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Offline Jimmy Thompson  
#1 Posted : 16 December 2020 18:53:25(UTC)
Jimmy Thompson

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Just wondering how many others have a Primex Collection?


3 x 4194 Coaches
1 x 4195 Baggage
1 x 4196 Baggage

1 x 3182 Sarrasani KLVM
1 x 4584 Sarrasani car (w/o package or Culemeyer)

1 x 4552 Hapag-Lloyd Container car (no printing on frame)

Not many, I know, but well loved! Love


p. s. no track, buildings, or accessories
Jimmy T
Analogue; M-track; BR 111; KLVM; Primex; Sarrasani Zirkuswelt
There is a Prototype For Everything
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Offline Eurobahnfan  
#2 Posted : 16 December 2020 19:43:02(UTC)

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I've picked up quite a few Primex pieces over the years: great stuff, built tough, and lots of fun to run!
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Offline DaleSchultz  
#3 Posted : 16 December 2020 20:41:31(UTC)

United States   
Joined: 10/02/2006(UTC)
Posts: 3,997
I have bought their Berlin S-Bahn and some spare coaches to make up a nice train which I hope to digitize and install interior lighting.
Also have a couple of items that are the 'unprinted' version of the Märklin item.
Intellibox + own software, K-Track
My current layout: https://cabin-layout.mixmox.com
Arrival and Departure signs: https://remotesign.mixmox.com
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Offline Bigdaddynz  
#4 Posted : 16 December 2020 21:54:36(UTC)

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I've got a Hapag-Lloyd Container car, 2 black BP 4 axle tank wagons ( one with no box, one still in transit from Germany), and one 10va transformer with box in near mint condition!
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Offline mrmarklin  
#5 Posted : 16 December 2020 23:19:20(UTC)

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Joined: 27/10/2004(UTC)
Posts: 922
Location: Burney, CA

Out of what used to be a fairly extensive collection of Primex,
all I have left is the Orient Express Set and the three extra cars associated with it.Blink
From the People's Republik of Kalifornia
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Offline JohnjeanB  
#6 Posted : 16 December 2020 23:24:22(UTC)

Joined: 04/02/2011(UTC)
Posts: 3,446
Location: Paris, France
Hi Jimmy
My Primex collection is very very modest only about the Circus Sarrassani
- 4584 Zirkuswelt - Wagon road transporter and truck
- 4585 Zirkuswelt2 - Wagon with container and container semi-truck
- 4586 Zirkuswelt 3 - long flat wagon with Circus trailer and road puller
- 4589 Zirkuswelt 4 - Wagon with container and container semi-truck
That is all

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Offline kiwiAlan  
#7 Posted : 17 December 2020 00:03:25(UTC)

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Location: ENGLAND, Didcot
I have a number of Primex items, including some that I wish to sell. I'll try and sort these out over the Christmas break and put a for sale notice up.
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Offline PJMärklin  
#8 Posted : 17 December 2020 02:24:24(UTC)

Joined: 04/12/2013(UTC)
Posts: 2,239
Location: Hobart, Australia
I only have four Primex items, bought from some old Märklin friends in mid 1980's. Back then I converted them
all to digital with 6080 units and they are on my short list for upgrade to 5 pole motor with ESU LokPilot decoders :

3017 Berlin railcar (BVG S-Bahn type 477) and additional car
(the 3017 will be an interesting upgrade to ESU LokPilot !) :


3033 DB 141 211 (green):


3199 DB141 302 (beige/blue):


3193 DB BR 01 - 081 :

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Offline Bigdaddynz  
#9 Posted : 17 December 2020 02:39:03(UTC)

New Zealand   
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Originally Posted by: Bigdaddynz Go to Quoted Post
I've got....

I forgot the Becks beer refrigerator car, different to the Marklin refer cars through not having any platforms on it.
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Offline PJMärklin  
#10 Posted : 17 December 2020 04:15:53(UTC)

Joined: 04/12/2013(UTC)
Posts: 2,239
Location: Hobart, Australia
Originally Posted by: Bigdaddynz Go to Quoted Post

I forgot the Becks beer refrigerator car, different to the Marklin refer cars through not having any platforms on it.

Well fancy that !OhMyGod

I had not ever noticed the difference - add that one to my list

You learn something every day on this forum ThumpUp

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Offline hxmiesa  
#11 Posted : 17 December 2020 07:56:41(UTC)

Joined: 15/12/2005(UTC)
Posts: 3,573
Location: Spain
I have a few items.
2 Eaos; 4-axeled high sided open goods waggons.
2 (or more) 2-axeled rungenwagen (#4595).
I had a BR141 Ocean-Blue/beige. Which I have always suspected to be a Primex model, although the white foam-inlay says Märklin, it came without the original box.
Maybe somebody with a Primex loco can veryfy if the styrofoam inlay has the M-name embossed on it, on the underside?! (And no; I dont remember the running number of my BR141 and it has now been repainted...)

I was always on the lookout for these -slightly- cheaper models, but as I only wanted "full" and "printed" models, it was rather difficult to find suitable models for my collection. Add to that, that in Denmark the Primex brand was almost unknown anyway.

I never liked the idea of using the -already- absolutly cheapest and least detailed models from Märklin, and making versions even LESS detailed and incomplete.
The almost white M-track also didnt appeal to me.
The other approach; Using very old and totally obsolete models (BR23, E44) and re-issuing them under the Primex brand also didnt make much sense to me (although development is 0 cost, the production is still as much as any ordinary M. -maybe even more than more modern models, because of re-tooling to use older standard components).
I mean; What M. needed, was an entry-way into MRR via huge cheap super-store chains; For that, they should have made a nice newly designed product, where the production cost -already from the design point-of-view should have been taken into account. (Like Ikea does; the first thing they deside for a new product, is its price!)
I think they have done it right in the 2000´s, with the simplified models sold in Aldi and Lidl, etc. But these sets where then sold under the Märklin name anyway...
No wonder that they lost out with Primex in the 80´s...
Best regards
Henrik Hoexbroe ("The Dane In Spain")
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Offline Nigel Packer  
#12 Posted : 17 December 2020 17:08:40(UTC)
Nigel Packer

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I have pretty much a complete collection of Primex catalogued items (yes, I know, I know, I've got too much stuff!). I try to find items with unbroken seals on their boxes.

What are hard to find are the non-catalogue items, special versions, limited liveries, etc. And these can fetch high prices. The Wormser auction this month had a lot including two items with rare printing, that fetched 260 Euros plus commission (auctioneer's estimate was 45 Euros), and another lot with some "Kuckucks-Bähnel" rolling stock that fetched 180 Euros plus commission (estimate was 60). None of this stuff was in great condition, either. I got out-bid on both of those lots by miles!

Märklin collector since age 5.
H0 Collection from 1935 to today.
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Offline Michael4  
#13 Posted : 17 December 2020 18:33:09(UTC)

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Joined: 02/02/2017(UTC)
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Is, for example, a Primex loco branded Primex or Marklin? I'd be interested to know.

i always thought the point about Primex was to be able to make a discounted offer available to certain major retailers without upsetting the rest of the trade too much.

I don't know much about the toy trade in Germany but I think that it might have been under some sort of retail price maintenance arrangement at the time? Hence the need for a 'non competitive' discounted line.

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Offline Bigdaddynz  
#14 Posted : 17 December 2020 20:42:42(UTC)

New Zealand   
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Originally Posted by: PJMärklin Go to Quoted Post
Well fancy that !OhMyGod

I had not ever noticed the difference...

Don't worry PJ, I never noticed until I had had mine running along with a whole lot of my other refer cars on a friends layout. I asked the others which one was the Primex car, and after some reflective thinking back came the answer, 'the Becks beer one because it's got no platforms'..... I hadn't noticed till then either.....

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Offline kiwiAlan  
#15 Posted : 17 December 2020 21:32:21(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Michael4 Go to Quoted Post
Is, for example, a Primex loco branded Primex or Marklin? I'd be interested to know.

i always thought the point about Primex was to be able to make a discounted offer available to certain major retailers without upsetting the rest of the trade too much.

I don't know much about the toy trade in Germany but I think that it might have been under some sort of retail price maintenance arrangement at the time? Hence the need for a 'non competitive' discounted line.

My understanding about the origin of the Primex brand by Marklin is as follows: -

A major department store wanted to sell Marklin but Marklin refused to sell to them as it did not consider a department store to be a suitable sales venue for the product line. The store threatened to take them to court under German trading laws (I don't know the relevant laws involved), so Marklin came up with the Primex line to distance itself from the situation. For this reason the catalogue leaflets were only ever printed in German as it was not envisaged that the brand would be sold outside Germany.

Later as the overall situation in Germany changed and the brand waned, Marklin stopped producing Primex and labelled equivalent products in the Marklin range under the HOBBY (now Start Up) moniker.

Around 5 years after stopping production of Primex, Marklin produced the 30031 Br24 in photo grey as German product law required a product to have a gap in production of less than 5 years to keep registration of the product name. After a further 5 years they produced the 33005 Br23 (a re-run of the Marklin 3005 but with a Delta decoder) for the same reason.

I don't know if the law changed, or whatever (whoever?) was a potential user of the brand for model railways went away, but Marklin didn't keep up with a Primex product every 5 years. The E44 and coach set produced last year was the most recent under the brand, and was produced as an anniversary set for Primex.
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Offline kiwiAlan  
#16 Posted : 17 December 2020 21:34:02(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Nigel Packer Go to Quoted Post
... another lot with some "Kuckucks-Bähnel" rolling stock that fetched 180 Euros plus commission (estimate was 60). None of this stuff was in great condition, either. I got out-bid on both of those lots by miles!


Oh, you mean I could make some real money with some of the stuff I got from the W&W auctions ... Blink Blink Blink
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Offline Nigel Packer  
#17 Posted : 17 December 2020 23:42:12(UTC)
Nigel Packer

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Originally Posted by: kiwiAlan Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Nigel Packer Go to Quoted Post
... another lot with some "Kuckucks-Bähnel" rolling stock that fetched 180 Euros plus commission (estimate was 60). None of this stuff was in great condition, either. I got out-bid on both of those lots by miles!


Oh, you mean I could make some real money with some of the stuff I got from the W&W auctions ... Blink Blink Blink

John Cousins was a major enthusiast for Primex, and that was a big focus of his collection. I spoke to him about it more than 20 years ago, and Primex was all he wanted to talk about. And you know how much other Märklin he had as well!

I don’t know what special Primex items you have, but it’s worth cataloguing it all carefully.

Märklin collector since age 5.
H0 Collection from 1935 to today.
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Offline river6109  
#18 Posted : 18 December 2020 07:19:05(UTC)

Joined: 22/01/2009(UTC)
Posts: 14,853
Location: On 1965 Märklin Boulevard just around from Roco Square
Originally Posted by: DaleSchultz Go to Quoted Post
I have bought their Berlin S-Bahn and some spare coaches to make up a nice train which I hope to digitize and install interior lighting.

I had one with extra coaches but sold it as it wasn't fitting into my scenery. added sound, elecrical couplings and interior lights, I've got a few Primex locos and freight carriages, mainly tankers.

5 years in Destruction mode
50 years in Repairing mode
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Offline TrainIride  
#19 Posted : 18 December 2020 14:03:35(UTC)

Joined: 23/10/2010(UTC)
Posts: 2,031
Location: FRANCE
I love Primex ThumpUp

It is always a pleasure to run them !

I have:
2701 Orient express + 4191 CIWL brown coach + 2 x 4186 CIWL baggage coaches
2702 Jubiläumszug "20 Jahre Primex" + 5 tank wagons more from another set without loco.

3008 E44
3186 br141 red
3192 E32 loco with a mistake on the cab numbers
3097 Br23 simplified (I love it)

4192 + 4193 D-Zug green
4197 + 4198 D-Zug cream and blue



Best Regards
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Offline kiwiAlan  
#20 Posted : 18 December 2020 15:54:37(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: TrainIride Go to Quoted Post
I love Primex ThumpUp

It is always a pleasure to run them !

I have:
2701 Orient express + 4191 CIWL brown coach + 2 x 4186 CIWL baggage coaches

I want a 2701, I have some of the additional coaches and the wine barrel wagon.

Originally Posted by: TrainIride Go to Quoted Post

2702 Jubiläumszug "20 Jahre Primex" + 5 tank wagons more from another set without loco.

I have two of these, one with the blue/cream loco and one with the grey loco, both sealed ex-factory.

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Offline kiwiAlan  
#21 Posted : 18 December 2020 15:58:44(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Nigel Packer Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: kiwiAlan Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Nigel Packer Go to Quoted Post
... another lot with some "Kuckucks-Bähnel" rolling stock that fetched 180 Euros plus commission (estimate was 60). None of this stuff was in great condition, either. I got out-bid on both of those lots by miles!


Oh, you mean I could make some real money with some of the stuff I got from the W&W auctions ... Blink Blink Blink

John Cousins was a major enthusiast for Primex, and that was a big focus of his collection. I spoke to him about it more than 20 years ago, and Primex was all he wanted to talk about. And you know how much other Märklin he had as well!

I don’t know what special Primex items you have, but it’s worth cataloguing it all carefully.


I have some of the "Dental Surgery" wagons with the wording heeding you to 'brush three times a day', but unfortunately antiquetoys1 got the locos and wants insane prices for them (somewhere close to £300 for a marklin 3029 with an imprint the last time I saw them). One train is a set of coaches, and the other is a set of the red plastic hopper wagons IIRC.

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Offline Nigel Packer  
#22 Posted : 18 December 2020 17:36:10(UTC)
Nigel Packer

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Originally Posted by: kiwiAlan Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Nigel Packer Go to Quoted Post

John Cousins was a major enthusiast for Primex, and that was a big focus of his collection. I spoke to him about it more than 20 years ago, and Primex was all he wanted to talk about. And you know how much other Märklin he had as well!

I don’t know what special Primex items you have, but it’s worth cataloguing it all carefully.


I have some of the "Dental Surgery" wagons with the wording heeding you to 'brush three times a day', but unfortunately antiquetoys1 got the locos and wants insane prices for them (somewhere close to £300 for a marklin 3029 with an imprint the last time I saw them). One train is a set of coaches, and the other is a set of the red plastic hopper wagons IIRC.

I have the set of red hopper wagons (4583.90701), but not the coaches (4420.88701 and 4420.88702). I have the blue loco "dr martin's zahnputzzug" (3197.86701 - limited edition of 100) but not the black one (3197.89701).

I have a spare 2701 set, though! Box has been opened.

Märklin collector since age 5.
H0 Collection from 1935 to today.
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Offline Roland  
#23 Posted : 18 December 2020 21:12:22(UTC)

Joined: 09/11/2013(UTC)
Posts: 334
Location: Toronto, Canada
Originally Posted by: PJMärklin Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Bigdaddynz Go to Quoted Post

I forgot the Becks beer refrigerator car, different to the Marklin refer cars through not having any platforms on it.

Well fancy that !OhMyGod

I had not ever noticed the difference - add that one to my list

You learn something every day on this forum ThumpUp


I have a couple of these as well. It was a mandatory addition to the collection given my family originates from Bremen Smile

My Layout Build | Märklin CS3+ | K-track | Merkur | Viessmann | LDT | iTrain | Modeling DB + SBB
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Offline Bigdaddynz  
#24 Posted : 19 December 2020 06:44:40(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Bigdaddynz Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: Bigdaddynz Go to Quoted Post
I've got....

I forgot.....

I also forgot the 2 BP Stromeyer 4 axle tank wagons I've got. These were unboxed, so I've made some boxes for them with a Primex label on the box.
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Offline HO Collector  
#25 Posted : 19 December 2020 19:57:29(UTC)
HO Collector

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Location: Just north of London
Also have some Primex items, love them as they are so basic and simple, just like Marklin of the 50's and early 60's.
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Offline rei800  
#26 Posted : 30 January 2021 19:52:27(UTC)

Joined: 27/02/2013(UTC)
Posts: 25
Location: zurich
Hi Primex enthusiasts,

in 2019 was the 50th Primex anniversary and we celebrated it with two exhibitions.

The first event was in February at Unimog Museum in Gaggenau

Primex 2019 Gaggenau - 1.jpg

Primex 2019 Gaggenau - 2.jpg

Primex 2019 Gaggenau - 3.jpg

Primex 2019 Gaggenau - 4.jpg

Primex 2019 Gaggenau - 6.jpg


Primex 2019 Gaggenau - 5.jpg

The second was in October in Berlin

primex Barlin 2019.jpg

railroading is fun!
collecting diecast and tinplate - what else?
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Offline Jimmy Thompson  
#27 Posted : 30 January 2021 20:17:21(UTC)
Jimmy Thompson

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ThumpUp Woot
Jimmy T
Analogue; M-track; BR 111; KLVM; Primex; Sarrasani Zirkuswelt
There is a Prototype For Everything
Offline JohnjeanB  
#28 Posted : 30 January 2021 23:24:39(UTC)

Joined: 04/02/2011(UTC)
Posts: 3,446
Location: Paris, France
I didn' t know about the Primex event but the Tischbahn events in Gaggenau and usually there are great videos on youtube on this
I know it is a poor excuse but I never went there (it is 500 km away from home near Paris) as I need to have my family motivated for this 2-3 days trip.
Here is an example

Thanks for the information.
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Offline rei800  
#29 Posted : 31 January 2021 10:40:55(UTC)

Joined: 27/02/2013(UTC)
Posts: 25
Location: zurich
Hi John Jean,

the PRIMEX show was a part of the Gaggenau event in 2019.

The example vid you posted shows the crocodile collection of Hans-Gerd and me.

In 2022 is 75th anniversary of Märklin CCS.

We are planning something!

Last year I showed a "Modellgleis-Anlage" with some long trains.

In 2018 we had a long ST with two motorcars running.

This one was partially involved.

Marklin ST 800-6 teilig - 1.jpg


railroading is fun!
collecting diecast and tinplate - what else?
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Offline dave55uk  
#30 Posted : 17 May 2024 11:50:55(UTC)

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I have two Primex 4197's for sale if anyone wants them.
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Offline JohnjeanB  
#31 Posted : 17 May 2024 12:51:57(UTC)

Joined: 04/02/2011(UTC)
Posts: 3,446
Location: Paris, France
I have most of the Sarasani sets: 4584, 4585, 4586, 4589.
One fun wagon I don't have is the "Leigeinheit" 4596 (two covered wagons with a close coupling in-between).
They are fun but toy-like.
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