Cats and layouts

Cats seem to have a special interest in model railroading, by making operation more difficult due to sudden attacks on the moving trains or just to be in places where they shouldn't...  Maybe they feel that they do not have the attention they desire "at that moment"... That moment mostly mysteriously coincides with the moment you have planned to do something with the hobby... But sometimes, they decide to be happy to just watch the trains....

So, here is some evidence.....   More examples are gladly appreciated... :-)        

Webmaster cannot do anything...
Isis is blocking the test track, and Lisa is blocking the chair in front of the train computer, so no planning or building could be made that night...  The cats were very determined to stay where they were.....
Picture by Juhan Palm.


Blocking operation...
Heart has now defined what model railroad blocking operation is really about.
Picture by Zarko Kristic

Lisa, the model railroad cat....
One of webmaster's cats, Lisa, always wants to "help", some examples are:

"Acting as 'Catzilla' on David's layout..."

"Helping the webmaster to derail wagons on the test track..."

"Blocking test runs, in case a digital conversion is not ok..."

"Checking the loco decoder wiring..."

Fluffy is helping out with scratchbuilding...  Of course cats are good at scratching buildings, but maybe scratchbuilding is not what they should do...  Picture by Oded Kain.


Railway Inspector
Manu is an avid inspector of the master's layout, and wonders "How can that electric loco run at all without catenary???". Pictures by Thanos Papadimitriou.

Manu is testing the ground where platforms will be - for safety, and is about to check the other loco after checking the prototypical issues of the cars.

Layout operation Inspector
Isidore is checking the operation, especially noting the switch settings.



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