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Offline svgeorgiad  
#1 Posted : 17 March 2007 11:58:27(UTC)

Joined: 06/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 614
Location: Athens,
Yesterday I went through Stumi's forum which is a german speaking MRR forum. I noticed with anxiety that there is a universal disappointment with the new compact c-sine motors of Maerklin. I could not find even one person in the forum conveying a positive experience.
I am so worried now since I am amazed by the look of the new (2007) items and I have in my wish list several of the new 39XXX locs all carrying the new compact c-sine motor.
I hear that M* is struggling to resolve the problems, mainly concentrated on pure running characteristics, stalling in slow speeds and flickering of lights.
Does anybody know anything more on that? It would be a huge disappointment for me having to allocate my 2007 budget to other items than the beloved locs that M* announced for this year.
Symeon Georgiadis
Offline rugauger  
#2 Posted : 17 March 2007 12:52:15(UTC)

United Kingdom   
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Hi Symeon,

I don't have any mini C-Sine locos either. However, I agree with your observations from the Stummi forum. I think that if such a large number of people experience these problems, then there definitely IS a problem. In addition to the ones you mentioned, there also appears to be a problem on some layouts when C-Sine locos go from one booster section to another.

I'm not in the market for new locos (C-Sine or other) anyway (budget!), but if I was I'd stay clear of the C-Sine until Marklin have resolved the problems. I believe they have at least acknowledged now that there is a problem, which is a start.

I you have trouble starting your 2007 budget, I'd be more than happy to help you with that wink
Offline Guus  
#3 Posted : 17 March 2007 14:06:09(UTC)

Joined: 13/10/2004(UTC)
Posts: 2,616
Hi Symeon,

It's a bit of a gamble.
You either get a perfectly running small C-sine engine or one with the problems you already mentioned.
My latest aquisition, a Re 4/4 I, has a new small C-sine propulsion and is one of the best running locomotives I have.
It has none of the mentioned problems!
As I seem to understand from various discussions on this topic, the problem is in the driver pcb for the C-sine engine.

Also see this topic:

So all said ,I think when Märklin has solved the problem the small C-sine motor will be another perfect engine for their locomotives!

Kind regards
Kind regards,
Offline RayF  
#4 Posted : 17 March 2007 14:09:00(UTC)

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Location: Gibraltar, Europe
I've never been one to buy the latest technology as soon as it comes out, so I don't yet have any locos with c-sine (not even the original ones). I still use my 6021 controller and have no plans to change to Systems either.

Having said that, there are some very nice new models coming out at the moment, which might be irresistable.

Last year I acquired 6 or 7 new locos, none of which were from the year's selection. I did intend to get the Br290, but I missed the boat on that. This year I think will follow the same pattern, getting perhaps one loco from the 2007 selection, and some others from the past. There are so many nice models out there on dealers shelves at very reasonable prices that it makes sense.

Getting to the point of the thread, by buying only one or maybe two locos with the new compact c-sine, I am limiting the chance of getting a dud, while still using my modelling budget on Marklin.

Does this make sense?

Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
Offline perz  
#5 Posted : 17 March 2007 16:18:19(UTC)

Joined: 12/01/2002(UTC)
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Location: Sweden
I have a few locos with the new C-sine motor. I have observed the following problems:

- One loco not starting safely at speed step 1. Could be cured by modifying th start speed CV. Although easily cured, it is a kind of problem that shouldn't occur. Most Märklin users don't know how to fix it.

- General speed characteristics: Too abrupt speed changes, only 14 speed steps with the MM format, non-linear speed curve. I think those are deliberate, although unfortunate, design decisions. You could have arguments for or against the way it works, but I think most of us prefer it otherwise.

- Sensitivity to track voltage. The speed is much more sensitive to the track voltage than what is the case for the 60901 or old C-sine models. Effectively, this means that you can not use the full capacity of e.g. your 6021. Long before you reach the max load, the new C-sine locos have slowed down to less than half their normal speed.

- Incorrect handling of power interruptions. If power is turned off while the loco is running, and then turned on again, the loco abruptly takes off with the speed it had at power off. This is a very inconvenient behavior and could easily cause accidents. The new Hobby locos do not behave like that, and not the old C-sine or 60901 locos either.

I haven't had problems with flickering lights on these models.
Offline Sander van Wijk  
#6 Posted : 17 March 2007 19:09:28(UTC)
Sander van Wijk

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Please bear in mind that if you state something to be a problem continously it will eventually become a problem for sure. Up to now, the only "real" problem is the E10 (39120). Others, like the BR 01 and RE 4/4 I are very nicely running models. Nothing wrong with them. AFAIK.
Era I(b): K.Bay.Sts.B. and K.W.St.E.
Offline soren36  
#7 Posted : 17 March 2007 19:15:46(UTC)

United States   
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Well said, Sander.

My BR01, VT08.5 and, perhaps strangely, E10 (except for the sound decoder) have been running beautifully since I got them months ago.
A Connecticut Yankee
Offline Davy  
#8 Posted : 17 March 2007 20:04:26(UTC)

Joined: 29/08/2003(UTC)
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On Stummi forums. There is may be group of about 10 a 15 people only bashing on the new Marklin sinus engine. And Markling bashing is very populair in Germany.

I have four locs with the new sinusengine. The new railbus, the blue V90, the new Br01 and the black Br61. They all run smoothly with my CS.

Also I see nothing of a voltage sensitivity. I have used three of the locs with the new sinus engine with sound one and a fourth loc the T3. I saw not one sinus engine loc slowing down.

I also have asked my dealer if he have to send back a lot of locs with the new sinusengine. He says not more then other types of locs.

I have also tested the new sinusengine locs with a IB on the club layout. MFX locs drives better with a linear speedcurve with only 14 speedsteps. But with a CS the locs will become a lot faster. Problem is the big difference between 14 in MM and 128 steps with mfx. With 14 speedsteps you see a difference between the speedsteps. With 128 every is very smooth.

And locs with the new sinusengine are very still. Can slow down very nice and smooth if you program the accleration and decentralisation good. But that is just a way of trail and error.

But their is a big difference between 14 our 128 speedsteps.

And every engine type has his strong points and weak points.
Stong points are the power of this type of engine. It is a very strong engine. It is a still engine. It used very little power but that makes it also more sensitive.

Accleration and decentralisation can be better. It is not so good yet as with the older 60901. But the new sinusengine is not bad. It is a lot better then the old five star engine.

And if their is a problem you can be sure that Marklin is working on it.

M-track with a CS2.
Offline perz  
#9 Posted : 17 March 2007 20:11:57(UTC)

Joined: 12/01/2002(UTC)
Posts: 2,578
Location: Sweden
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Nothing wrong with them.

My issue #1 is a problem with a single sample of a single model.

My issue #2 could be considered a matter of opinion.

But the issues #3 and #4, are they really "Nothing wrong"? I do not agree. The problems are no catastrophic errors, not bad enough to stop me from buying. Still, you should expect Märklin to fix such design flaws much quicker.
Offline Davy  
#10 Posted : 17 March 2007 20:25:12(UTC)

Joined: 29/08/2003(UTC)
Posts: 1,915
Location: Netherlands
From Stummi's forum. This comes directly from Marklin.

F: Wie sieht es aus mit den neuen Mini C-Sinus? Die rucken doch und sind spannungsempfindlich?

A: Ja, das Problem ist uns bekannt, wir arbeiten auch bereits daran.

F: Wie soll das dann gelöst werden?

A: Es wird ein Softwareupdate für die Decoder geben, dies wird die bekannten Probleme mit der Spannungsabhängigkeit und auch auf Bremsstrecken beheben.
M-track with a CS2.
Offline perz  
#11 Posted : 17 March 2007 20:34:11(UTC)

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Location: Sweden
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:I have used three of the locs with the new sinus engine with sound one and a fourth loc the T3. I saw not one sinus engine loc slowing down.

With only 4 locos you won't se much of the slowing down problem. Maybe a little of it if you use a Mobile Station from a starter set. With a 6021 it becomes serious if you run 10 - 12 locos or more. Unfortunately I didn't measure the actual voltage drop when I made that test, but no older locos showed the same symptoms, not even when running 18 locos at the same time.
Offline RayF  
#12 Posted : 17 March 2007 21:16:37(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 15,842
Location: Gibraltar, Europe
OK, that's a relief then. I can't see a time when I could ever have a layout where I could run 10 to 12 locos at the same time.biggrin

Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
Offline alonso231gery  
#13 Posted : 17 March 2007 21:19:14(UTC)

Joined: 24/08/2002(UTC)
Posts: 3,957
Location: Hellas (Athens)
I will not buy the 39562,but i will buy the 39181,for a less expensive test.
An outsider.
I'm looking for the owner of that horse. He's tall, blonde, he smokes a cigar, and he's a pig!
Offline Davy  
#14 Posted : 17 March 2007 21:39:36(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by perz
<br />
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:I have used three of the locs with the new sinus engine with sound one and a fourth loc the T3. I saw not one sinus engine loc slowing down.

With only 4 locos you won't se much of the slowing down problem. Maybe a little of it if you use a Mobile Station from a starter set. With a 6021 it becomes serious if you run 10 - 12 locos or more. Unfortunately I didn't measure the actual voltage drop when I made that test, but no older locos showed the same symptoms, not even when running 18 locos at the same time.

Even on our modulair club layout we can not drive with 10 a 12 locs.
M-track with a CS2.
Offline svgeorgiad  
#15 Posted : 18 March 2007 01:53:02(UTC)

Joined: 06/03/2005(UTC)
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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by perz
<br />
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Nothing wrong with them.

My issue #1 is a problem with a single sample of a single model.

My issue #2 could be considered a matter of opinion.

<u>But the issues #3 and #4, are they really "Nothing wrong"? I do not agree. The problems are no catastrophic errors, not bad enough to stop me from buying. Still, you should expect Märklin to fix such design flaws much quicker.</u>
especially when they ask you to spend around 300 Euro
Symeon Georgiadis
Offline svgeorgiad  
#16 Posted : 18 March 2007 01:58:47(UTC)

Joined: 06/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 614
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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Davy
<br />From Stummi's forum. This comes directly from Marklin.

F: Wie sieht es aus mit den neuen Mini C-Sinus? Die rucken doch und sind spannungsempfindlich?

A: Ja, das Problem ist uns bekannt, wir arbeiten auch bereits daran.

F: Wie soll das dann gelöst werden?

A: <u>Es wird ein Softwareupdate für die Decoder geben, dies wird die bekannten Probleme mit der Spannungsabhängigkeit und auch auf Bremsstrecken beheben.</u>
so how this decoder s/w update iw going to be done? will we have to send decoders back to Maerklin for refurbishing or just do the update through our 6021 control unit? I truly find this a crapy story!
How does M* launches a new product when they are not sure about it's quality? Why do they replace a reliable and highly esteemed motor like the c-sine with a new motor that obviously has not been tested sufficiently? Someone should tell M* that innovation and quality have to converge.
Symeon Georgiadis
Offline Larry  
#17 Posted : 18 March 2007 04:57:20(UTC)

United States   
Joined: 14/11/2003(UTC)
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Looks like Marklin is going the way of Mercedes. Mercedes vehicles in the US have been rated among the lowest in quality of all automobiles. Looks like Marklin is having problems with testing and quality of its newer products. It takes a lot more technological sophistication to deal with higher end products then simply getting the paint jobs on correct and assembling the parts.
Offline perz  
#18 Posted : 18 March 2007 11:42:50(UTC)

Joined: 12/01/2002(UTC)
Posts: 2,578
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I wouldn't call the new C-sine engines "low quality". They have a few design flaws (mainly immature SW, it seems) but the general impression is still very good. New technology always has "teething" problems, and these haven't been worse than usual, rather the opposite.

What you could have expected though, is that Märklin would have fixed those "teething" problems a bit quicker.
Offline Davy  
#19 Posted : 18 March 2007 18:45:03(UTC)

Joined: 29/08/2003(UTC)
Posts: 1,915
Location: Netherlands
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by svgeorgiad
<br />
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Davy
<br />From Stummi's forum. This comes directly from Marklin.

F: Wie sieht es aus mit den neuen Mini C-Sinus? Die rucken doch und sind spannungsempfindlich?

A: Ja, das Problem ist uns bekannt, wir arbeiten auch bereits daran.

F: Wie soll das dann gelöst werden?

A: <u>Es wird ein Softwareupdate für die Decoder geben, dies wird die bekannten Probleme mit der Spannungsabhängigkeit und auch auf Bremsstrecken beheben.</u>
so how this decoder s/w update iw going to be done? will we have to send decoders back to Maerklin for refurbishing or just do the update through our 6021 control unit? I truly find this a crapy story!
How does M* launches a new product when they are not sure about it's quality? Why do they replace a reliable and highly esteemed motor like the c-sine with a new motor that obviously has not been tested sufficiently? Someone should tell M* that innovation and quality have to converge.

I will keep it simple. The price for the new sinus engine is cheap the old sinus engine is expensive. So simple is it. And on most layouts locs with the new sinus engine drives good.
But the problems some people have is that a lot of them are not using Marklin stuff. Have bad elektric wiring. Have to little power.
Our are just making things them self and are just amazed if something does not work anymore. Our worse can not read any manual what so ever.

On my layout with m-track my new sinus engines drives perfect and smoothly. And maybe their are some minor problems still. But I have not seen them on my layout yet. And I am using mfx not motorola.

And I am amazed that people who buy the Trix version with the new sinus engine loves very much their new loc. I have read this now on more forums. That they love the smooth run of their new loc.

But in Germany their are Germans who does not want any change at all.
But if their is no change Marklin will not survive in Germany and has to go to another country our close their doors forever. Which in fact will mean the end of a European modeltrain industry. Modeltrain lovers will become then more and more freaks.

And Markling bashing has reached a high watermark in Germany. I just answer to that. That I hope that Marklin will leave Germany altogether. And that a couple of thousand more Germans will lose their job. It makes me very populair.

M-track with a CS2.
Offline jeehring  
#20 Posted : 18 March 2007 18:50:18(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Larry
<br />Looks like Marklin is going the way of Mercedes. Mercedes vehicles in the US have been rated among the lowest in quality of all automobiles. Looks like Marklin is having problems with testing and quality of its newer products. It takes a lot more technological sophistication to deal with higher end products then simply getting the paint jobs on correct and assembling the parts.

In adopting the new compact C-sinus , one of several purposes is also to adopt a new transmission which,in many cases, allows a central positioning of the motor when necessary ( F.E. on light BoBo)and to allow more space to install other features....

My personnal experience concerns 2 loks : I test the new BR 01 and the new Re 4/4 1 . I find their behaviour very good.

IMHO , a special award for the new RE 4/4 I : its behaviour on tracks is TREMENDOUS [^][^]...Really , really good !!
Offline perz  
#21 Posted : 18 March 2007 19:35:28(UTC)

Joined: 12/01/2002(UTC)
Posts: 2,578
Location: Sweden
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:But the problems some people have is that a lot of them are not using Marklin stuff. Have bad elektric wiring. Have to little power.
Our are just making things them self and are just amazed if something does not work anymore. Our worse can not read any manual what so ever.

This is applicable in some other cases, like with some of the problems with the 46715 crane, but it is hardly the case with the problems discussed in this thread.

I am one of those who are "making things them self" but any problem I have ever had so far has never been there. The problems I listed in my first post in this thread have all been observed in small and simple pure Märklin setups.
Offline Davy  
#22 Posted : 18 March 2007 20:15:27(UTC)

Joined: 29/08/2003(UTC)
Posts: 1,915
Location: Netherlands
But if you use mfx and does not change what has to be changed. You will have problems. If you use mfx but still uses your switches analoog and use this with the trafo you use also for powering your ms our CS. You will have problems. If you use old signals with the metal bottumplate and will not remove these you will have problems.
If you connect the brown wire from the light trafo to the trafo for the CS / mobile station you can get problems. All these things you can read in the manuals.

If you use a mfx lok analog with a old trafo you will have problems.
If you a mfx loc on a dirty layout you can get problems.
If you use a mfx loc without letting your loc drive in. The loc will drive not nice.

The only problem their is I think is that the mfx locs with the new sinus engine are make for mfx and digital use. I think the problems are with the backwarts combility (does not know the right words)this is may be not so great as Marklin wants use to believe. And maybe their are some locs with the new sinus engine which have a problem of not enough mass connection.

And if people complain that their loc does not drive nicely with the lowest possible speed. I am not amazed at all. I have a lot of trains with almost every engine Marklin has used with the good old 60901 decoder that will "ruckell" sidder at the lowest possible speed. My new locs with the new sinus engine are doing just the same thing that other locs also do. But the locs with the new sinusengine do it a lot lesser then the older Marklin types of engines.

I have tested this with a couple of trains of me.

And the new version of sinus engine is also used in locs which have a far better price tag. The new br218 can be bought in Germany from as low as 160 euro. And the new version is a lot better then the old five star engine from Marklin.
M-track with a CS2.
Offline perz  
#23 Posted : 18 March 2007 23:52:46(UTC)

Joined: 12/01/2002(UTC)
Posts: 2,578
Location: Sweden
- Problem 1: Lok does not start. OK, Davy, when it starts, it runs smoother than the 60901. You are just lucky that you haven't had one that doesn't start. You can have different opinions about it, but to me, not running at all is worse than not running smoothly. Shows up with any system, if you are unlucky to get a loco that has the problem.

- Problem 2: non-smooth speed change and non-linear speed curve. Not a problem if you have a CS, I agree. But with the MS it shows up, despite that the MS uses mfx. Not as severely as with the 6021 though.

- Problem 3: Sensitivity to track voltage. Shows up with the MS. Not as severely as in my 6021 "torture test" though.

- Problem 4: Incorrect handling of power interruptions. Shows up on any system. Don't imagine how anyone can miss it.

All the problems above are "new" problems. They haven't been there at all with the 60901 and old C-sine. On the other hand, the new C-sine generally runs smoother and quieter than at least the 60901 models, so it is one step forward and one step backward.

Then, as Davy so nicely points out, you can of course make foolish things and get a lot of problems with other things than the new C-sine. What this has to do with the new C-sine, I don't know.
Offline perz  
#24 Posted : 19 March 2007 01:54:32(UTC)

Joined: 12/01/2002(UTC)
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Location: Sweden
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Even on our modulair club layout we can not drive with 10 a 12 locs.

It is quite difficult to run 10 - 12 locos. I know, because I have tested it. However, you can easily get the same load situation with only 3-4 locos, if you for example have a number of lighted coaches after each one of them. So the problem isn't just theoretical.

Offline jeehring  
#25 Posted : 19 March 2007 11:02:07(UTC)

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DAVY, you said:

..." And I am amazed that people who buy the Trix version with the new sinus engine loves very much their new loc. I have read this now on more forums. That they love the smooth run of their new loc."....

Very true !
I had same observation as you!
Seeing some comments from people running exclusively 2 rails system , they are all surprised by the excellent behaviour of Trix C-sine loks.
Most of them express a mixt of astonishment with great satisfaction.
Offline jeehring  
#26 Posted : 19 March 2007 11:13:10(UTC)

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I agree with Perz,
problem 4 ( handling power interruption as you are adjusting the controller , is a real problem )
It is a correct behaviour in case of unwitting & unexpected electric cuts & micro-cuts but it is bad & dangerous when it occurs as you are adjusting the speed knob position.

Offline HvR  
#27 Posted : 19 March 2007 13:47:51(UTC)

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I run my red railbus V98 for almost a year now without any problems. Perfect running motor to my opinion.

Offline Davy  
#28 Posted : 19 March 2007 14:18:55(UTC)

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Location: Netherlands
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by jeehring
<br />I agree with Perz,
problem 4 ( handling power interruption as you are adjusting the controller , is a real problem )
It is a correct behaviour in case of unwitting & unexpected electric cuts & micro-cuts but it is bad & dangerous when it occurs as you are adjusting the speed knob position.

I have no power interruptions.What do you mean by this?
Reason my switches signals are on a different trafo.
M-track with a CS2.
Offline RayF  
#29 Posted : 19 March 2007 15:39:24(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 15,842
Location: Gibraltar, Europe
This is turning into the usual argument between Marklin bashers and Marklin supporters.

My suggestion is: Vote with your wallet! If you don't like it, don't buy it. That way, if it is true that there are a lot of people out there who don't like the new models, they won't be sold and Marklin will have to re-think.

Personally, I find that my worst runners are those fitted with Lokpilot decoders. Any minor power interruption causes then to stop as if they had hit a brick wall, followed by manic acceleration to reach the previous set speed. It is so bad that for small locos I prefer delta decoders! This does not seem to deter the Marklin bashers, who sing the praises of ESU decoders ad-nauseum.


Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
Offline rschaffr  
#30 Posted : 19 March 2007 15:49:46(UTC)

United States   
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Posts: 5,180
Location: Southern New Jersey, USA
Ray: If we don't discuss these problems, people don't know there is a problem until AFTER they have spent their money. I used to buy Marklin because I knew it would be a quality product. I'm now starting to regret my commitment to three rail, since Marklin has slipped to the hit or miss quality we have come to accept from most other manufacturers, not only in the model train area. You need information before you can "vote with your wallet". Discussions like this provide that information. As to Marklin bashing, when it is deserved, it is not bashing but constructive criticism.
Digital, Epoch IV-V(K-track/CS3/6021Connect/60216051), Epoch III(C-track/6021/6036/6051)
Offline David Dewar  
#31 Posted : 19 March 2007 16:14:09(UTC)
David Dewar

Joined: 01/02/2004(UTC)
Posts: 7,357
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I agree with Ray that much of these problems come from ESU and this has also been highlighted by HAG who have had considerable problems with the decoders. As I have said in the past model rail decoders are easy and cheap to make and there is no reason why they should not be reliable. I do wish M would get another manufacturer.
That said Marklin should ensure that all their models are properly tested before being av ailable for sale and clearly this is not being done.

Take care I like Marklin and will defend the worlds greatest model rail manufacturer.
Offline RayF  
#32 Posted : 19 March 2007 16:19:35(UTC)

Joined: 14/03/2005(UTC)
Posts: 15,842
Location: Gibraltar, Europe
Hi Ron, don't get me wrong. If you look at the top of this thread you will see that I put in my contribution to the topic after reading and taking on board the other comments.

What annoys me is that every thread of this type degenerates into entrenched views without any valuable information after the first few contributions.

I suppose I should vote with my keyboard, and keep out of these discussions.

Mostly Marklin.Selection of different eras and European railways
Small C track layout, control by MS2, 100+ trains but run 4-5 at a time.
Offline rschaffr  
#33 Posted : 19 March 2007 16:30:23(UTC)

United States   
Joined: 03/01/2003(UTC)
Posts: 5,180
Location: Southern New Jersey, USA
Not at all, Ray. These discussions do tend to devolve into the old arguments, but without information, we are ignorant of problems before we experience them ourselves. David: I have been using ESU decoders exclusively in conversions for several years now and have had little or no problems with them. Perhaps it is because they are being used with the outstanding old Marklin Universal motors that I have had good success. With the lighter armatures of the new motors, you have less momentum to carry you through the dead spots on the track. I prefer the old motors, especially the LFCM, upgraded to 5 pole in conversion. They seem to have the best operating characteristics of all.
Digital, Epoch IV-V(K-track/CS3/6021Connect/60216051), Epoch III(C-track/6021/6036/6051)
Offline H0  
#34 Posted : 19 March 2007 18:55:42(UTC)

Joined: 16/02/2004(UTC)
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AFAIK the problems with the compact c-sine come from a PCB switched in between decoder and motor. I don't know if ESU can be blamed for that PCB.

I found the problem with all my 3 compact c-sine motors - in test situations, but not in normal operation.
It depends a lot on how you power your layout.
I have one booster for the left track and one booster for the right; so I can run two trains without interference.

But people who use different boosters for different modules experience problems when a compact c-sine loco passes from a module with high booster load to a module with low booster load or vice versa or if a train with lots of light bulbs enters the section where the compact c-sine loco is running.
This problem also depends on the type of booster/transformer you use.

The default speed curve is a pain - and you need a CS to change it.

I ordered a E10.3 last summer - I hope it will arrive with a flawless compact c-sine.
I ordered several new 2007 locos - but none with 39xxx number.
"In all of the gauges, we particularly emphasize a high level of quality, the best possible fidelity to the prototype, and absolute precision. You will see that in all of our products." (from Märklin New Items Brochure 2015, page 1) ROFLBTCUTS
Offline perz  
#35 Posted : 19 March 2007 21:47:58(UTC)

Joined: 12/01/2002(UTC)
Posts: 2,578
Location: Sweden
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:I have no power interruptions.What do you mean by this?

I mean, for example, if you press "stop", and then press "go" (or "stop" again , on MS). Another example is if you have old-fashoned signals that stop the trains by breaking power to the track. These are the long power interruptions, not handled correctly by modern mfx locos with their default CV setting.

Then there are short power interruptions, caused by occational bad contact to the track. The new C-sine handles this well. Better than an mfx loco with the standard 5-pole motor, but not as good as the 60901 or old C-sine. But if you change the CV so that it behaves correctly with long power interruptions, it will not handle the short ones correctly.

LokPilot has the same behavior and the same CV, but the default value is set the other way around. That's why e.g. Ray see them as the worst ones. The old C-sine and the 6090x locos handle both long and short power interruptions correctly. The same applies to the new Hobby series locos, but I think the first generation of on-track-programmable non-mfx Märklin decoders suffered from the problem.
Offline RenevKl  
#36 Posted : 20 March 2007 11:52:25(UTC)

Joined: 20/03/2007(UTC)
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I believe the new small c-sinus engine is full of problems.

39800, V200
Problems with high start speed which could not be changed in the CV's. Also at low speed not running smoothly. I have seen 3 of those loc's at the dealer and all showed the same issue. The loc has been with Marklin for 4 months for repair and the problems were not fixed at return. I returned the loc to the dealer

39680, E18
Problems with mid speed, not running smoothly and the loc is now at the repair centre.

All the problems were tested and confirmed by my dealer too. I tested the loc’s with a 6021 and CS.

The railbus is running perfect. So in my case the experience with the new C-sinus is not so good (66% bad experience). I had never any issues with pre-c-sinus loc’s

Regards, Rene
Offline Davy  
#37 Posted : 20 March 2007 13:02:14(UTC)

Joined: 29/08/2003(UTC)
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I have with my four c sinus engines no problems what so ever. They run smooth can drive slow, very slow so slow (that they don't pass a m-track switch)and drive smoothly with almost all speedsteps.

But I have new modells (black br61, br01, V90 and the railbus) made for this kind of engine. Not old modells which are converted for the new sinus engine. I think that with converted moddels their is may be a problem. And I think the problem nummer one is may be bad mass connections and problems of keeping the wheels on the track.

That the quality of the esu decoder is not so good as the old Marklin decoders I can confirm this. On a german forum I said this and I got a very angry letter from Esu in my mailbox. (About the quality of the loudspeakers from the mfx sounddecoders).

The old 60901 were the top of the line. But the maker didnot want to make them any more for Marklin. And the pricetag for Marklin became higher and higher. So they had no choice what so ever. But rumours are on German forums that Esu and Marklin are working together again and that they have solved their difference.

M-track with a CS2.
Offline jeehring  
#38 Posted : 20 March 2007 13:34:57(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by RayPayas
<br />This is turning into the usual argument between Marklin bashers and Marklin supporters.

My suggestion is: Vote with your wallet! If you don't like it, don't buy it. That way, if it is true that there are a lot of people out there who don't like the new models, they won't be sold and Marklin will have to re-think.

Personally, I find that my worst runners are those fitted with Lokpilot decoders. Any minor power interruption causes then to stop as if they had hit a brick wall, followed by manic acceleration to reach the previous set speed. It is so bad that for small locos I prefer delta decoders! This does not seem to deter the Marklin bashers, who sing the praises of ESU decoders ad-nauseum.



Yes, the worst Marklin runners are those fitted with Lokpilot, I agree too.
I confirm my comments.I must say I had a short experience with new C-sine motor. Only with BR 01 and RE 4/4-I forwhile. It was not on my proper layout, even not my own models . Only few tests at the house of a friend who has bought these loks.
For my part, I have only 5 poles motors,Big c-sinus Loks. I don't like too much the behaviour of the E 120 with Lokpilot decoder,too.

I have been convinced for a long time that ESU are not technically so good with a not so deserved reputation. I feel a lack of experience in MRR.As I look at their background,I feel them more strategic or opportunistic than brilliant or creative (in technics).
That's just my feeling ( in early 2000 I was in touch with an employee whose comments already surprise me..)
I would like to be mistaken...

Offline john black  
#39 Posted : 20 March 2007 13:57:23(UTC)
john black

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by h-zero
<br />compact c-sine default speed curve is a pain - you need a CS to change it

And that's the point - this mouse motor is made only for selling CS ... [}:)][}:)][}:)]

Since the BIG C-SINUS runs like a dream - with every type of controller Cool
Old me rather skips those new motors than becoming pressed into something I never need Cool
I hope no one visits a poor Southener's layout in Brooklyn. Intruders beware of Gators.
AT&SF, D&RGW, T&P, SP, WP, UP, BN, NYC, ARR, epI-III - analog & digital Marklin Classics only.
CU#6021 FX-MOTOROLA DIGITAL SYSTEM. Fast as lightning and no trouble. What else ...
Outlaw Member of BIG JUHAN's OUTSIDER CLUB. With the most members, worldwide

Offline svgeorgiad  
#40 Posted : 20 March 2007 17:28:17(UTC)

Joined: 06/03/2005(UTC)
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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by john black
<br />
[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by h-zero
<br />compact c-sine default speed curve is a pain - you need a CS to change it

And that's the point - this mouse motor is made only for selling CS ... [}:)][}:)][}:)]

Since the BIG C-SINUS runs like a dream - with every type of controller Cool
Old me rather skips those new motors than becoming pressed into something I never need Cool

I agree John but it's such a pity that all these new wonderful looking models (like the 39121 or the BR218 Commuter Set or the Turmwagen or even the Gothard TEE) are only good for vitrines.
Maybe soon, when M* moves its production in China new c-sine motors will be improved significantly [:p]Smilebiggrin[:p]Smilebiggrin[:p]Smilebiggrin[}:)][}:)]
Symeon Georgiadis
Offline steventrain  
#41 Posted : 21 March 2007 18:18:10(UTC)

United Kingdom   
Joined: 21/10/2004(UTC)
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Welcome to the forum,Rene.
Large Marklinist 3- Rails Layout with CS2/MS2/Boosters/C-track/favorites Electric class E03/BR103, E18/E118, E94, Crocodiles/Steam BR01, BR03, BR05, BR23, BR44, BR50, Big Boy.
Offline jeehring  
#42 Posted : 21 March 2007 18:21:41(UTC)

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[size=1" face="Verdana" id="quote]quote:Originally posted by Davy
<br />I have with my four c sinus engines no problems what so ever. They run smooth can drive slow, very slow so slow (that they don't pass a m-track switch)and drive smoothly with almost all speedsteps.

But I have new modells (black br61, br01, V90 and the railbus) made for this kind of engine. Not old modells which are converted for the new sinus engine. I think that with converted moddels their is may be a problem. And I think the problem nummer one is may be bad mass connections and problems of keeping the wheels on the track.

That the quality of the esu decoder is not so good as the old Marklin decoders I can confirm this. On a german forum I said this and I got a very angry letter from Esu in my mailbox. (About the quality of the loudspeakers from the mfx sounddecoders).

The old 60901 were the top of the line. But the maker didnot want to make them any more for Marklin. And the pricetag for Marklin became higher and higher. So they had no choice what so ever. But rumours are on German forums that Esu and Marklin are working together again and that they have solved their difference.

It's a bad sign when a manufacturer shows anger and doesn't accept criticism from users & customers.
A serious manufacturer gently has to justify their technical choices , to give more technical explanations , instead of being angry.

In the year 2001, as they were only providing decoders for few ranges of loks from few train manufacturers,one guy from ESU confess that ESU set a partnership with Marklin as main objective. His exact words were : " ... to enter the Marklin fortress" biggrin biggrin

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