5 Micro by trying to upgrade the "firmware". The CS3 did something to it and now I lost all lights outputs.


Long ago I had a problem with an ESU decoder and thought it was lost. I reinstalled the firmware with an ESU Lokprogrammer and it came back to life again.
You have more experience than me on the subject, so maybe you already did that. Anyway, just if you didn't, maybe worth try it.


Best regards,
Mostly Märklin H0.

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Offline JohnjeanB  
#15 Posted : 03 May 2024 00:57:53(UTC)

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Location: Paris, France
Hi Miguel
I was suspecting something of the sort but I have no ESU Lokprogrammer (all my decoders are Märklin except this LokSound 5 Micro I selected because of tiny size) and don't know how to download the ESU Firmware.
Can you please just point me in the right direction?
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Offline franciscohg  
#16 Posted : 03 May 2024 01:08:43(UTC)

Joined: 10/07/2002(UTC)
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To upgrade firmware of ESU decoders you need a lokprogrammer, then upgrade the firmware directly trough the provided software.
UserPostedImage German trains era I-II and selected III, era depends on the mood, mostly Maerklin but i can be heretic if needed XD, heresy is no longer an issue.. LOL
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Offline mbarreto  
#17 Posted : 03 May 2024 17:29:21(UTC)

Joined: 18/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,326
Originally Posted by: JohnjeanB Go to Quoted Post
Hi Miguel
I was suspecting something of the sort but I have no ESU Lokprogrammer (all my decoders are Märklin except this LokSound 5 Micro I selected because of tiny size) and don't know how to download the ESU Firmware.
Can you please just point me in the right direction?

Hi Jean,

I did as Francisco wrote, using the Lokprogrammer. For ESU decoders it is the tool to have. I understand for just 1 decoder it is a bit overkill to buy one as it probably is more expensive than buy a new decoder.
If you can find someone with a Lokprogrammer near you and you can use it, it would be the best, I think.

Best regards,
Mostly Märklin H0.

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