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Offline mbrubake  
#1 Posted : 28 November 2011 19:44:13(UTC)

Joined: 15/01/2011(UTC)
Posts: 2
Location: Los Angeles, USA
Hi all,
I have only dipped my toe in this wonderful world you all inhabit and am looking into which steps to take next. The background is that seven or eight years ago I bought a "My Start with Marklin" set but due to other life issues I never really did anything with it. We moved house last year, and I came across it again. I set it up around the Christmas tree last year and thought, "this is really cool, and I could get into this." Since then I have thought about investing some time and money into it. I bought a c3 track expansion kit, and I got a great deal on ebay on an Era V SBB Class 474 Locomotive (39893). I'm wondering where to go from here.

I would like to get some appropriate rolling stock for the SBB Locomotive, but I'm really wondering about track and control options. I just have a transformer that came with the original set, so I'm unable to take advantage of the sound functions of the new loco and I would like to be able to control the track turnouts too insteading of having to flip the switches manually on the turnouts. Do I need a 6021 Control Unit, or can I get a Mobile Station 2 (and track box?) to do these things?

Ideally I would use my ipad to control, but it looks like I need a Central Station for that? That's a big investment.


Offline Darren W  
#2 Posted : 29 November 2011 05:36:57(UTC)
Darren W

Joined: 01/01/2007(UTC)
Posts: 643
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Hi Mark, welcome to the forum.
The 6021 is a great controller and very reliable. It is older and can control 4 extra functions which might not work all your sounds and features (there are ways around this but it's not convenient). You will need to add a 6040 keyboard if you want to control switches digitally with decoders. You could also work the switches with simple push buttons.

The 60653 is the new Mobile Station and might be a better bet in terms of cost and features. You will need to track box to connect to the track. You can add a second controller as well with the same track box.

The Central Station is the Cadillac of controllers with the appropriate price. You could use your iPad and do much more. If you start with a 60653 Mobile Station you will be able to connect it easily to the Central Station if you choose to upgrade later. You also have the option of getting an ECOS controller which is less expensive but has it's own set of pro's and con's.

I hope this helps and I'm sure other members will add even more information.

Offline David Dewar  
#3 Posted : 29 November 2011 14:41:06(UTC)
David Dewar

Joined: 01/02/2004(UTC)
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Hi Mark. Marklin is an expensive hobby but my view is that it is better to spens more and get thr right equipment to start with. If you can get an MS2 start set to add to what you have you will have all you need including a helpful booklet to run and understand Marklin. Even better is the CS2 but will cost more.
The cheaper way is a second hand 6021 and memory but they are no longer made or supported (repairs etc) by Marklin and as locos advance they cannot do all the functions easily.
If you are really keen then spend the cash now on items which will give you what you need and not something you will want to change in a few months ths time.

Take care I like Marklin and will defend the worlds greatest model rail manufacturer.
thanks 1 user liked this useful post by David Dewar
Offline Renato  
#4 Posted : 01 December 2011 11:14:23(UTC)

Joined: 19/03/2004(UTC)
Posts: 976
Location: Gorizia, Italy
Hi Mark,

Welcome to the forum.

Hi have the control unit 6021 with 1 control 80f, 2 keyboards, 2 memory and 1 interface and I bought on eBay at a good price the Mobile Station MS1 in order to control more sound functions.

Everything is OK for me, with no need to invest a lot of money on the expensive Central Station.


Offline intruder  
#5 Posted : 01 December 2011 15:57:12(UTC)

Joined: 16/08/2006(UTC)
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Location: Akershus, Norway
Hi and welcome to the forum, Mark!
Best regards Svein, Norway
grumpy old sod
Offline Joseph Meiring  
#6 Posted : 01 December 2011 20:59:14(UTC)
Joseph Meiring

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Hi Mark - good to have you on board - try getting the start set with the MS2, great way to start as Dave has mentioned, with turnouts already fitted with mechs and decoders, a goodly amount of track and coaches..I followed his advice almost 8 months ago, and haven't looked back!...mind you the financial manager keeps on looking back....to see where all the dollars are going!!
Offline ac jacko  
#7 Posted : 02 December 2011 00:12:28(UTC)
ac jacko

Joined: 09/04/2010(UTC)
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One on the ECOS vs CS2 pro's and con's, can a MS2 be connected to an ECOS like the CS2 can be done? I am looking at these units and ECOS is $150 cheaper of the bat hence the query as I have an MS2

Offline H0  
#8 Posted : 02 December 2011 07:25:21(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: ac jacko Go to Quoted Post
can a MS2 be connected to an ECOS like the CS2 can be done?
Yes, azackly.
An MS2 can be connected to the sniffer port of the ECoS just like the CS2 or any other suitable controller (sniffer supports MM and DCC).
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
Offline Deborail  
#9 Posted : 02 December 2011 09:48:57(UTC)

United Arab Emirates   
Joined: 06/10/2009(UTC)
Posts: 819
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If you like to start the MRR hobby, I recommend that you go to see some shops and become friendly with some dealers and some other users, see their layouts, talk with them, admire their stuff, and also spend some time researching into trains, and see what it is you like most...The most important thing in MRR is to have the passion for it and I think your passion is there, but you still haven't awakened the beast within you....It is not necessary to invest heavily at first and it is in my experience a bit difficult to budget what you will need, because your needs will invariably change over time...Just try to isolate the things that you would like to have, locate them on line, or in a dealer's shop and start purchasing in moderation...Then spend time with your hobby and you will know what you need. I would recommend Dealers, because there is nothing like a good dealer who is also a modeller. Regardless, I have found most of my stuff on line. One thing is for sure, whatever you do, it won't be enough, you will always want more, because MRR is an evolving hobby. Now I have my 5 month old son sitting on my lap and watching my layout and soon I would have to guard it against him...Last night my son received his first toy loco, a green (HENRY) loco...BigGrin

Given enough time, tasks manage themselves.
Offline RayF  
#10 Posted : 02 December 2011 11:18:44(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: H0 Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: ac jacko Go to Quoted Post
can a MS2 be connected to an ECOS like the CS2 can be done?
Yes, azackly.
An MS2 can be connected to the sniffer port of the ECoS just like the CS2 or any other suitable controller (sniffer supports MM and DCC).

I've read that the MS2 software can only be updated by connecting to a CS2. Presumably this is something that won't work with an ECOS?

Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
Offline river6109  
#11 Posted : 02 December 2011 11:36:08(UTC)

Joined: 22/01/2009(UTC)
Posts: 14,749
Location: On 1965 Märklin Boulevard just around from Roco Square
Originally Posted by: RayF Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: H0 Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: ac jacko Go to Quoted Post
can a MS2 be connected to an ECOS like the CS2 can be done?
Yes, azackly.
An MS2 can be connected to the sniffer port of the ECoS just like the CS2 or any other suitable controller (sniffer supports MM and DCC).

I've read that the MS2 software can only be updated by connecting to a CS2. Presumably this is something that won't work with an ECOS?


Welcome to the forum,

It depends on how far you want to go with this hobby aqnd how extensive your layout and operational functions you invisage.
To give you some ideas to help you along a future plan may be a starting point for us to get some sort of an idea.


One can assume the same with the MS1 you can connect to the ECoS and if you have an ECoS why would you need to update a MS2 ?
The MS1 converts your data via the ECoS or make it userfriendly.

the good part about the ECoS is all your previous equipment can be attached to the ECoS.
Changing from one system to another is not recommended as some programming is not compatible.
Having ESU sound decoders or loco decoders and they are upgradable from time to time
I would invest into a lokprogrammer and you an than program all your decoders by the press of a button.

I'm not recommending one system from another but in the long run any of them could leap ahead of the others but we don't know this and will only find out if such a new digital system will appear on the market.

You also have to look at the expense and whether or not your size of yourlayout can support such a system.

There are also different opinions out there regarding RailComPlus (ESU) as to whether it will continue inot the 21st century or whether it is an outdated technology.
I haven't got a clue if this is true or not.
Nev would know more about as he has both units (ECoS & CS2) and he most probably can tell you nore about the pros & cons about these units.

5 years in Destruction mode
50 years in Repairing mode
Offline David Dewar  
#12 Posted : 02 December 2011 12:20:30(UTC)
David Dewar

Joined: 01/02/2004(UTC)
Posts: 7,355
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Why I like the CS2 is it is made by Marklin. Future items from Marklin will match their controllers (or I will personally exterminate them!!)) ECOS will always have to match what Marklin do if they want to stay in the three rail world and in the future who knows if they will wish to do this.
Both are good units and if cash is a problem then ECOS is cheaper which is the main selling point.
With me it is probably a loyalty thing in that I need Marklin for my locos and track etc but I dont need ESU for anything so even if it costs more I will buy Marklin provided the product is good and my CS2 now out of warranty so more than three years old has never let me down.

As far as I know Nev does not have a CS2 as the first one he got did not work. I Dont blame him for then buying ECOS as I would have done the same probably but the same thing could have happened with an ECOS or any other equipment.

My advice in my last post was to get a MS2 to start with then take it from there.

Take care I like Marklin and will defend the worlds greatest model rail manufacturer.
Offline Deborail  
#13 Posted : 03 December 2011 04:07:01(UTC)

United Arab Emirates   
Joined: 06/10/2009(UTC)
Posts: 819
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One more thing, I use the CS2 60214 from marklin in a DCC configuration and I run Trix, Athearn, Bachmann China, Walthers and Rivarossi Locos with various decoders and it works well. However, I found that different brands run a bit erratically so it is best to run one type of locos at the layout...The CS2 is a wonderful tool, particularly because you can copy icons of your locos and see them.

Given enough time, tasks manage themselves.
Offline river6109  
#14 Posted : 03 December 2011 04:36:45(UTC)

Joined: 22/01/2009(UTC)
Posts: 14,749
Location: On 1965 Märklin Boulevard just around from Roco Square
Originally Posted by: Deborail Go to Quoted Post
One more thing, I use the CS2 60214 from marklin in a DCC configuration and I run Trix, Athearn, Bachmann China, Walthers and Rivarossi Locos with various decoders and it works well. However, I found that different brands run a bit erratically so it is best to run one type of locos at the layout...The CS2 is a wonderful tool, particularly because you can copy icons of your locos and see them.

the ECoS has various motor variations regardless of the manufacturer, the ECoS than automatically programs the motor output etc. etc by ticking the appropriete box.
For instance you have a 5 pole highefficiency motor (60901) it works fine but you tick the same box for a 60904 and it doesn't work.
Also what works fine with an ECoS (DCC) may not work with a MS1 (Motorola).
Although you have all these options I found you still have to sometimes do you your own twigging with the associated CV's.

You may also find some digital command stations don't have all the options you may wish for and when it comes to Marklin the loco decoders are basically programmed before they get to you whereas ESU decoders most of them you have to program your self and it is an easy task with a lokprogrammer but an extra cost is added to your budget.

I would say the digital command station have pretty much the same outcome the only difference occurs with decoders, e.g. locos decoders or sound decoders.

Sound decoders from ESU differ from the sound effect from loco to loco, for instance I have a loco with s factory build in decoder from ESU in a Roco loco and the sound is terrific, ESU engineering locos e.g. Diesel & Electric have a wonderful sound and some people commented it is too loud what I can't say about some steam sound decoders from ESU and again the sound changes dramatically when you fit a bigger speaker into the loco rather than a speaker which is supplied with every sound decoder.

In the end it is important what you are happy with and buy purchasing a command station it does what most command stations do, they work fine or they fail, the same with locos.
this is why, I feel it is important to get an idea what members do think of their valued investment and hopefully it gives you a clear indication how to make up your mind so we can have another happy member on our list.

Another point I like to make, Marklin doesn't sell many locos these days without a decoder and therefore if anything goes wrong with your loco you've purchased, you send the whole loco back to Marklin and this would also apply to the ESU manufactured locos.
The moment you change a loco or add digital components to a loco your guarantee is automatically cancelled.
ESU will only change or exchange your decoder and will have nothing to do with your Marklin loco.
What ever the fault may be with your Marklin loco, Marklin will fix it,
My present scenario is: I have a Marklin loco with an ESU 21 pin decoder V4 and an Adapterplate 51698 (additional functions Aux3 & Aux4).
The 21 pin decoder V4 works fine with an Adapterplate 51967 and with both decoders I have a Roco digital NEM coupling attached. it works fine with the adapter plate 51967 but with an Adapterplate 51698 it doesn't.
Now I will get my decoders back free of any charge because they are still under warranty.
What I don't get is an answer why this happened in the first place.
Because the loco is from Marklin ( they will not take responsibilities for a fitted ESU decoder, ESU will not take responsibilities for a Roco digital NEM coupling.
Most of you most probably will never encounter such a problem but I have demonstrated by mixing up different digital components it may leave you out in the cold and you never find out why it is, you can't install different gadgets unless a.) there is a bug in the system, b.) the bug gets fixed with out any notice or there is a bug and they don't know about it.

My end result is: Marklin CS2 may have bugs and will fix them.
Esu may also have bugs in their ECoS but with ESU there is an additional lokprogrammer which also could have bugs and you may fix one bug and create another one between the 2 components and ESU doesn''t give you any guarantee for any of their products anything you download from an ESU site is at your own risk.
One one hand ESU recommends to upgrade your digital equipment and on the other hand doesn't take any responsiblilities when you do so.
I don't know how this is ironed out in practice.

5 years in Destruction mode
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