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Offline clapcott  
#1 Posted : 29 March 2017 11:35:35(UTC)

New Zealand   
Joined: 12/12/2005(UTC)
Posts: 2,437
Location: Wellington, New_Zealand
some CS3 known issues


Loco Config stuff
01- mFX ICON updates do not work correctly........................FAIL.....PASS.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: Dynamic write to decoder corupted - ETA Bug fix Apr2017
02- mLD/3,mSD/3 sequence programming..............................FAIL....TO TEST ....................PASS
.....: does not show Timers distinctly
07- New Loco Address search function clunky.......................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: only possible after a loco has been defined initially (protocol known) and reedited
.....: appears to be WAD (I still consider it fault)
XX- New Loco "Read Address" repeats, even if Edit window closed.......................................FAIL
.....(MM) Loco can be seen to blink its like during normal scan
.....- but when the edit window closes, the loco continues to blink ever minute of so
13- Cancel = meaningless for CV/mFX devices.......................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: No undo as changes to decoder are applied immediately. Even before OK pressed
33- EditLoco = Read (DCC or MM] = No validation that protocol is enabled............FAIL
.....: SHOULD have an instructional reminder to place loco on the PROGRAMMING track..........PASS
.....: Message (as above) now seen, but the read attempt still continues in the background...FAIL.....FAIL
33- EditLoco => Configuration = AUTORead no real indication ........................FAIL
.....: Should NOT Autoread...................................................................PASS.....<===
.....: Should Provide a Cancel function (as above)

UI/UX Stuff
03- Poor messaging
.....:mFX (CV general) if loco not on track or track power off....FAIL...IMPROVED...<===.....<===.....<===
06- popup fahrpult ... opens but does not close...................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===.....<WAD
.....: Annoying - nonergonomic
15- small menu tabs overlap and operationally hide others ........FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: (e.g. Loco list and keyboard opened so they boarder each other)
28- When in Loco Edit mode - BIG Stop causes onscreen "Stops" to show .....FAIL.....<===.....PASS.....<===
.....: i.e. it hides the "OK" button to "Save/Exit" the configuration
31- If "Klein Lok" is in view in either sidebar and a speed is
.....inadvertently selected, the speed bubble persists.....................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: i.e. keeps reappearing over the top of other window panes.
.....: because it is for "klein lok" the processing of the speed should not be done anyway!

16 - Full Turntable support (Jonas post#7)........................FAIL.....<===
.....: Issue relates to poor UX pullstop
.....: Need legacy means of operation
.....: Need intuitive Graphical UX

Help Stuff
19 - Decoder "I" files not scrollable .....................................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: CAN scroll with using VNC and PC MB3

System stuff
05- fahrstrasse.cs2 file faulty...................................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: fahrstrasse "shell" present but only ever one item (Mag address = 1)
20 - 60657 is reported as a 60653.................................FAIL.... <===.....<===.....<===.....<===

Wierd Stuff
10- mFX detection, observed loco rescan picked up mfx signal .....FAIL....TO_TEST..NoRepro...<===.....<===
.....: Concise Repro not defined .....
11- Scary display on startup......................................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: unnecessary blank screens - over unacceptable duration
12- Scary poweroff/on behaviour...................................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<WAD.....<===
.....: if insufficient delay after powering off and re-powering (wait minutes rather than seconds before powering on again)
.....: suspect a hardware issue - unsolvable by code
18 - Rouge "large" Sensor icon (with "=" above it) ........................FAIL...NoRepro....<===.....<===
.....: first seen after using popup fahrpult

S88 Stuff
08- Extraneous "Bus" field for S88s of CS2,CS3+,etc ..............FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: only needed for L88 - unnecessary, superfluous, confusing - UNTIDY
09- L88 Sensor conflicts..........................................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: Sensors (2 separate definitions) able to be defined as both Direct and Matrix of the same L88
21 - This Red "warning" line under main menu icons - no sense or meaning...FAIL.....<===.....GONE.....<===
.....: If this is a warning there needs to be some place where the actual issue is stated - in English for the user!
.....: Determined from M-service and observation to relate to S88 (non)presence
25 - This Red "warning" line appears when the (TFP3) S88 bus length = 0....FAIL.....<===.....GONE.....<===
.....: Can temporarily fool the CS3+ but the line reappears on reboot
30 - This Red "warning" line does not "reduce" when offending S88 removed..FAIL.....<===.....GONE.....<===
.....: Line percentage only recalculates on an "Add"
32 - Conditioning for an Event START may only contain ONE condition........FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: The workaround of using inline Delay/continue is a poor substitute

Acccessory management / configuration
14- processes have messages that come and go (mfx discovery)......FAIL.....<===.....<===...Improved...<===
.....: - no continuity within the same dialogue. If function fails (for what ever reason) - no message!
22 - mfx accessory registration (m83.2) gets confused about x4 boundaries..FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: e.g. if last address in use was 2, then the m83 is given 3 not 5
.....: this is supported by the m8x, and operational as long as you do not edit the item in which case the address (3) fails validation
26 - mfx accessory registration wizard fails to detect existing config.....FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: Specifically 4 or 8 mode addressing
.....: Needs validation
27 - mfx accessory registration wizard has no port setup assistance........FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: Icons are "assumed" to be "left turnout" (m83)
.....: Port mode assumed without validation
29 - Editing a multidecoder accessory - "switching time" is not discrete...FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: Cannot work through other ports of decoder to set time without saving and specifically selecting the item(port)

mFX+ World of Operation
04- mFX+ images stretched (120%) rather than new images - rough edges, font size incorrect
17 - mFX WOO enablement (With Consumption) causes blank screens............FAIL.....<===.....<===...NoRepro
.....: Screen goes blank about 5 times, for about 5 secs and then stays blank
23 - Electric speed able to show "-1"......................................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
24 - Diesel "fahrpultdiesel.cs2" has duplicate buttons for icon id=53......FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....: Actually legacy from the very first implementation of mFX+ on the CS2

0- UI poor rendering (English?) overlap of text and images or truncation
...: System->CS3_>Track ... Start Locomotives Automatically.......FAIL.....PASS.....<===.....<===.....<===
...: System->CS3->Track ... WoO Rotary Knob assignment............FAIL.....PASS.....<===.....<===.....<===
...: Loco - Edit->NewLocomotive->Info ... "Locomotive Database"............FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
...: Loco - Edit->Setup .. ".... Function .... 'Run Time Functi?"..........FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....:: OK with NO Function selected - appears as soon as you select a Function
...: System-> (various) "Itemnumber" should read "Item Number"....FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===.....<===
.....:: better still "Product Number"
...: Web Interface - Should inherit Language setting of unit .....FAIL.... <===.....<===.....<===.....<===

0- UI lack of English Translation (poor spelling)
...: Loco Sidebars, when no Loco selected =...................."Keine Lok" FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
...: Loco - Edit->Setup "Loc Symbol" dialogue field........................FAIL.....<===.....PASS.....<===
...: System->TFP3->Setting S88 config fields "Lange","Zykluszeit","Bitzeit"FAIL.....PASS.....<===.....<===
...: System->LS88->Settings->Setting1-16 combo "Einzeln","Tastaturematrix".FAIL.....<===.....<===.....PASS
...: Acc. config. item has not been assigned to a Trackboard = "Gleisbild".FAIL.....<===
...: Accessory->Edit->Discover mfx itmes = "Discover mfx itmes"............FAIL.....<===.....<===.....PASS
.....................: (as above) = "Ein neuer mfx-Decoder wurde entdeckt" FAIL.....PASS.....<===.....<===
...: Edit Track Diagram = "Selction" (missing "e").........................FAIL.....<===.....<===.....PASS
...: Settings for Area = "Name Areal"/"Farbe Areal":All colours in German..FAIL.....<===.....PASS.....<===
...: mfx article discovery.........."Ein neuer mfx-Decoder wurde entdeckt" FAIL.....PASS.....<===.....<===
...: mfx article discovery.."Das Mapping des Artikels m83 wird ausgelesen" FAIL.....PASS.....<===
...: Article configuration tab (mfx device)................................FAIL.....PASS.....<===.....<===
.............................."Der Artikel hat (noch) nichet geantwortet."
.................................."Eine CV-Bearbeitung ist nicht moeglich"
...: "Direct adress drive" title <-- note spelling of "Address"............FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
...: Writing to a Loco-Card message contains the phrase "rightg slot"......FAIL.....<===.....<===.....<===
...: "Die Mfx-Suche ist im Stop-Zurstand nicht moglich""...................FAIL.....PASS.....<===.....PASS
.......when attempting automatic mfx accessory scan with CS3 in STOP

Page 7 of CS3 manual states "... Link S88(60833)..." should read "... Link S88(60883)..."
.....: Noted that with the 4 language version (available Apr 2017) that the nederlands ONLY section was corrected

00- InApp help files missing......................................MISS.....PRO.....<===
.....: anticipate slow progress
01- English translation...........................................MISS.....<===....PROG
.....: anticipate slow progress
02- Decoder firmware updates......................................MISS.....<===
.....: CS3 v1.3.0(0) = up to Mar2017 = (not already available)
03- Decoder Soundfile upload

04- Output programming of mFX signals not operational

05- no mFX+ sensor definition for 'advanced' operation (as per CS2) or equivalent

06- System Bus devices not succinctly identifiable ...............MISS.....PASS
.....: i.e. ... by serial# (or Name = MS1)
.....: CS3 v1.3.0(0) = actual Serial# field (for connected device) now present
07- mFX function option of a timer missing (refer CS2)............MISS.....PASS

08- Shuttle function (Workaround with Event possible )............MISS.....<===
.....: = labourious - preference for the CS1 way of implementation)
09- USB devices not identified by physical position
10- Layout lock (from inadvertent panning)........................MISS.....<===
11- Single step edit (Spanner/Wrench) - instead of multiple steps with all levels lumped together for more clicks to wear out the finger

Subjective loss compared to the CS2
A- Loss of adjustable feet
B- Loss of tactile "click/detent" for lokocard (camofaged because of tighter (rough) tolerance on initial entry)
C- Loss of Tactile Function buttons
D- Loss of Tactile Menu button
E- Loss of circular speed display
F- Loss of singular/specific 'known' access method for layout, keyboard, memory(event), Control - multiple UI actions needed
G- Loss of supplied stylus and holder


1- CS1 (60212) may only be used through a 60213/4/5 CS2 that is slaved to the CS3

And now this functionality has been removed in the latest CS2 update


1- Popup FahrPult
- - YET "another click" to get the functions up ?
- - YET another click on the minuscule tab selection to get F17+
- - NEED toggle click to close
2- Any twisty (Chevron rotate) to expand a sub menu ( e.g. System Info ) should NOT require yet another scroll function to see the content
3- Events have a countdown of steps BUT also need a countdown of time!
4- Get rid of the penguin
5- Virtual Sensors ("Kontrolling Contacts") could be multistate - non binary
6- Offer (pan) lock function for layout
7- better 'finger friendly" distinction for the small menu items


1- Return all the lost hardware functions (see above)
2- Bigger screen - does not have to be touchscreen - or an external display port for users to choose their own screen
3- Edge buttons
- - (top brow maybe) for Brightness (Up/Down) - Sound (Up/Down/Mute) - with onscreen notification when changed
- - Scroll Wheel
4- Separate GO button


1 - the mFX loco "Quick ID" should be configurable by the user
2 - Visual realestate hides lists - any drop-down or horizontal list should not hide items because the window is too small. If there is room (on the screen) then the list window should be able to show all items without having to scroll (again) for one or two items
3 - Consistency in UI for scrolling - some "windows" move up (data UP) when scrolling [b]UP
while other "pages" move up (data [b]DOWN
) for the same action.
4 - Need "confirmation" (feel good) indication - even if action successful
5 - DO NOT present a "Cancel" option when the data has already been sent/programmed (e.g. mfx function icon changes)
6 - Throttle granularity (40 detent steps) means that first detent equates to about speed 3 on a 127 step decoder
7 - DCC programming (possibly more of a "poor messaging" issue)

Edited by moderator 23 September 2021 00:10:25(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Offline dickinsonj  
#2 Posted : 01 April 2017 01:46:32(UTC)

United States   
Joined: 05/12/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1,725
Location: Crozet, Virginia
Thanks Peter, that is great information to have. I get the urge to buy a CS3+ from time to time but I know that it is still way, way too early.

Let's hope Märklin jumps on fixing that stuff more quickly than they have done with some of the CS2 bugs. Some of them have been around for years and never addressed and I believe that with the release of the CS3 they never will be. If they want to be competitive with ESU they need to get this stuff sorted out soon.

I have almost all Märklin and mostly HO, although I do have a small number of Z gauge trains!
So many trains and so little time.
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Offline sjbartels  
#3 Posted : 04 April 2017 05:47:32(UTC)

United States   
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Posts: 1,091
The more and more I read about the CS3 and what others are telling me just reiterates that my not rushing to replace my CS2 is the best thing to do. I'd go so far as to recommend to someone looking to upgrade an old CS1 or from a mobile station to in the short term find a deal on a CS2 and hold off a while on the CS3 IF they can't wait a little longer with their existing equipment. Just my humble opinion. Personally, I find te CS2 to fit my needs quite admirably for right now.
American by Geography, Australian by Birth. I am an original Ameristraylian
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Offline nitramretep  
#4 Posted : 04 April 2017 16:49:46(UTC)

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One might presume the CS3 is BET....Bleeding Edge Technology!
You have also persuaded me to stick with my CS2!
Offline dickinsonj  
#5 Posted : 05 April 2017 01:24:46(UTC)

United States   
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Originally Posted by: nitramretep Go to Quoted Post
One might presume the CS3 is BET....Bleeding Edge Technology!
You have also persuaded me to stick with my CS2!

The hardware technology is not what I would call bleeding edge but it is sufficient for the intended use and way, way better than what is in a CS2. The software unfortunately is not mature enough or competent enough for me at this point in time. Hopefully Märklin will get the software sorted out sooner rather than later. If they don't then we will still have the option of getting an ECoS if we do not purchase now.

I also find the CS2 quite adequate for my current needs and I don't plan to upgrade anytime soon.

I have almost all Märklin and mostly HO, although I do have a small number of Z gauge trains!
So many trains and so little time.
Offline sjbartels  
#6 Posted : 05 April 2017 05:09:04(UTC)

United States   
Joined: 11/08/2015(UTC)
Posts: 1,091
Originally Posted by: dickinsonj Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: nitramretep Go to Quoted Post
One might presume the CS3 is BET....Bleeding Edge Technology!
You have also persuaded me to stick with my CS2!

The hardware technology is not what I would call bleeding edge but it is sufficient for the intended use and way, way better than what is in a CS2. The software unfortunately is not mature enough or competent enough for me at this point in time. Hopefully Märklin will get the software sorted out sooner rather than later. If they don't then we will still have the option of getting an ECoS if we do not purchase now.

I also find the CS2 quite adequate for my current needs and I don't plan to upgrade anytime soon.

And quite honestly, the limitations you have with the CS2 can be largely (not solely, but largely) can be addressed if you use an iPad with the appropriate software. At this point in time, there is nothing earth shattering about the CS3 that makes me want to rush out and buy one.
American by Geography, Australian by Birth. I am an original Ameristraylian
Offline jonas_sthlm  
#7 Posted : 05 April 2017 10:35:41(UTC)

Joined: 12/10/2008(UTC)
Posts: 918
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Thanks Peter,

I think you can add turntable when support said that it doesn't work yet....

The update release seems very slow as always with Märklin Mad
Collecting Swedish items since the 80s / CS3+ / MSW / 60175 Booster / 60881 S88 AC / TC10 Gold / K, C-Tracks / Favorites Class Ra / modelltag.se - Forum modelltag.se - Facebook modelltag.se - YouTube
Offline clapcott  
#8 Posted : 05 April 2017 11:27:36(UTC)

New Zealand   
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Originally Posted by: jonas_sthlm Go to Quoted Post
I think you can add turntable when support said that it doesn't work yet....

A turntable is something I do not have to test.

Can you offer a description of the issue(s) - and confirm this is for the 7686/7

I am led to believe that there is a CS3 update pending for "mid April" .....
The ChangeLog for 1.3, seen in the 1.2.0(5) beta (so is probably not a full list), makes no comment about a turntable
Offline petestra  
#9 Posted : 05 April 2017 16:53:56(UTC)

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CS3 help please.

New to CS3. I have Lok 39500 E50 with previous address 50 showing up when I press Lok Edit as address #41. I want to change it back to 50

but the area on Lok edit window is not highlighted so changes can't be made. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks, Peter Confused
Offline kiwiAlan  
#10 Posted : 05 April 2017 18:25:22(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: petestra Go to Quoted Post
CS3 help please.

New to CS3. I have Lok 39500 E50 with previous address 50 showing up when I press Lok Edit as address #41. I want to change it back to 50

but the area on Lok edit window is not highlighted so changes can't be made. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks, Peter Confused

Is this an mfx loco?
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Offline petestra  
#11 Posted : 05 April 2017 18:57:01(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: kiwiAlan Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: petestra Go to Quoted Post
CS3 help please.

New to CS3. I have Lok 39500 E50 with previous address 50 showing up when I press Lok Edit as address #41. I want to change it back to 50

but the area on Lok edit window is not highlighted so changes can't be made. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks, Peter Confused

Is this an mfx loco?

It is a replaced decoder. I believe it's an ESU one. No address area on any Lok is highlighted for changes? I just checked other MFX Loks too.Peter.
Offline H0  
#12 Posted : 05 April 2017 20:31:51(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: petestra Go to Quoted Post
New to CS3. I have Lok 39500 E50 with previous address 50 showing up when I press Lok Edit as address #41. I want to change it back to 50
You cannot change the mfx address with a CS2 (the address field is greyed out since version 3.6), you cannot change the mfx address with a CS3.
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
And it does not matter which mfx address the loco has.
50 probably is the MM address. Not sure where you can change that address with a CS3, but most likely you can see (and change) the 50 somewhere.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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Offline petestra  
#13 Posted : 05 April 2017 21:58:50(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: H0 Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: petestra Go to Quoted Post
New to CS3. I have Lok 39500 E50 with previous address 50 showing up when I press Lok Edit as address #41. I want to change it back to 50
You cannot change the mfx address with a CS2 (the address field is greyed out since version 3.6), you cannot change the mfx address with a CS3.
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
And it does not matter which mfx address the loco has.
50 probably is the MM address. Not sure where you can change that address with a CS3, but most likely you can see (and change) the 50 somewhere.

Thanks for the info, Tom. No, it's not a big deal. Cheers, Peter.Cool
Offline clapcott  
#14 Posted : 05 April 2017 22:03:11(UTC)

New Zealand   
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Originally Posted by: petestra Go to Quoted Post
I have Lok 39500 E50 with previous address 50 showing up when I press Lok Edit as address #41. I want to change it back to 50

This is an issue that comes into the "could do better" and "what were they thinking/smokin" category, but is not new and is not just a CS3 issue.

The address presented (and greyed out) is just an incremental number that the (each) controller (As Marklin have implemented) allocates as new mFX loco are registered.
i.e. it is unique to each controller and is not recorded in the decoder

It would not have been an issue if the value was totally hidden, however it does have a small value as a quick code on the CS2/CS3* "num pad" mode

SO as such , if Marklin are going to make it visible, and offer some functionality for it, why the hell can they not allow the user to assign their own meaningful proxy.

There is a twist to this, and it comes with the Loco-Card which does store this ID (again for quick reference), along with the mFX serial ID.
This is great for use on the same layout with MS2s.

However if you take this Loco-card to another (freinds/clubs) CS2/CS3* it will "request" the same id when registering BUT if the ID is already in use, the controller just assigns the next available number. The Loco-Card is not automatically updated so if you do attempt to use the Loco-Card on a MS2 attached to the other (Friends/Clubs) CS2/CS3* - mayhem may ensue.

To address the issue of how to alter the code ..
- take the loco off the track and delete the item #41
- borrow 9 other/new mfx locos and register them on the CS - note that each gets the nextID #41 to #49
- re-register your E50 as #50
- (recommended) record this on a loco-card
- (optionally) delete the unneeded loco's
Should you delete the E50 in the future... before you put it on the track, insert the loco-card. When the E50 is registered its mfd-id SHOULD match with that on the Loko-Card and not create a new entry. Thus also retaining your #50 local ID.
thanks 3 users liked this useful post by clapcott
Offline petestra  
#15 Posted : 06 April 2017 00:16:18(UTC)

United States   
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Location: Leesburg,VA.USA
Thanks a lot, Peter. It's good to know there's a cure! I will leave it as is for now. Cheers, Peter. BigGrin ThumpUp
Offline clapcott  
#16 Posted : 24 April 2017 03:15:35(UTC)

New Zealand   
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Would you consider the following "feature" an "issue" or a valid "benefit"?

Situation = Setting up the icons of a Locomotive (on CS3* - not strictly an mfx Loco) and choosing the "Impulse" function

If you happen to test the function it toggles the icon (in the left list) from its White to Yellow or from Yellow to White
- i.e. the impulse aspect is not honored (by the CS3*) in Testing.

Now if you leave it on (Yellow) when you "Save" the Loco definition, the default value of this impulse function is always ON and it goes OFF, for an impulse time, when you press the button.

Comment: I could see this possibly being a bit more useful for the ( new=v1.3.0(0) ) "Function Duration" option but that does not (currently) work the same way
Offline Danlake  
#17 Posted : 23 May 2017 06:44:48(UTC)

New Zealand   
Joined: 03/08/2011(UTC)
Posts: 1,571
Hi all,

I regular switch between my old CS2 and the new CS3 as my daughter prefers the old speed dial where you can understand the speed settings.

I only have one central station connected to layout at any given time powered by 60061 60w switched mode power pack.

I have noticed that when my new CS3 is connected there is a significant higher humming noise from some decoders. One of my inbuilt turnout track decoder is so loud I can hear it several meters away. I believe the humming noise is associated with the frequency used for the PWM between decoder and motor, but I was wondering if any other users have noticed similiar with the new CS3 (maybe it uses another frequency)? Or maybe it's just a conincidence, but why would many of my locomotive decoder also be humming more now?

My track voltage as per CS is identical between CS2 and CS3 around 19 volts.

Brgds Lasse
Digital 11m2 layout / C (M&K) tracks / Era IV / CS3 60226 / Train Controller Gold 9 with 4D sound. Mainly Danish and German Locomotives.
Offline Goofy  
#18 Posted : 23 May 2017 08:45:01(UTC)

Joined: 12/08/2006(UTC)
Posts: 9,106
Originally Posted by: Danlake Go to Quoted Post
Hi all,

I regular switch between my old CS2 and the new CS3 as my daughter prefers the old speed dial where you can understand the speed settings.

I only have one central station connected to layout at any given time powered by 60061 60w switched mode power pack.

I have noticed that when my new CS3 is connected there is a significant higher humming noise from some decoders. One of my inbuilt turnout track decoder is so loud I can hear it several meters away. I believe the humming noise is associated with the frequency used for the PWM between decoder and motor, but I was wondering if any other users have noticed similiar with the new CS3 (maybe it uses another frequency)? Or maybe it's just a conincidence, but why would many of my locomotive decoder also be humming more now?

My track voltage as per CS is identical between CS2 and CS3 around 19 volts.

Brgds Lasse

I´m not sure but does CS3 do have same booster like CS2?

DCC = Digital Command Control
Offline clapcott  
#19 Posted : 23 May 2017 08:48:59(UTC)

New Zealand   
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Originally Posted by: Danlake Go to Quoted Post
I have noticed that when my new CS3 is connected there is a significant higher humming noise from some decoders.

If it is really a hum rather than a buzz, I would want to know details on your accessory (Yellow 16VAC) schematics and whether you have a common ground.

You do need to record which hardware version of CS2 you have and if you really mean a CS3 (60226) or CS3+ (60216)
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Offline Danlake  
#20 Posted : 23 May 2017 09:21:32(UTC)

New Zealand   
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Posts: 1,571
Hi Peter,

Sorry - yes I do have a common ground. I use a yellow bus to power all my K83 module which switches the turnouts.

My CS2 is 60214 version 3.6 and my CS3 is 60226.

I don't have any booster sections or use boosters at all.

The sound is that familiar hum or buz you get on some decoders if you really listen very careful. I previously read in this blog about older types of decoders using different frequency:


It is just much more pronounced now.

Brgds Lasse
Digital 11m2 layout / C (M&K) tracks / Era IV / CS3 60226 / Train Controller Gold 9 with 4D sound. Mainly Danish and German Locomotives.
Offline H0  
#21 Posted : 23 May 2017 09:48:21(UTC)

Joined: 16/02/2004(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Danlake Go to Quoted Post
I previously read in this blog about older types of decoders using different frequency:
That's about loco decoders.
A turnout decoder that is just listening (waiting for commands) does not generate any PWM - at least it should not.
Sometimes you hear components on the decoder humming with the track voltage.
The CS3 has a new TFP (track format processor, aka GFP or Gleisformatprozessor) and that may have a different pattern of track voltage.
Identical boosters can generator different "tunes" with different software (called TFP in this case).

The humming varies depending on which locos you have previously addressed.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
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#22 Posted : 21 September 2017 12:16:04(UTC)

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(see top post for bug/version tracking)

v1.3.1(0) sees significant progress in the "popup" messages now being in english

However glaring static text as identified has not been addressed

With only one exception none of the tangible bugs have been addressed.

I have already had the screen blank out on me when experimenting with the new? turntable setup.

Overall a thumbs down
Offline Danlake  
#23 Posted : 28 September 2017 17:49:30(UTC)

New Zealand   
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I wonder if it's only my CS3 controller but my throttle can only do 3 speed steps at a time (from 0 to 3 and onwards)?

With each click your rotate you will gain 3 speed steps. There is a work around. If you rotate the knob halfway between clicks you can get to speed step 1 and 2.

Alternatively you have to use the mouse and the speed graph.

Some may not for it any issues but when you are programing CV and optimizing the decoder is quite handy to test the loco at the lowest speed level 1.

Interested if anyone has observed the same?

And how is on mobile stations etc.? And what about a ESU controller?


Brgds Lasse
Digital 11m2 layout / C (M&K) tracks / Era IV / CS3 60226 / Train Controller Gold 9 with 4D sound. Mainly Danish and German Locomotives.
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#24 Posted : 28 September 2017 21:12:51(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Danlake Go to Quoted Post
I wonder if it's only my CS3 controller but my throttle can only do 3 speed steps at a time (from 0 to 3 and onwards)?

With each click your rotate you will gain 3 speed steps. There is a work around. If you rotate the knob halfway between clicks you can get to speed step 1 and 2.

Alternatively you have to use the mouse and the speed graph.

Some may not for it any issues but when you are programing CV and optimizing the decoder is quite handy to test the loco at the lowest speed level 1.

Interested if anyone has observed the same?

And how is on mobile stations etc.? And what about a ESU controller?


Brgds Lasse

Is it the case that the knob selects in 3's over the range of 0-255, where the max 255 value is the vmax value set for the locomotive?
I'd agree that one would not want one click from stop to be more than the slowest vmin setting for the locomotive (which is also configurable right?)
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#25 Posted : 29 September 2017 05:02:46(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Danlake Go to Quoted Post
I wonder if it's only my CS3 controller but my throttle can only do 3 speed steps at a time (from 0 to 3 and onwards)?

The CS3 throttle appears to have been designed/calibrated such that one detent is equal to one bar of the 40 bar speed gauge.
Unlike the other throttles there is no variation if you turn the dial slow or fast

If you happen to have set your locos max speed to 120 then it will display in 3 km/h increments
If your decoder is defined as one with 128 steps the each bar would equate to approximately 3 steps.

Watching the gauge while driving with a CS2/MS2 attached you do seem to have 1 step increments (when turning slowly)
(by watching I mean noting the number displayed nudge up even if the next bar does not highlight until 3 nudges. If you set the loc max speed to 512(CS2)/160(MS2) then the number will pretty much match 1 for each nudge)

So. The issue is noted that the CS3 detenting throttle has a fixed course granularity (1/40th of range), that is an apparent backward step compared to the MS2/CS2.

With all that in mind the various emmitters (throttle) are an analogue device and the value is a fuzzy interpretation. If you want to be precise you would use a PC, keeping in mind the the CS2/CS3 API uses a speed range of 0-1000.

Tracing the system bus we see APPROXIMATELY.
CS3 = steps of 24/1000
MS2 = steps of 6/1000
CS2 = steps of 2/1000

Marklin document the formula for translation to a decoder value as ..
Systemfahrstufe = 1 + (Gleisfahrstufe - 1) * Schrittweite

with statement
The decoder driving stage 1 is always also system driving stage 1.

and examples
Decoder driving stage 11 is thus at:

for 14 Driving steps ==> System driving stage 771
for 27 Driving stages ==> System driving stage 381
for 28 Driving stages ==> System driving stage 371
for 31 Driving stages ==> System driving stage 331
for 126 Driving stages ==> System driving stage 81
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#26 Posted : 29 September 2017 07:03:18(UTC)

New Zealand   
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Thanks for details Peter,

It’s defintly backwards design for me. The fact is that I can’t drive a standard Mfx loco with 126 speed step on its lowest speed setting available by the decoder. My hope would be that with future software updates it could become a feature to choose what setting you want for speed throttle.

I can understand for kids it may be more convenient to not have a throttle that you will turn endless times to gain full speed, but isn’t part of the joy with digital trains the ability to control them very finely and precisely?

Brgds Lasse
Digital 11m2 layout / C (M&K) tracks / Era IV / CS3 60226 / Train Controller Gold 9 with 4D sound. Mainly Danish and German Locomotives.
Offline clapcott  
#27 Posted : 30 September 2017 22:40:31(UTC)

New Zealand   
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Originally Posted by: Danlake Go to Quoted Post
The fact is that I can’t drive a standard Mfx loco with 126 speed step on its lowest speed setting available by the decoder.

I think this statement needs to be teased out a bit. Are we talking about the decoder or the motor.

Yes, the change in controller granularity compared to other controllers is an issue worth noting

For one the motor, the gearbox and transmission design, and the other mechanical aspects cannot be overlooked. When using a common motor its starting voltage ( the effective PWM voltage at which of the locomotive motion is detected after overcoming all resistance) is probably different for a plastic BR89 v a metal BR218

A motors characteristics are inherently analogue. Any imposition of "steps" is nothing more than a convenience of design and operation (e.g. how many relays and associated wiring can fit under the hood of in a E44). And the association of "a step" to a particular speed is performed by where the tap off the transformer is done or, in the case of a mfx decoder the value configured into the speed graph.

Unless you really need the granularity of 127 different speeds in normal operation, I would suggest treating the speed table of the decoder such that command steps 1,2 & 3 are set to whatever value makes the particular locomotive crawls reliably.
Note: also taking into account the starting voltage setting.

How many of Marklins locomotives actually leave the factory calibrated such that speed command 1/127 makes it move?

Offline Danlake  
#28 Posted : 01 October 2017 04:09:19(UTC)

New Zealand   
Joined: 03/08/2011(UTC)
Posts: 1,571
Hi Peter,

You are quite right and a bit of exaggeration from my part!

In general I agree we don’t need the whole range of speed steps, but when accelerating and de accelerating I prefer not to be able to see any noticeably movement but just a smooth speed curve behaviour.

I find that normally default CV2 is around 4-6 on Mfx decoders and many times a good reliable slowest crawl speed. However when you then test your loco with CS3 there is a significant speed change from that speed till you reach the first click on the red knob. Hence you are not easily able to actually drive the loco at the CV2 you programmed by using the red speed knob. For me that is an issue when doing manually shunting etc. in that case it’s impossible to resort using the mouse click and speed grap as you have to keep you eye on the ball!

But your work around idea could work, then you would have to lower the CV2 values to e.g. around 2 so when you start the loco it will more like a value of 4-6.

Thanks and Best Regards

Digital 11m2 layout / C (M&K) tracks / Era IV / CS3 60226 / Train Controller Gold 9 with 4D sound. Mainly Danish and German Locomotives.
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