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Offline mike c  
#1 Posted : 09 May 2021 08:08:23(UTC)
mike c

Joined: 28/11/2007(UTC)
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I was a little surprised that my dealer had not yet received the pair of 47461 AAE/Coop container car sets that I had ordered, so I sent an email asking them to confirm, as Maerklin is now showing that item as "werkseitig ausverkauft" (sold out at the factory).

in the reply, they said that the items are on the way, but were sent by ship and will arrive at some point in the next month...

My thought was Containers on a ship, what could go wrong?


Have a good weekend

Mike C
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Offline Jimmy Thompson  
#2 Posted : 09 May 2021 11:35:36(UTC)
Jimmy Thompson

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mike c asked:
"...Containers on a ship, what could go wrong?"

Let us hope not this! Crying


You know...when I play with Lego®s, there is this neat little trick...too bad containers do not get stacked-and-locked like Lego®s...LOL Although there does seem to be some interesting physics going on toward the port side, keeping a few still in their line...Confused
Jimmy T
Analogue; M-track; BR 111; KLVM; Primex; Sarrasani Zirkuswelt
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Offline Jimmy Thompson  
#3 Posted : 09 May 2021 11:45:30(UTC)
Jimmy Thompson

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And mike c, there is a certain Circular Beauty (or should I say "Rectangular Solid Beauty"?) to this (if it helps your wait):

Container Car sets...in a container...within a container...on a container ship...
Jimmy T
Analogue; M-track; BR 111; KLVM; Primex; Sarrasani Zirkuswelt
There is a Prototype For Everything
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Offline kiwiAlan  
#4 Posted : 09 May 2021 12:41:34(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Jimmy Thompson Go to Quoted Post
And mike c, there is a certain Circular Beauty (or should I say "Rectangular Solid Beauty"?) to this (if it helps your wait):

Container Car sets...in a container...within a container...on a container ship...

I'm feeling a little boxed in here ... BigGrin BigGrin BigGrin

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Offline marklinist5999  
#5 Posted : 09 May 2021 13:50:57(UTC)

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I recently aquired an affinity for intermodal freight myself.
My dealer had recieved some items which had luckily only water damaged boxes, or torn corner edges when they ordered direct from Marklin. They discounted them. Marklin USA checks shipments before forwarding to dealers. If a container isn't packed full, the load can shift and things get bounced around. Water can also seep in in storms, or if a ship capsizes, well, it's even worse.
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Offline bph  
#6 Posted : 09 May 2021 14:34:27(UTC)

Joined: 04/08/2018(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: mike c Go to Quoted Post
I was a little surprised that my dealer had not yet received the pair of 47461 AAE/Coop container car sets that I had ordered, so I sent an email asking them to confirm, as Maerklin is now showing that item as "werkseitig ausverkauft" (sold out at the factory).

in the reply, they said that the items are on the way, but were sent by ship and will arrive at some point in the next month...

It might take a while if they are on the ship in Egypt, the ship is under arrest in Egypt and it has turned into a legal battle. The Suez Canal Authority, or SCA claims $916 million in compensation. And that apparently does not include the fee tho the professional salvage team that refloated the vessel. https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/international/2021/04/13/609641.htm. I find that the claim is just ridiculous. There are however some legal grounds to claim a hefty salvage reward if you save a vessel, in some cases, but that goes to the salvagers.

They will hopefully resolve it and pay some compensation, and in the end, the cost bee paid by raised shipping fees due to increased insurance costs.

Originally Posted by: mike c Go to Quoted Post
My thought was Containers on a ship, what could go wrong?

A lot ;)

ONE big mess: (ONE Apus lost more than 1,800 containers)

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Offline marklinist5999  
#7 Posted : 09 May 2021 15:17:51(UTC)

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Mike Ajckids has it in stock for $215 U.S. I like them, as I was a produce buyer, but I have enough container cars already, 3 Schenker.
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Offline DaleSchultz  
#8 Posted : 09 May 2021 17:36:26(UTC)

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It is called LEGO not Legos.
Intellibox + own software, K-Track
My current layout: https://cabin-layout.mixmox.com
Arrival and Departure signs: https://remotesign.mixmox.com
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Offline hxmiesa  
#9 Posted : 09 May 2021 18:16:48(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: DaleSchultz Go to Quoted Post
It is called LEGO not Legos.

Having toured many of the big cities of Spain for almost 10 years participating in Lego shows,
the word "Legos" is one of the things that is kindly pointed out to us by the TLC community managers and Lego ambassadors as one of the things that they absolutely MUST avoid; it dilutes their trademark name.
It's the same situation as f.x. the word "nylon" which is now used for all PA types plastics, and "nylons" is now synonym with stockings.
In short; It is important (to TLC) to call this type of toy "automatic plastic binding blocks" (or something like that), and not just "legos".
We sometimes said that "a puppy dies every time you say legos". -Which might not have been totally adequate considering the young age of some of the audience and participants of these shows... RollEyes
Best regards
Henrik Hoexbroe ("The Dane In Spain")
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Offline Jimmy Thompson  
#10 Posted : 09 May 2021 21:03:41(UTC)
Jimmy Thompson

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I am having a little Déjà vu moment here (and I guess I started it, did I not?) LOL LOL Ah well, just blame Jimmy and his circular thinking..."Round and round he goes, and where he stops..."
Jimmy T
Analogue; M-track; BR 111; KLVM; Primex; Sarrasani Zirkuswelt
There is a Prototype For Everything
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Offline marklinist5999  
#11 Posted : 09 May 2021 21:42:31(UTC)

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Yes, and I played with those "Lincoln Log"as a kid too. Log(s) plural. One Lego singular, then more ar Lego's. Lousy in math, great in English here.
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Offline Jimmy Thompson  
#12 Posted : 10 May 2021 00:39:08(UTC)
Jimmy Thompson

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So, in a sense, LEGO (singular, plural, and collective for some) is like "Container" as in...not a containerS ship or containerS train or, I suppose, containerS yard although in the wild they might be plural containers. I can only imagine the looks my kids would give me if I said "I am going to play with my LEGO."..one LEGO...LOL

Now that (I) have given mike c more to worry about than he had envisioned in his quite simple example...Hope your container car set arrives shortly and in good condition!!Cool
Jimmy T
Analogue; M-track; BR 111; KLVM; Primex; Sarrasani Zirkuswelt
There is a Prototype For Everything
Offline mike c  
#13 Posted : 10 May 2021 03:14:46(UTC)
mike c

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The brand is Lego. A Lego box contains pieces of Lego. The pieces are plural, but we do not refer to the pieces as Legos.
Do you say "I'm going to play with my Maerklins?"


Mike C
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Offline marklinist5999  
#14 Posted : 10 May 2021 12:43:59(UTC)

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Marklin is singular, Plural is Marklins. Playing with my Marklin means one. Say it how you want.
Canada has it's own slang words. A frog means deep French kiss. BuIck had to name the la Crosse car Allure there.
I don't refer to my trains as toys. They are models of quality detail, technical features, and operation. Works of art also. A peek below someone's layout at the wiring , decoders, etc. Kills the toy stigma.
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Offline H0  
#15 Posted : 10 May 2021 13:25:34(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: marklinist5999 Go to Quoted Post
Marklin is singular, Plural is Marklins.
Märklin is a company name. IMHO there is no plural.
I'd say "playing with my Märklin" for both a single and multiple items.

"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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Offline marklinist5999  
#16 Posted : 10 May 2021 14:20:24(UTC)

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Ok, that is then spelled Marklin'
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Offline mike c  
#17 Posted : 10 May 2021 18:24:58(UTC)
mike c

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Originally Posted by: marklinist5999 Go to Quoted Post
Marklin is singular, Plural is Marklins. Playing with my Marklin means one. Say it how you want.
Canada has it's own slang words. A frog means deep French kiss. BuIck had to name the la Crosse car Allure there.
I don't refer to my trains as toys. They are models of quality detail, technical features, and operation. Works of art also. A peek below someone's layout at the wiring , decoders, etc. Kills the toy stigma.

Where did you get that one about Frog? Never heard that one before.


Mike C
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Offline marklinist5999  
#18 Posted : 11 May 2021 07:02:24(UTC)

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We were camping and fishing summer 1974 near Peterborough Ontario. I caught a frog, and a man told me.
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Offline kiwiAlan  
#19 Posted : 25 May 2021 23:28:00(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: mike c Go to Quoted Post
I was a little surprised that my dealer had not yet received the pair of 47461 AAE/Coop container car sets that I had ordered, so I sent an email asking them to confirm, as Maerklin is now showing that item as "werkseitig ausverkauft" (sold out at the factory).

in the reply, they said that the items are on the way, but were sent by ship and will arrive at some point in the next month...

My thought was Containers on a ship, what could go wrong?


Have a good weekend

Mike C

Hopefully it is not on this ship ... Scared Scared Scared Scared

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Offline dominator  
#20 Posted : 25 May 2021 23:52:30(UTC)

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Don't ya just love the name on the ship in the second photo above.

Also, talking about frogs. We also have them on our Marklin points, and a problem has been mentioned of them in Adrian's post above about the 30000.

As for the 3 videos, reminds me of the song we used to sing. 'What shall we do with the drunken sailor".

Apparently, the first Grand Piano that was shipped out to NZ for the new Wellington Town Hall, got lost at sea.

We are not allowed to build buildings in NZ with proper diagonal bracing. Why the hell do they allow containers to be loaded so high without proper diagonal bracing.

Northland. NZ REMEMBER 0228 for ä
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Offline mike c  
#21 Posted : 26 May 2021 00:44:57(UTC)
mike c

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Originally Posted by: dominator Go to Quoted Post
Why the hell do they allow containers to be loaded so high without proper diagonal bracing.


Probably because some containers have pins, while others have sockets. Some have 4 pins in the corners, others have two rectangular pins along the midline of the container base. I guess that when you mix and match, they don't stay together quite as well as if you would have used only one brand of containers.

Wait a minute, am I talking about models or about the real thing?


Mike C

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Offline marklinist5999  
#22 Posted : 26 May 2021 00:55:06(UTC)

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The models replicate the real containers fairly close. They have pins, and sockets, and while secure to one another, in rough seas, well, any ship can capsize. Tightly packed containers are less prone to load shifting. When they do, it changes the center of gravity. If they move they can tear away the achoring chains or bars.
I got a Walthers 40' ONE ocean network express refrigerated one today. It even has the Carrier "Thinline" refrigeration unit detail on the end.
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Offline bph  
#23 Posted : 06 July 2021 11:03:35(UTC)

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Offline kiwiAlan  
#24 Posted : 03 August 2021 21:09:12(UTC)

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Well, if your items were made in China, they have now arrived in the UK. BigGrin BigGrin

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Offline bph  
#25 Posted : 23 January 2022 22:23:33(UTC)

Joined: 04/08/2018(UTC)
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BBC has made a documentary about the accident called Why Ships Crash.

Can be watched without registration etc here:

Offline kiwiAlan  
#26 Posted : 24 January 2022 01:03:31(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: bph Go to Quoted Post
BBC has made a documentary about the accident called Why Ships Crash.

Can be watched without registration etc here:

I found that quite interesting. I recorded it off air, then watched it. I was aware of what they called 'bank effect', which is a variation of the Bernoulli effect (which limits how close ships can be when running parallel at sea for refueling and the like), but hadn't appreciated it may have an effect in this case, and also the effect of speed on both bank effect and maneuverability.

Offline Chipopo  
#27 Posted : 24 January 2022 11:51:00(UTC)

Joined: 19/03/2012(UTC)
Posts: 112
Originally Posted by: bph Go to Quoted Post
BBC has made a documentary about the accident called Why Ships Crash.

Can be watched without registration etc here:

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